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Monday, March 20, 2017

God saved an Alcoholic Poem

There was once a man who was an alcoholic.
He lost his job and started drinking.
This man have went through the best of times,
And the worst of times to where he was broke and didn't have a dime.
For most of his life he dranked to drown his sorrows,
'Cause all he knew to do was depend on the bottle.
His parents were on drugs and drinking alcohol,
So they were the major part of his down fall.
He never really had true friends that told him what was right.
So he grew up on the streets where he learned how to fight.
The alcohol was his drinking habit.
God showed him that he loved him despite his sin.
The alcoholic began to fall on his knees and pray,
Asking God to save him so he could live for him everyday.
The alcoholic began trusting in God,
He prayed that he would bless him with a job.
God heard his prayer and with his amazing grace,
The former alcoholic started working again.
The former alcoholic decided to change his ways.
'Cause the drinking and the fighting is what had led him astray.
He decided to go on the street corners witnessing to people,
Most of them were looking at him like he was crazy.
The former alcoholic endured being ridiculed and laughed at,
'Cause he remember doing the same thing to people who tried to witness to him.
God loved the former alcoholic and blessed him with that gift.
To him it didn't matter how badly he got dissed.
The former alcoholic felt that it's better to be free from such an addiction,
To where he can talk to people without feeling convicted.
Alcohol was his life,
And he was saved to where the devil couldn't cause anymore strife.
The former alcoholic never stopped witnessing to people.
Everyone on the street corners saw a change in him.
Little by little they believed that God would do the same thing for them.
The former alcoholic began to lead people to the Lord.
By simply reading John 3:16 in God's word.

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