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Monday, September 4, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Survivors and Victims Poem

Tens of thousands of people without homes
'Cause of the big storm
Flooding in South Texas and Louisiana
Forcing a lot of people into shelters
Not everyone's homes stayed intact
Causing Texans and Non-Texans to react
Donating food, clothes, and  money, etc.
Helping comforting those who lost friends, family, and love ones in Hurricane Harvey
Texans reminded how tough and strong they are
Not wavering and keeping the faith
How the Lord is blessing them and bringing them through every day
Like any other storm bringing every one closer together
How both party affiliations the Democrats and Republicans united together as one
Telling Hurricane Harvey survivors and victims that they are strong
Reminding them that these survivors and victims are in everyone's thoughts and prayers
The Lord is comforting the survivors and victims
People are volunteering and cleaning up the damages in the flooded cities
To all of those who are victims and survivors of this storm
I thought I would write about y'all in my poem
For those who are in shelter because you have no more homes
And those whose homes were able to be salvaged
The Lord is giving you strength to overcome the aftermath of this storm

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