I was amazed at how many people were burning their Nike gear when they learned that Nike signed Colin Kaepernick and Kaepernick is in a commercial. I know that Nike carefully thought out what they were doing before they signed Colin Kaepernick to a contract. Hey Kaepernick, believe it or not, there were people who thought you had a right to express yourself. You don't take your issues on your job, what I mean by that is that the NFL fans paid their tickets to watch NFL players play football not to watch NFL players take a knee during the singing of the National Anthem. Kaepernick, you could have started a charity in San Franciso and put the millions that you were making while you were QB of the Niners, you could have talked to inner city kids ages 10 and up and expressed to them why you felt that it was wrong that police officers shot and killed unarmed teenagers, and you could have expressed why you felt it was wrong. Kaepernick, there is both a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things. When you're on a job, you have to listen to your boss even if you don't always agree with your boss. The boss is the one that does the hiring and you should have expressed to the coach and management how you felt about how what a lot of police officers do when they shoot and kill unarmed teenagers that didn't do anything to deserve to be killed is unjustifiable by the police in their actions while they are working on the police force. Kaepernick, you have a case about the police force but don't make everyone who is on the police force out to be the "bad guy or bad girl."
To those who burned their Nike gear when they learned that Kaepernick was signed to a contract and making millions what were y'all thinking? Y'all spent lots of money for your Nike gear and you burned your Nike gear for what? That was not a smart thing to do. Nike may not have some of y'all as fans of their gear but Nike have been thriving for so long, people showing outrage in a lunatic acting way won't do anything to the company Nike. Nike will plummet in sales in the beginning but in order for Nike to be in jeopardy of losing business they would have to be involved in major scandals and write-ups. Nike is my favorite tennis shoes and Nike will always be my favorite tennis shoes. My old tennis shoes that were worn out were Nike and the pair of tennis shoes that have now is Nike. There are so many athletes that wear and love Nike a lot of athletes were endorsed by Nike and appeared in Nike commercials. Like the commercial "Just Do It." Kaepernick is not the first person that Nike signed to a contract that people don't particularly like and Kaepernick won't be the last that Nike sign to a contract that people particularly won't like. My 2 Cents.
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