Wayne Carpentin 58 has been driving trucks for approximately 35 years now. Wayne used to work as a school janitor in a high school in Chattanooga, TN. Wayne worked there for about 4 years (from the time he was 20-24). Wayne met his beautiful wife Agnes Cooper Carpetin 63 at the same high school that Wayne graduated from. Wayne's wife was a high school teacher, Wayne never had her for a teacher which could have been interesting if that was the case, lol. Anyway, when Wayne would clean the floors, Agnes was admired how hardworking that Wayne was and Agnes feelings grew for Wayne. Agnes said that Wayne reminded Agnes of the TV commercial Mr. Clean the way that Wayne would have the floors looking spotless. Wayne admired how Agnes would always dress professionally, how her desk was always neat, and how well-organized Agnes was. 💖💒
Meanwhile, speaking of memory lane, Wayne had a high school diploma at the same high school that his wife taught at. Agnes was teaching there for 5 years before she met Wayne. Agnes and Wayne meet each other when Wayne was 21 and Agnes was 26. Wayne had did a year of Community College and decided that he would go to school to be a truck driver to earn a lot of income. Wayne's wife always makes Wayne's favorite food and she always packs a big lunch for Wayne to take with him to work on his long drives to work. Wayne drives to the following neighboring states: Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi. Agnes makes the following food for Wayne: Delicious Brisket, Barbecue ribs, 4 Cheese Macaroni & Cheese, Cornbread, Collard greens, Potato salad, Cole slaw, Apple pie, Sweet tea, etc. All of the other male truck drivers kind of envy Wayne because Wayne's buddies wives' don't do the cooking for them as much. Sometimes Wayne will do deliveries in Alabama, and Kentucky. Wayne work schedule usually ranges from 12 hours or more a day. Wayne gets paid more money when he travels farther. Wayne & Agnes Carpentin have been married 35 years and they have 5 children (3 girls and 2 boys). Truck driving is not most people's dream career job but Wayne enjoys it because he supports his wife and their kids. Even if this story is not much to brag about this story is just as priceless as all of the other happy life stories.

Chattanooga, TN