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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Haley on Syria strike: We gave diplomacy chance after chance

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley is a bold fiery woman who is not afraid to speak her mind. Ms. Haley is not afraid to tell the mainstream media what she feels after the US responds to attacks from their enemies like Syria by using military airstrikes to counter attack and use sanctions on Russia for helping Syria's chemical weapon program. These airstrikes put a devastating blow to Bashar al-Assad chemical weapon program. Ms. Haley have done a wonderful job as Us Ambassador to the UN!👏✌😎 President Trump knows how to select the right people to fill his cabinet and get rid of those in President Trump's cabinet who have their own agenda and not the right agenda what is best for the America people. As former of Governor of South Carolina and now in at times tense discussions with the people in the UN is the reason why a strong woman like Ms. Haley continue to be very impressive. Ms. Haley have the "we have peace talks if you would like" or "we can retaliate if we have to if the peace talks don't work" mentality. The US really want to work with foreign countries but only if the foreign countries are willing to come to the "negotiating table." In all honesty, that is the one and only way that everyone can agree on when dealing with negotiations.    

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