This Fictional Story is about a woman named Eileen, a Entrepreneur from Winston-Salem, NC who have a workshop in Flint, MI where Eileen meets a successful Inventory Clerk man named Roy and they both go out for coffee and lunch and start dating each other and they travel to meet each other's future in-laws who said that they should marry each other. The 2 married couple celebrate their 30th year wedding Anniversary on St. Patrick's Day the same day that they got married.
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Saturday, September 29, 2018
Andrew Wommack: God Wants You Well - Week 5 - Session 4
Words can't describe how impacting this testimony was. Carol Odenwald, describes how she ran from God. This woman had been through so many calamities. Ms. Odenwald's father committed suicide, Ms. Odenwald smoked for 25 years, Ms. Odenwald viewed herself as "not good enough" because of challenges that Ms. Odenwald had with her weight, and resisted God's plan for her life. Ms. Odenwald went through a stretch in her life that she was going to have to quit her habits in order for God to love her. Ms. Odenwald had met and married her husband Rob when they met at church. Ms. Odenwald and her husband Rob at the time were going to Charis Bible College and Ms. Odenwald let her job 10 months in advance that she was leaving. Ms. Odenwald and her husband left Florida and moved to Colorado. Ms. Odenwald thought it would work out in her marriage to Rob but God had a better plan for her life.
Ms. Odenwald did a 360 degree turn around when she quit smoking, lost weight that have controlled her life, stop playing in secular bands, quit doing drugs and drinking alcohol and finally let God control her life. God healed Ms. Odenwald of Hepatitis C. Ms. Odenwald learned to be content once she gave it all to Jesus. Ms. Odenwald went from taking little "baby steps" to big steps to change and realizes when Ms. Odenwald think about changing Ms. Odenwald understands she can pray and ask the Lord to order her steps. Philippians 4:11 King James Version (KJV) "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians+4%3A11&version=KJV Ms. Odenwald's testimony is an example who the Lord is doing 360 degree turnarounds in people's lives who ran from God like Jonah.https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+1-4&version=KJV
Friday, September 28, 2018
#MeToo Movements at September 27, 2018 Hearing
I had a chance to watch in segments the Christine Blasely Ford & Brett Kavanaugh hearing yesterday. Whether on CBS News, NBC News, Fox News, etc, Dr. Ford and Mr. Kavanaugh were both victims of the mainstream media circus show. 🎪 The prosecutor Rachel Mitchell should be commended for doing such a wonderful job conducting this hearing. Ms. Mitchell was impartial when she asked questions to both Dr. Ford and Mr. Kavanaugh. Dr. Ford had proven to be credible even with some holes in her story. Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein had Dr. Ford's sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh in a letter since July of 2018 and Senator didn't disclose Dr. Ford's letter until September 13, 2018. Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh's lives' are ruined on a partisan hearing of Senate Democrats who praised Dr. Ford for testifying and attacked Mr. Kavanuagh because Democrats believed that Mr. Kavanaugh was guilty without any substantial evidence to back up their claims. I never saw anything so juvenile until I saw the way Senator Cory Booker, Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Dick Durbin, Senator Richard Blumenthal (all Democrats) acted. If you believe Dr. Ford's allegation that's fine because I believe that Dr. Ford was sexually assaulted based on her allegation. If you want to believe Mr. Kavanaugh defense that's fine because I believe that he didn't sexually assault Dr. Ford when Mr. Kavanaugh defended himself. What I can't understand is what some people do to try to turn everything into a war zone to determine who is more ethical or more moral. Had Senator Feinstein would have disclosed the letter back in July like Dr. Ford wanted, the FBI could have did a proper investigation on Mr. Kavanaugh, who went through FBI investigations before. Mr. Kavanaugh have been investigated 6 times by the FBI and every time that Mr. Kavanaugh have been investigated the FBI found Kavanaugh clear, that's how Mr. Kavanaugh worked under then President George W. Bush, Jr in Bush's administration (President from 2000-2008). Mr. Kavanaugh clerked for retired Justice Anthony Kennedy in the Circuit Court District and have 12 years of experience.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Was This Florida History Teacher Fired for Being a Tough Grader?
When I was going to elementary school, junior high, and high school any students that didn't turn in homework assignments got zero's for their grades. When I was a junior in high school our Applied Economics teacher told us for those of who didn't do our homework at home (I was guilty of doing that a couple of times) when we were asked questions in class about the homework assignment to put "done in class" when our teacher went over the assignment. We still got a zero for not doing the homework but it didn't affect our classwork grade. This teacher was falsely fired and I'm thankful that there were teachers that held me accountable when I didn't do my homework like this teacher was doing to her students in Florida. Diane Tirado did the right thing by giving students zero's that didn't turn in their homework assignments. Some teachers would have took off points for every day a student didn't turn in their homework assignment and would have given them till 2 weeks to have their homework assignment in and would not have accepted their work after 2 weeks, some teachers wouldn't have accepted late assignments after a week. Teachers varies in teaching styles. Mrs. Tirado wished her students well and let them know that she was fired for not giving her students 50% (Florida school policy) that didn't turn in their homework assignments. 😮😞ðŸ˜

Teacher fired unfairly
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
'Tongue-Tied' Texas Boy Can Finally Speak, Thanks to Doctor
Six year old Texas boy Mason Motz, diagnosed with Sotos syndrome for 5 years finally learned talk. Mason had which was referred as "distinctive facial features and learning disabilities" was going through speech therapy because he wasn't able speak. Mason never gave up and had problems choking while eating and problems sleeping his mom mentioned. When Mason went to the pediatric dentist he learned that he was "tongue tied" and Mason's pediatric dentist was able to correct the situation. Mason has improved tremendously and is still going through to therapy. Mason has no more problems choking while eating, no more problems sleeping, and Mason can talk in complete sentences. Anyone parent or parents that have children that have any kind of disabilities, it's important to encourage your children to never quit and getting their children the help that he or she needs. Sometimes problems go unrecognized and I'm glad to hear about this boy's improvement and recovery.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Fictional Story: The Bake-off
Barrington Baptist Church Barrington, RI
Every year bake-offs happen in all 50 states. Each state have their very own way that do bake-offs. This particular bake-off took place in Barrington, RI. This is not like your normal bake-off where there is a trophy or money like there is in most bake-offs. This particular bake-off was at a church with that church being Barrington Baptist Church in Barrington. The members and visitors would vote on what their favorite dessert that they enjoyed the most. This would perhaps be the dessert the members and visitors at this church could see themselves getting the recipe and making that particular dessert on special occasions.
The church had 2 lovely ladies, who made perhaps 2 of the most delicious desserts that anyone could ever eat! One woman who have been at Barrington Baptist Church for over 10 years named Edith Scott and the other woman who have been at Barrington Baptist Church for 3 or 4 years named Rita Hudson. These woman have history of making delicious desserts because they bake desserts all of the time when there are church events.
Edith, a blonde hair and black eyes woman is famous for her lemon meringue pies, cupcakes, cakes, and tarts. Edith decided that she would make something that people never really tried. Lemon meringue pie bars would be a change. When people are good at something they are what is referred to as "playing to their strengths." When he or she play to their strengths, that simply means they stick to what is a favorite and 9/10 times that is what works. Edith never knew it but she would meet someone who was just as good of a baker and a little better and that being Rita.
Rita, a brunette and brownish-bluish eyes woman surprised church members when she made this delicious triple chocolate mocha brownies. For 3 or 4 years Rita would hear how Edith always made delicious lemon meringue pies, cupcakes, cakes, and tarts. Rita is quiet when it comes to the desserts she bakes. Rita let everything play out until one day Rita shocked the congregation when Rita made this delicious triple chocolate mocha brownies at a church event. Rita and Edith were encouraged to enter in a church bake-off and respectfully bake the lemon meringue bars and triple chocolate mocha brownies. People were thinking that this was a competition with perhaps the 2 best bakers at BBC. However, this wasn't that type of competition. The church members would judge based on which dessert was their favorite out of Edith and Rita's. Every child and ever adult were asked which dessert that they liked the best. The church consists of 50 or more members, the votes came in. Rita's triple chocolate mocha brownies narrowly won by just 1 vote. The church didn't have a trophy or money for the winner because it was not that type of contest. $500 was donated to BBC by members and visitors of BBC.
Triple Chocolate Mocha Brownies 😋
Lemon Meringue Pie Bars 😋
Monday, September 17, 2018
The fond memories of my sweet Aunt Poem
RIP Aunt Brenda C. Anderson (June 28, 1946- September 6, 2018).
My Aunt Brenda is sweet how I remember her
She was plain and old-fashioned
My Aunt always took care of those who were sick and injured
Would see about them and made sure that they were all good
My Aunt was a nurse, a mom, a wife, a grandma, a great grandma, and a single mom
I can't believe my sweet Aunt is gone
I always enjoyed her home-cooking
Especially the way she made homemade baked beans
My Aunt always encouraged me to be myself
My Aunt was like a good friend
I enjoyed visiting her when me and my family would visit her in Plant City
In the beautiful sunshine state of Florida
My sweet Aunt always looked out for every one
Doing a lot for others more than anyone would know
My Aunt was always hospitable and strong willed
My Aunt hardly thought about herself
My Aunt inspired me to think of others before myself
I never thought that my Aunt would die young
'Cause at 72 my Aunt never changed in the 32 years that I've know her
My Aunt was plain and old fashioned
She wasn't really into technology like that
My Aunt never really cared for fancy things
She was always understanding and giving really good sound advice
Remembering how my Aunt would take my mom to get her the Zephryhills weld water
My Aunt didn't mind driving family around
Whether it was to a grocery store or to a family reunion event
My Aunt always enjoyed the company of others
My Aunt always made others happy because she was always herself
These memories of my Aunt will always be good
'Cause my Aunt was a good person
My Aunt always encouraged me to never get in trouble
To always be obedient and to help out my mom
My Aunt was always a positive influence
Aunt Brenda will be missed
That's the reason why I'm writing this poem and sharing from the heart
Inspiration from family and friends encouraging me to stay strong
Being able to weather the storm
My Aunt never wasted an opportunity in her 72 years on earth
She enjoyed her job taking care of others and that my Aunt didn't mind
Is the same way I feel when the Lord put it on my heart to help and encourage people
I will never forget the 3 family reunions that I've been to with my Aunt
The 2 in Tampa, FL and the one we had in East Windsor, CT
How 2 times me and my mom traveled by plane and how my Aunt traveled by car
In the 32 years I've known my Aunt Brenda
I'm always thinking about and saying what a wonderful inspiration she has been to me
These fond memories of my Aunt I will always cherish
This poem and the words, having me shedding tears
This a beautiful picture of my Aunts. Aunt Theresa, Aunt Carrie, and Aunt Brenda photo taken back in 2008.
strong willed
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Man Who Appears to Have Been 'Arrested' Proposes to Girlfriend In Court
This was probably the most unusual proposal ever. The courtroom drama appeared like Brett Stidham proposed to his girlfriend Tiffany Allison before Stigham would be taken away in a jump suit and in shackles. This whole set up appeared like a guilty verdict for someone who look like he was going to spend the rest of his life in jail for committing a heinous crime. Stidham played this off really well. Stidman's girlfriend really looked shocked and speechless because she thought that her boyfriend was in serious trouble. When Stidham said, "I'm guilty for being madly in love with you" to his girlfriend and asked her if she would marry him, Stidham's girlfriend was speechless and didn't have anything to say. Tiffany said "Yes" and Brett & Tiffany are officially engaged. I'm thinking to myself suppose this wasn't a setup and Stidham was really in trouble, this would have devastated Allison. Allison would have to testify in the same courtroom. I'm sorry but jokingly this could've easily have happened. There were situations where the girlfriend or wife had to testify in court to try to prove if her boyfriend or husband was either innocent or guilty. These cases don't always end well for the boyfriend or husband in trouble. Just saying...
Monday, September 10, 2018
Dallas Police Officer Fatally Shoots Neighbor After Entering Wrong Apart...
The Dallas cop who fatally shot Botham Jean 26, if charged would most likely be charged with negligent homicide. The female cop 30, entered the wrong house, that of Jean her neighbor and shot and killed Jean in his own home. The woman cop went on the 4th floor not the 3rd floor and thought that it was her floor and the door was unlock. Jean, a model citizen, an accountant and an devout church attender, lost his life. Paramedics tried to save Jean's life but couldn't. The neighbor in the same building said that those doors don't automatically lock when you close them. This woman cop was reckless and didn't at least use the signal saying, "put your hands up," even when the female cop thought that the Jean was an intruder. Jean was unarmed and the woman cop assumed that Jean looked like a threat to her. Most people think that there should be an ongoing investigation and they rightfully have a case. However, the woman cop would most likely be charged with negligence. Negligence homicide in the state of Texas is 180 days up to 2 years without parole in prison. I don't believe that this was racially motivated because I believe the woman cop would have reacted the same way if the woman cop thought that there was an intruder who was white and woman cop entered the home and thought that he or she was in the woman cop's home. My 2 Cents.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Colin Kaepernick signed by Nike does not effect me liking Nike

I was amazed at how many people were burning their Nike gear when they learned that Nike signed Colin Kaepernick and Kaepernick is in a commercial. I know that Nike carefully thought out what they were doing before they signed Colin Kaepernick to a contract. Hey Kaepernick, believe it or not, there were people who thought you had a right to express yourself. You don't take your issues on your job, what I mean by that is that the NFL fans paid their tickets to watch NFL players play football not to watch NFL players take a knee during the singing of the National Anthem. Kaepernick, you could have started a charity in San Franciso and put the millions that you were making while you were QB of the Niners, you could have talked to inner city kids ages 10 and up and expressed to them why you felt that it was wrong that police officers shot and killed unarmed teenagers, and you could have expressed why you felt it was wrong. Kaepernick, there is both a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things. When you're on a job, you have to listen to your boss even if you don't always agree with your boss. The boss is the one that does the hiring and you should have expressed to the coach and management how you felt about how what a lot of police officers do when they shoot and kill unarmed teenagers that didn't do anything to deserve to be killed is unjustifiable by the police in their actions while they are working on the police force. Kaepernick, you have a case about the police force but don't make everyone who is on the police force out to be the "bad guy or bad girl."
To those who burned their Nike gear when they learned that Kaepernick was signed to a contract and making millions what were y'all thinking? Y'all spent lots of money for your Nike gear and you burned your Nike gear for what? That was not a smart thing to do. Nike may not have some of y'all as fans of their gear but Nike have been thriving for so long, people showing outrage in a lunatic acting way won't do anything to the company Nike. Nike will plummet in sales in the beginning but in order for Nike to be in jeopardy of losing business they would have to be involved in major scandals and write-ups. Nike is my favorite tennis shoes and Nike will always be my favorite tennis shoes. My old tennis shoes that were worn out were Nike and the pair of tennis shoes that have now is Nike. There are so many athletes that wear and love Nike a lot of athletes were endorsed by Nike and appeared in Nike commercials. Like the commercial "Just Do It." Kaepernick is not the first person that Nike signed to a contract that people don't particularly like and Kaepernick won't be the last that Nike sign to a contract that people particularly won't like. My 2 Cents.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Celebs Share Side Jobs After Geoffrey Owens Is Spotted Working at Trader...
This guy was shamed for working at Trader Joe's. For those who don't know Actor Geoffrey Owens, he played fictional character Elvin Tibideaux on The Cosby Show, the husband of Actress Sabrina Le Beauf, who played fictional character Sondra Huxtable. On The Cosby Show they had twins named Winnie & Nelson. To be honest, there are people who are famous who are flat broke because they didn't spend their money wisely. I commend Geoffrey Owens for continuing to find work, which a lot of people today don't pursue work and who choose to be lazy. Geoffrey Owens is offered to play in Tyler Perry's upcoming movie. Tyler Perry don't care if people are rich or poor he will give people a chance to earn substantial income and boost their career, especially if they "fell on hard times." Terry Crews and Patricia Heaton said it best, "Why is this news?"
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