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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

'Tongue-Tied' Texas Boy Can Finally Speak, Thanks to Doctor

Six year old Texas boy Mason Motz, diagnosed with Sotos syndrome for 5 years finally learned talk. Mason had which was referred as "distinctive facial features and learning disabilities" was going through speech therapy because he wasn't able speak. Mason never gave up and had problems choking while eating and problems sleeping his mom mentioned. When Mason went to the pediatric dentist he learned that he was "tongue tied" and Mason's pediatric dentist was able to correct the situation. Mason has improved tremendously and is still going through to therapy. Mason has no more problems choking while eating, no more problems sleeping, and Mason can talk in complete sentences. Anyone parent or parents that have children that have any kind of disabilities, it's important to encourage your children to never quit and getting their children the help that he or she needs. Sometimes problems go unrecognized and I'm glad to hear about this boy's improvement and recovery.  

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