This Fictional Story is about a woman named Eileen, a Entrepreneur from Winston-Salem, NC who have a workshop in Flint, MI where Eileen meets a successful Inventory Clerk man named Roy and they both go out for coffee and lunch and start dating each other and they travel to meet each other's future in-laws who said that they should marry each other. The 2 married couple celebrate their 30th year wedding Anniversary on St. Patrick's Day the same day that they got married.
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Monday, February 26, 2018
Interracial Marriage: Why It's more common
What probably won't get talked about enough is how interracial marriage is more common nowadays. If we don't look at the fact that people who are from different backgrounds from the opposite sex come together and have biracial children then we are more narrow-minded than we think (Not trying to call people out). Anyway, we need to move on from what stereotypes that the Liberal mainstream media and Democrats say about Blacks and African Americans. Not all African Americans or Blacks experienced what Omarosa Manigault-Newman described her experience working in the White House as "working in a plantation." Sorry for the reference because anyone who was making $179,000 a year like Omarosa did was a "privileged black." This myth that all African Americans and Blacks were all slaves is what is being taught in History books in public schools but despite the untrue when it comes to blacks being the focus as the only minority group being discriminated against, you will not hear a lot about how the different Blacks and African Americans who are marrying or who married outside of their race. My blog will probably be one of a few blogs that embraces interracial marriage on my website. I am a big supporter of interracial marriage and even when I used to be brainwashed at what I heard blacks went through when I was high school and heard some of my college years, I always felt that none of that would ever cause me to change how I support interracial marriage. I grew up in the North. The very first church I went to was The Full Gospel Interdenominational church in Downtown Manchester. The Pastor and his wife were Canadian. They came from Toronto and moved to Tolland, CT. They were for interracial marriage and they brought diversity to the church. We had interracial married couples and couples that married inside their race at TFGIC. The point is that no one looked at each other's skin color. We hung out and were friends. My childhood consisted of growing up around people of different backgrounds and different skin colors. Race baiting is unacceptable because we all have stories of how were either treated good because of our skin color or treated bad because of our skin color. Anytime that we act ignorant we display that we didn't have any home training. Diversity is something that need to be embraced and let everyone know that Jesus loves them no matter what the color of their skin. My 2 Cents.
Windsor, CT, USA
Thursday, February 22, 2018
The Use of Social Media
I am on Twitter a lot. I tweet about news, sports, fiction and non-fiction. The stories that I share come from other social media websites like blogger, Yahoo, Western Journalism.com, LifeNews.com, etc. I enjoy blogging and a lot of what I blog depends on what I am in the mood for writing or blogging about. I don't get into Twitter wars with trolls that sound like they Twitter users but use vulgar and racist comments so I just block them. I'm not into reporting trolls, I leave the reporting up to the other Twitter users. Some trolls tend to steal a photo from other active Twitter users and pose like they are the original Twitter user by creating a "bootleg" account. I've noticed and usually the active Twitter users immediately report the "bootleg" Twitter account to Twitter and he or she is suspended. I have 2 Twitter accounts that I use for that very reason to not have my account "bootlegged." Twitter uses 280 characters (up from 140 characters it used to be) when it comes to posting. Twitter is a simple easy way to interact with other Twitter users. People tend to have a lot in common. You can Tweet, retweet, like, and pin Tweets to your profile page.
I am on Pinterest quite often. The big reason all depends on what pins I want to share on my board or boards. Pinterest is a recipe social media website but people also network with other people on Pinterest who have the same interest or interests. People can follow other people's board or boards. Some of your friends will invite you to follow their board or boards. Pinterest have done away with liking someone's pins. People can share someone else's pin or pins to their board or boards. Creative people tend to come up with really creative boards that draw followers to their Pinterest social media website. Anything that interests you, you can just pin it from social media websites that can be shared on Pinterest.
I signed up to Tumblr 1 and 1/2 years ago. I've shared YouTube Videos and Yahoo News on Tumblr. I love blogging and Tumblr is a social media blogging website that you can share all kinds of photos and gifs if you are into posting pictures on social media. My tweets automatically post on Tumblr via IFTTT.com.
I've had YouTube for 10 and 1/2 years now (The longest out of any social media website). You can upload your home videos, work videos, events videos, etc., to your MP3 or MP4 player from YouTube or from your MP3 or MP4 player videos to YouTube. YouTube is easy and free like a lot of the other social media accounts. You can comment on other uploaded videos, like the uploaded videos, add the videos to favorites, and you can even create categories for your YouTube channel. You can subscribe to however many YouTube channels that you want. It all depends on what your interest or interests are depends on whose channel or channels who you want to subscribe to. Things goes viral on YouTube and a lot of that depends on how many viewers view the videos. The more viewers tend to have more YouTube subscribers and a lot of that have to do with how creative he or she is with their channel.
Vimeo is similar to YouTube in that you can sign up for free. You can upload Vimeo videos to your MP3 or MP4 player or you can upload your MP3 or MP4 player videos to Vimeo. You can comment on uploaded videos, and like videos. The difference between Vimeo and YouTube is that Vimeo you follow people on this social media website. Only the basic Vimeo is free, Vimeo Pro cost monthly. I have the basic Vimeo so there is a limit to what videos I can like or how much I can add categories to put Vimeo videos that I like in my collection. Vimeo Pro is unlimited access to how many Vimeo videos that you can watch and unlimited amount of categories to put Vimeo videos in your collection. The Vimeo Pro is what people who can afford to pay the monthly fee usually have. Basic Vimeo users that use Vimeo for free like myself is encouraged to upgrade if they want unlimited access like Vimeo Pro users. I've had this social media website for 1 and 1/2 years now.
A friend of mine who I met in Chattanooga, TN invited me to join Linkedin 7 years ago. The late Ms. Temple passed away 4 1/2 years ago. Thanks to Ms. Temple I will never forget how the Lord sent her across my path in person and on social media. Linkedin is a resume social media website. This social media website is an excellent source for jobs if you are looking for a job or if you already have a job and looking for a job that pays you more money. The different jobs that you have done people are likely to recommend that job or jobs and the skills that you have listed for yourself, people are likely to recommend that skill or skills. People can network with each other on Linkedin. People may invite you to join their group or business and you can follow the different group or groups that interest you. Some groups requires their approval to join their group while other groups you can automatically join. People that invite you to their business will help your business grow like their business is already growing. Linkedin can be a good "People who know people" kind of website to help other people be successful.
I share my blogs that I blog from blogger on Google+. Google merged with YouTube 7 years ago. Sometimes I share news from LifeNews.com on Google+.
LifeNews.com & WesternJournalism.com RSS feed is on my blogger. I have everything from AddThis follow button for Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vimeo, YouTube, Blogger, and Linkedin on my blogger. I have the weather report from AccuWeather.com for my town and a pinpoint forecast of the weather from a meteorologist on video of all the 50 states of the weather conditions in those states. I have images and lists of my favorite events and favorite traveling spots and destinations. I have Twitter RSS feed on my blogger. I have a Vimeo video of preaching and a YouTube video of singing. I have a music playlist of songs from Back To Church Volume 2 on my blogger. All readers and bloggers are welcomed to leave comments on my blog posts and they can view everything on my blog. I've had this website for 7 years but I have blogged using this version of blogger for almost a year now. Y'all can say that my blog is "hooked up!"
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Saturday, February 17, 2018
"SHUT UP and DRIBBLE!!" Laura Ingraham RIPS Lebron James for Trump Comments
Laura Ingraham comments were non-racial and were directed at LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers and Kevin Durant of the Golden State Warriors to just play b-ball and not make how they feel about President Trump about their lifestyle. In other words, "let the politicians stick to politics and the non-politicians stick to what they are talented at." LeBron is angry that Hillary Clinton loss the 2016 US Election. LBJ endorsed Secretary Clinton and tried to get all of the b-ball players to vote for her. LeBron 33 will be 34 in December really thought that he was making a statement by being political. He had came off of the Cleveland Cavaliers being the only NBA basketball team to ever come back from a 3-1 deficit to win a series in the NBA Finals and an NBA Championship against the Golden State Warriors. Kevin Durant 29 will be 30 in September mentioned that he didn't respect the President in The White House because he feels that President Trump don't care about black people. These athletes are entitled to their opinion but they have really disrespected President Trump with their vulgar and use of profanity which is inexcusable to 2 athletes who were raised in a single parent home. I was raised in a single parent home but I make a habit not to let how I feel about someone or people whether I like them or dislike them, dictate my lifestyle on wanting to please Jesus Christ. These athletes, celebrities, actors, actresses, etc, need to really go by the saying, "If you can't say anything nice about someone then don't say anything at all!"
When Ingraham said "Shut up and Dribble," that is what Durant and LBJ is paid hundreds of millions of dollars to do, not make political statements that have nothing to do with b-ball. That was a kind gesture of Ingraham to offer LBJ an invite on The Ingraham Angle. Ingraham is not trying to disrespect y'all LBJ and Durant she was just fed up with your comments about President Trump the same way that y'all would be fed about comments that was said disrespectfully to someone or people you like. LBJ, Ingraham is offering you an invite, "Hey King you can come play on my court you are invited to come on my show anytime." Ingraham wanted it to "all be good LBJ" and you should know that there was no disrespect meant there. ☮ Anyway, I am in a much better mood and thought I would write my blog post like this. My 2 Cents. 😎
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Vice President Pence Blasts ABC's 'The View': Christianity Is NOT a Ment...
Any show that compares anyone who prays and ask God for help in everything that they do to mental illness have a bunch of people who are mentally ill themselves on it. The View was wrong for mocking Vice President Mike Pence for praying and asking the Lord for help. Like I mentioned on a post about The View in a previous blog, The View used to be a really good show from 1997-1999. Like any show or business "all it takes for a show or a business to lose it's good reputation is for one or more people with a bad reputation or reputations to come on it and take over it." The View have went downhill since they went political and all of the other liberal and mainstream media type of shows are going downhill, too (The View got political in 2000 when Bush, Jr was elected President of the US). Anyone who mocks someone because of his or her faith; Sherri Shepherd I'm referring to you because you call yourself a Christian should not be on any more TV shows in my opinion. Please see link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNpm_NglrJQ The fact that ABC would allow this, shows a lack of integrity and class that the TV station has that is pulling over millions of viewers. Christians is constantly being attacked and ridiculed because of their faith. It's a daily thing in foreign countries and it's become a constant thing in public schools in the US with prayer taken out of the public schools. The women on The View except for Meghan McCain, lacks integrity and class and therefore the show should be canceled or replaced with women with integrity and class. VP Mike Pence was right for addressing ABC because they are responsible for putting The View trash show in their lineup. My last 2 blog posts sounds harsh and not like me but it's about time that enough Conservatives complain the way that the mainstream media shows try to bully us Conservatives all because we do not agree with their Liberal political views. My 2 Cents.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Whoopi Goldberg: Mike Pence Didn’t Show Enough “Respect” to North Korea at Olympics
Whoopi Goldberg: Mike Pence Didn’t Show Enough “Respect” to North Korea at Olympics: Whoopi Goldberg is saying crazy things again. And this time it is connected to the Winter Olympics in South Korea. The co-host of The View is apparently besi
I don't normally blog about The View or the hosts on that show. I thought I would share what Whoopi Goldberg said on The View. This is a woman who referred President Trump as "The New Guy" "You Know Who" "What its face" "The Reality TV Celebrity in The White House" and her hate towards President Trump along with Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin is with a passion. Whoopi has referred to Vice President Mike Pence as being disrespectful to North Korea. North Korea is the same country who has tortured and starved their own, poisoned an America all because he took something from a hotel room when he was in North Korea and by the time the young man got back to the states he died. Kim Jong Un has repeatedly said, "Death to America" and this dictator has said that he plan on developing a Nuclear weapon because he wants to wipe the US and Israel out. VP Pence is supposed to show respect to a country who don't like us or our Allies (Sarcasm). The mainstream media propped up Kim Jong Un's sister at the Winter Olympics referencing her to Ivanka Trump. I know people can say crazy things but this is behind crazy. This is mental talk from people who have gone way pass crazy. I feel sorry for liberal shows like The View, CNN, ABC, Meet The Press, George Stephanopolous, and all of the other mainstream media. There is never a day that go by that I think about how journalists and reporters used to report the news and how they used to be unbiased like a good reporter and journalist is. The View used to be a really good show from 1997-1999 but the show got political when George Bush, Jr won and became President of the United States in 2000. Meghan McCain is the lone Conservative/Moderate Republican on The View. VP Mike Pence and Second Lady (SL) Karen Pence did the right thing by not acknowledging North Korea at the Olympics. 😞
I don't normally blog about The View or the hosts on that show. I thought I would share what Whoopi Goldberg said on The View. This is a woman who referred President Trump as "The New Guy" "You Know Who" "What its face" "The Reality TV Celebrity in The White House" and her hate towards President Trump along with Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin is with a passion. Whoopi has referred to Vice President Mike Pence as being disrespectful to North Korea. North Korea is the same country who has tortured and starved their own, poisoned an America all because he took something from a hotel room when he was in North Korea and by the time the young man got back to the states he died. Kim Jong Un has repeatedly said, "Death to America" and this dictator has said that he plan on developing a Nuclear weapon because he wants to wipe the US and Israel out. VP Pence is supposed to show respect to a country who don't like us or our Allies (Sarcasm). The mainstream media propped up Kim Jong Un's sister at the Winter Olympics referencing her to Ivanka Trump. I know people can say crazy things but this is behind crazy. This is mental talk from people who have gone way pass crazy. I feel sorry for liberal shows like The View, CNN, ABC, Meet The Press, George Stephanopolous, and all of the other mainstream media. There is never a day that go by that I think about how journalists and reporters used to report the news and how they used to be unbiased like a good reporter and journalist is. The View used to be a really good show from 1997-1999 but the show got political when George Bush, Jr won and became President of the United States in 2000. Meghan McCain is the lone Conservative/Moderate Republican on The View. VP Mike Pence and Second Lady (SL) Karen Pence did the right thing by not acknowledging North Korea at the Olympics. 😞
Why I choose LifeNews.com
Most people is not shocked on my Pro-Life stance and that is a big reason why I share LifeNews.com stories from my website. Pro-Lifers have a chance to share why they are proud supporters of life. LifeNews.com tend to share news how pro-lifers exposed the Abortion clinic Planned Parenthood for promoting abortions and selling baby body parts. Pro-Lifers have encouraged women who are pregnant not to have abortions. You've heard hundreds and thousands of stories how women who thought about having abortions read, saw, or even people who said something inspiring to women that changed mind and the same women told why they decided to save their babies. LifeNews.com give fair coverage on both Republicans and Democrats and in my humble opinion is unbiased like Western Journalism. Probably one of few websites who cover Pro-Lifers on both sides of aisle both Republicans and Democrats (Yes there are Pro-Life Democrats too). Pro-Life Democrats are ostracized from their party because Pro-Abortion Democrats have isolated from them. Moderate Republicans have been called out for their Pro-Abortion stance and their flip-flopping by funding Planned Parenthood. LifeNews.com shows us that there is good and bad in both the Republican Party and Democratic Party. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or an Independent you should never have to deal with the mainstream media's constant barrage of attacks where the liberal shows have 4 or 5 Democrats-1 or 2 Republicans on them saying nasty and rude things about Conservatives just because they don't like him or her. That is a quick way to divide a nation. "Resisting the President of the United States because you don't like him or agree with what he stands for in the oval office is not unity."💭 I can on and on about LifeNews.com on why I trust this online website. Instead, I am going to say I am proud to say that LifeNews.com RSS feed on my website! You are encouraged to get a RSS from online websites that you feel that you trust.💁 I hope that all of my readers enjoy!
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
New Gerber Baby is a Little Boy With Down Syndrome
New Gerber Baby is a Little Boy With Down Syndrome: This is excellent, a very visible and enthusiastic support for human exceptionalism and equal moral worth. This years’s “Gerber Baby” has Down
Good for Gerber!😤 I'm glad that Gerber promoted a 1 year baby with Down Syndrome in their contest. I do believe that 90%-95% of babies with Down Syndrome are the subject of Abortions. Doctors encourage mom's who are pregnant with their unborn special needs babies to abort them. Mom's have said "No Way!" These strong mom's choose life no matter what disability that their child or children has. Special needs babies have a right to live and be given a chance to grow up in this world and be successful like anyone else. Lucas Warren from Dalton, GA is the first Down Syndrome baby to be named Gerber baby of the year in 2018 since the contest started in 2010. 👍👼
The Warren Family (Cortney, Jason, and Gerber baby of the year Lucas)
Good for Gerber!😤 I'm glad that Gerber promoted a 1 year baby with Down Syndrome in their contest. I do believe that 90%-95% of babies with Down Syndrome are the subject of Abortions. Doctors encourage mom's who are pregnant with their unborn special needs babies to abort them. Mom's have said "No Way!" These strong mom's choose life no matter what disability that their child or children has. Special needs babies have a right to live and be given a chance to grow up in this world and be successful like anyone else. Lucas Warren from Dalton, GA is the first Down Syndrome baby to be named Gerber baby of the year in 2018 since the contest started in 2010. 👍👼
The Warren Family (Cortney, Jason, and Gerber baby of the year Lucas)
Monday, February 5, 2018
Eagles vs. Patriots | Super Bowl LII Game Highlights
Eagles 41 Patriots 33 Super Bowl LII Minneapolis, MN
I remember when no one really gave the Philadelphia Eagles a chance to win in the playoffs. The Eagles had a first round bye with home field throughout the playoffs. They were able to stop the Atlanta Falcons 15-10 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, and then the Eagles were not only able to win against the Minnesota Vikings but the Eagles routed the Vikings 38-7 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. People thought that the New England Patriots would dominate winning 5 Super Bowl rings (3 of them questionable because of spy gate). This is not the same Eagles team that played the Patriots in 2004. This Eagles team scored points off of turnovers as well as with an excellent ground game attack running the football. Head coach of the Eagles Doug Peterson went risky all of the way with his play calling. Going for it on 4th and goal at the Patriots 4 yard line when Nick Foles caught a TD pass from tight end Trey Burton and Tom Brady's key strip sack and fumble recovered by Derek Barnett of the Eagles that helped the Eagles ice the game 41-33 in Super Bowl LII in Minneapolis, MN prove that Doug Peterson's play calling was worth the risk. The Eagles deserved this win and the Eagles had a wonderful game plan where most teams would not have taken risks the way that the Eagles have. The Super Bowl ratings was not as high as last year's Super Bowl because NFL players from teams decided to take a knee during the singing of the National Anthem. Not a fan of any NFL football team who disrespect the flag nor a fan of any team that have the reputation for cheating like the New England Patriots has. As good of a QB as Brady is and Brady is a really good QB the Patriots will wonder if they could have won Super Bowl XXXVI, XXXVIII, and XXXIX without spy gating. The Patriots are 3-0 spy gating and 2-3 not spy gating.
The game was played in doors in Minneapolis, MN in a dome. The temperature inside was 70 degrees. The temperature outside of the Stadium was 10 degrees. The Eagles were the road team and the Patriots were the home team. Honestly, I think that had QB Carson Wentz would have played for the Eagles it wouldn't have made much of a difference because the Eagles D made crucial stops when they needed to, to halt a chance of Brady throwing another TD pass and perhaps tying the game to send the game into overtime. I honestly listened to most of the game on the radio and saw some of the plays on TV. This game reminded me when my favorite team won the Super Bowl for the first time. EAGLES FLYING HIGH. 😤
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Gymnasts' Dad Attacks Larry Nassar: 'Give Me One Minute With That Bastard'
Angry father Randall Margraves have 3 daughters who was sexually assaulted by Larry Nassar. Mr. Margraves wanted 5 minutes to beat the crap out of Nassar. The judge denied Mr. Margraves requests of both 1 minute and 5 minutes alone with Nassar to confront him for what he did to Margraves 3 daughters. Hundreds of Gymnasts' were sexually assaulted by Nassar and different women came forth to let this sick monster Nassar know that a real man would never do the things that Nassar would do. Nassar was supposed to help these women gymnastics when they got injured and a team doctor normally give them the proper treatment. The judge should have let Mr. Margraves protect his 3 daughters like a parent or parents who love their children do. Nassar is just shaking his head like a innocent person when these young women are coming forth to testify against the pain that Nassar put them through both mentally and physically. Nassar is sentenced up to 175 years in prison for sexually assaulting hundreds of women but these women lives' will never be the same because of a sick lunatic like Nassar took away what was supposed to be a normal childhood for them growing up to be strong independent women. Nassar getting his butt whupped in court won't take away the pain that these women went through under his care when they were children and young teenagers but at least a lot of people feel that Nassar would "get what is coming to him." "Prison will be in Nassar's future and no possibility of parole for his career which is ruined." Tune in for more cases because this is not all for the Nassar sentencing. My 2 Cents.
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Nashville Mayor Confesses to Affair With Security Detail: ‘I Am Deeply S...
I am going to say that this Democratic Mayor of Nashville Megan Barry, who admittedly had an extra-marital affair cheating on her husband with her police bodyguard is something that this woman knew that her husband would eventually find out and decided to go public. Was this really a smart thing to do? This could put her marriage in jeopardy to her hubby. Why would this woman go that far is to admit wrongdoing that have hurt her family, friends, and those who are supporters of her whether they are Republican or Democrat? I know it would be easy to beat this woman up verbally by attacking her for doing such a bone-headed thing. I have to admit that it take courage for a woman like Mayor Barry who is in public office in the Volunteer State of Tennessee to admit that she was wrong and that she is sorry. Mayor Barry have no intentions of resigning as Mayor of Nashville. Mayor Barry should have been upfront and addressed things better when she was questioned about her extra-martial affair but how many people who are guilty can honestly say that they could have or would have done a better job answering questions than Mayor Barry if they were being questioned? I'm not condoning Mayor Barry for what she has done because she said "God forgives her and Nashville don't have to forgive her," but Mayor Barry will have to face the consequences that come her way. The Bible says that we "reap what we sow" both good and bad. I'm going to end this blog post like this because it does no good to insult someone who have apologized in front of the world for what they have done wrong. My 2 Cents.
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