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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Toys R US filed for Bankruptcy

Toys R US is in $5 billion dollars worth of debt

I remember the 80's famous commercial "I don't wanna grow up I'm a Toys R US kid..." on TV. Toys R US had toys, video games, action figures, dolls etc., for kids. Where do you go from there if you are a famous toy store like Toys R US filing for bankruptcy? If you are a mom or dad or a grandma or grandpa have children or grandchildren ages 3-12 how do you explain to them that his or hers favorite toy store filed for bankruptcy because they is in $5 billion dollars worth of debt. You don't want to hurt their feelings because that was where you did holiday shopping for your kids or grand kids. You have to tell them that this store just couldn't keep selling their favorite toys because they can't afford to stay around. It can be discouraging to see or hear about a store file for bankruptcy the same way it can be discouraging to hear about a store merging with another store to save that store from going out of business. Toys R US have been around probably long before I was thought of. I think Toys R US can bounce back from their financial problems. If anyone who can overcome a $5 billion dollar debt deficit it would have to be a store like Toys R US. I will have the commercial below to remind those who were born before my generation, born in my generation, and born after my generation what Toys R US model is on a YouTube video. I hope that all of my readers enjoy!

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