Dr. Jane Wagoner is a Psychologist in New York City who Burt Dickerson have been seeing for approximately 15 years. Burt 50 have had suicidal thoughts for about 10 years. To sum up Burt Dickerson's life is quite simple. Burt has been married 2 times and both of Burt's marriages have ended in nasty divorces. Burt have 2 children from those 2 former marriages with his ex-wives. Burt never really had true friends because of the people who Burt thought were his friends used him and tricked Burt out of his marriages. Burt is a free-hearted person but Burt's ex-wives didn't like how single women would use their helpless routine to get Burt to help them and get Burt to ditch his wives. The women were very convincing and Burt always seemed to fall what they say, "the oldest trick in the book." Dr. Wagoner try to get Burt to look at the good in Burt but Burt is so vulnerable all Burt sees is people trying to use Burt by pretending to be Burt's friend.
Burt was a nerd in school and Burt always got good grades. Burt was really good at chess & was voted most likely to succeed. Burt Dickerson being such a successful business man is the one thing that doomed Burt to be very sociable. Burt is always looking at how he can be a help to others but dishonest people try to use Burt's kindness to try to use Burt at their convenience. Burt is always left wondering what went wrong. With that being said, Burt has had suicidal thoughts about hanging himself and overdosing on prescription drugs. Dr. Wagoner has continued to have Burt come see her to see how Burt is progressing to see if Burt is feeling better after their 2 hour sessions. Dr. Wagoner try to get Burt to picture happy thoughts and uses the picture cards to ask Burt what does Burt see in every picture. Burt is finding these 2 hour sessions with Dr. Wagoner stimulating.

Burt's symptoms
Burt always do a picture test in Dr. Wagoner's office
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