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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Spring is near Poem

For those who are from New England

Hit by snowstorms from early afternoons till late evenings

Often reminded of the mild seasons that they've had

Most people were very glad

New England didn't always get dumped with a lot of snow

The snow that sometimes so high that covered some people's doors

No words could explain of the 2 years we had on mild seasons

Blue jays, red robins, and even cardinals chirping

'Cause of the mild winter

New England has had their moments when it was freezing cold

Where temperatures were below freezing and felt like winter 

Reminding Yankees how the weather can change from day to day

From hot to cold to remind everyone that they need to have faith

Seasons are meant to be hot days and cold days

For Yankees they should never be surprised

Despite all of the unexpected changes in the weather it's the Lord who is keeping us alive

There is no need to worry or fear

'Cause we all know that Spring is near

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