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Monday, April 3, 2017

Fictional Story: What do you want to be when you grow up?

There was a little boy who had a dream to be a famous writer. He started writing journals when he was 11 and everyday he would write cool adventurous stuff he would do. One day he rode his bike to the Park and decided to meet some friends who literally did the same thing he did. Everyone of the boys were talking about what they wanted to do when they grow up. One of his friends said he wanted to be a police officer, the other friend said he wanted to be a fireman, and the other friend said he wanted to be a stunt man. In shock the boys asked him, "Why do you want to be a stunt man?" The little boy said, "It's sounds cool because I see everyone on TV doing daredevil stunts."

The little boy decided to write about a story about a stunt man who was flying through a flaming rings of fire. The man came out with injuries of course because he was really risking his life. The boy decided to read his short story to the boy when they met up, again. The boy felt discouraged about wanting to be a stunt man because that story hit home before he could ever have a chance to attempt to try out stunts. The lesson that the boys learned was that no matter what we want to do in life there will always be a story behind it.  Sure, being a stunt man sounds cool but those guys that do daredevil stunts had many years of practice and has been through injuries like how the boy who wanted to be a writer wrote. We want the story of our life to be worth while that everyone can read about. 

Stunt man flying through flaming rings of fire.

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