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Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Underdog Poem

There once was a lad who stood at 5 feet.
Who wasn't good at sports even at defeat.
He tried out for football and they told him he sucks.
He tried out for basketball and they told him he sucks.
He tried out for baseball and they told him he really sucks.
He tried out for dodge ball and they told him learn how to duck.
Thus being known as the underdog,
Often wondering what could he do,
Never being able to have speed, skills, or talent and always getting booed.
Maybe he can show everyone that he is good at something.
And not caring about people thinking he is a big nothing.
He tried out for every sport that anyone can possibly do.
Never being successful and looking like a failure, too.
Often getting water for the ball players,
Almost every night praying,
That God would give him the skills,
Being good at something and being called the real deal.
Wondering if maybe if he was taller,
He would have great skills like a baller.
The crowd would cheer for him as they call his name.
That way his name would change.
From underdog to top dog with mad skills.
Everybody chanting his name while he is on the court.
Knocking down jumpers and hitting trey's.
Getting props and being called MVP.
Thinking about that while he is asleep.
Only to realize that when he wakes up he will be surprised,
To learn all of that was just a dream.
A dream he hope may one day come true.
To be a part of a team and be happy too.
That all of those years that name he was called.
Everyone would put to rest the name underdog.

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