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Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Joy of Writing

No matter what you write let whatever you write come from the heart.

Whenever a thought come into my mind I feel lead to write it out on paper. I consider writing to be a really cool hobby that I really love doing. I understand how writing can be a lot of work because a lot go into writing. Whether I'm thinking of scenarios, plot, setting, time, climax, characters, etc, in fictional stories or coming up with a short or long poem and whether that particular poem or poems rhyme or not. When a writer write from the heart he or she never really get stressed out about editing that they have to do when they write. Editing is all a part of writing. In my honest opinion whenever I write sometimes I have to do a whole lot of editing because there are always errors that need to be fixed in writing & blogging. If every blog that I wrote never needed to be edited then writing would be a waste of time for me. For us who enjoy blogging and writing know that there will be those days when writing a story whether it's fiction or non-fiction when writing that particular story or stories will be easy and there are days when writing that particular story or stories will not be so easy.

I want to encourage those who love to write or blog to write from the heart. It does not matter if it is a fictional story, non-fictional story, or a poem, you want to grab the reader's attention by writing a story that relates to others from your point of view. A lot of stories that the writers or bloggers write tend to relate to those who a reading the stories or poems. For those out there who are travel writers or travel bloggers grabbing your readers attention is what you want to focus on especially for those who is not into traveling and the same applies to do who attend events. It's important to be yourself no matter what you do. We want to learn from others and it's okay to voice your opinion if you agree or disagree with a writer or a blogger but we have to be respectful. To those who always have things to say, "If you can't say anything nice about someone then don't say anything at all." This saying applies to all of the writers and bloggers out there, "If you can't write anything nice about someone then don't write anything at all." 

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