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Friday, March 24, 2017

Melanie and Madeline, Two Young Women With Down Syndrome Changing the Face of Beauty

Melanie and Madeline, Two Young Women With Down Syndrome Changing the Face of Beauty: Two beautiful young girls – one in France and the other from Australia – are showing the world a new face of Down syndrome. Mélanie had a dream; she wan

I want to encourage y'all to read a compelling story of these 2 young special needs girls from France and Australia how they are making a difference. I will try to share inspirational stories like this in my blog like this but this story was worth sharing because these 2 young girls have proven despite their challenges that they were going to be successful. I read a lot of inspirational stories from LifeNews.com and I'm always amazed and inspired. For those who are parents to special needs children you are encouraged to share inspirational stories like these to your special needs children. Those who are adults with special needs you are encouraged to check out LifeNews.com, YouTube, etc., of stories of those with special needs and different disabilities and persevered. A lot of news we tend to listen to, watch, or read about don't always have good news to tell. Melanie the weather girl and Madeline the model are wonderful stories to read and share about online.

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