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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Cops shooting those who are unarmed

Not all cops who shoot unarmed people are doing it because of race. We tend to look at surveillance cameras video taped & for example a White cop shoot and kill an unarmed black teenager and have this outrage look on our faces' to think it is because of racial reasons. We never stop and think that appearance have a lot to do with everything. For example, I'm black and whenever I have on a hoodie shirt on over my head people tend to look at me and feel that I remind them of Trayvon Martin. If you are going to dress and look like a hoodlum coming out of the Supermarket, then you might be approached by a cop or cops like you are a criminal. It does not matter if you never been arrested or served time. I'm not saying all cops are right for what they do because I have had a few experiences where cops approached me. You have to cooperate with the cops. Do whatever they tell you to do because if you come off like you are a thug by "running off at the mouth" he or she think that you are threatening to harm them. I know this is hard to believe at first because we have seen so many crooked cops do some idiotic things that didn't resort to the cops using excessive force. For the most part, the cops are our friends. I recall a couple times when I was lost, the cops drove me to where I needed to go.

Most black people tend to be on the wrong end of things when it comes to cooperating with the cops. Not all black people deal with cops using excessive force but the reason why a lot of black people think that they have felt that he or she have been racially profiled when encountering police officers is because he or she tend to have braids in their hair, tattoos, earring in their ear, and wearing shirts with hoodies. If you are black and you have those things mentioned you are going to be viewed 9/10 times as a thug. It is no surprise if the cops are telling you to "put your hands up!" Sadly, a lot of people who were shot and killed by the cops happened be engaging or doing criminal activity and the media tends to focus more on the police brutality than what happened that might have led up to the cops method. I like how a single mom of 6 was slapping her son when he was joining in throwing rocks at the police officers in Baltimore, MD. That mom didn't raise her son to be a criminal and she wanted to show her son tough love! Your appearance makes a big difference and that is always something to keep in mind no matter what your race is.

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