It was approximately 31 years ago when a beautiful curly blonde hair & blue eyes woman by the the name of Eileen Thomas at 20 from her state of Winston Salem, NC then single, launched her career as an Entrepreneur. Eileen had workshops from all over the US and even overseas for those who were interested in becoming an Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs didn't get college degrees, they just need to invest in a business that will get others to come on board to put their support in for them.
Meanwhile, Roy Pearson at 24 from his state of Flint, MI then single too met Eileen at a Entrepreneur workshop Eileen had when Eileen came to Flint. Neither Eileen or Roy know it at the time but they were going to be Mr. & Mrs. Roy Pearson. They had a crush on each other and the attraction was there. After Eileen talked for 3 hours about what it takes to be a successful Entrepreneur Roy had a chance to talk to Eileen. Roy would never dream of coming to a workshop let alone a workshop for Entrepreneurs. Roy is a successful Inventory Clerk in Flint and decided to come out of his comfort zone and attend a workshop like that. Roy and Eileen have a little small talk.
Roy, "Hi my name is Roy."
Eileen, "Hey there Roy is nice to meet you I'm Eileen."
Roy, "I must say you have a beautiful name Eileen and I'm glad to meet you!"
Eileen, "Thank you. So would u like 2 go out for coffee?"
Roy, "Yes I would love to lunch and coffee is on me."
Eileen, "That's so sweet of u hun!"
Roy & Eileen went out to lunch and had a wonderful time. Eileen gave Roy her phone number and said,"Call me sometime." That "call me sometime" became months (11 months to be exact) that they have kept in touch with each other. Roy and Eileen where dating for that long until they decided that it was best to meet each other's parents. So they went to Eileen's parents house in Winston Salem and Roy met Eileen's mom and dad. Roy made such a great impression being his outgoing and cool self. Eileen's parents words were, "Marry this guy!" Then Roy & Eileen traveled to Flint and went to Roy's parents house and Eileen met Roy's mom and dad. Eileen blended right in with her Southern charm and sassy personality that Roy's parents words were, "Marry this woman you will make a big mistake if y'all don't get married!" With the parents approval from Roy's and Eileen's making everything official Roy proposed to Eileen. Eileen blushing said, "Yes!" of course. A year later after Eileen & Roy met each other at a workshop in Flint got married on St. Patty's Day to become Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pearson. Eileen Pearson at 51, and Roy Pearson 55, enjoys traveling to Boston, MA to visit Roy's other family, traveling to Denver, CO to visit Eileen's other family, and Dublin, Ireland to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pearson have been married for 30 years now. Can people meet their spouse at a workshop and the answer to that question is absolutely, that is the same place where Roy and Eileen met at and that is what made it priceless!
Winston-Salem, NC
Flint, MI
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