Military Family Appreciation Month: Thank you to the members of the armed forces and their families. (U.S. Army)
I just want to say thanks to all those Military Veterans, those serving and who have served in the Armed Forces. Your family and friends are proud of you. Y'all put your life on the line everyday those of who you who are on Active Duty. Even to those who have been deployed and I can understand how being away from your spouses and children can be challenging. Your spouses and your children really do love and care about you. Y'all will always be greeted with care packages and heart felt letters just the same way you write heart felt letters to your families.
Probably what is really exciting the most is military veteran's reuniting with their families. After being away from home for long periods of time the soldiers enjoy reuniting with loved ones enjoying good home-cooked food is what military vets look forward to. Especially those who are on Active Duty. Families of those who are in the Reserves and National Guard y'all can spend a lot of time with your families because they get to go home every other weekend. I just thought I would show my appreciation to all the Military Families and their spouses. Your spouses are serving fulfilling their dreams so that everyone else who is not in uniform can have freedom. This being represented whether you are in the Army, Marines, Coast Guard, Navy, or Air Force (Honoring all 5 branches of the military).

This Fictional Story is about a woman named Eileen, a Entrepreneur from Winston-Salem, NC who have a workshop in Flint, MI where Eileen meets a successful Inventory Clerk man named Roy and they both go out for coffee and lunch and start dating each other and they travel to meet each other's future in-laws who said that they should marry each other. The 2 married couple celebrate their 30th year wedding Anniversary on St. Patrick's Day the same day that they got married.
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Thursday, November 30, 2017
#1 Selected Favorite Wildcard Fictional Story: Liberty University where Nicholas & Holly Met At Originally Written 30 Jul 2013
Providence, RI
Community College of Rhode Island (Providence, RI)
Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA)
Newport News, VA
Nicholas Woodson at 40 years of age is from Providence, RI. It was approximately 17 years ago when it all happened. Nick was trying to figure out what college he was going to go to. Nick had graduated from high school 22 years ago. Nick took a year off from school after he graduated and worked for a year. Nick enrolled at Community College of Rhode Island where he is from in Providence and was a Liberal Arts major at the time. Nick graduated and received his Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts. Nick was a person of faith and was praying and asking God to help him get into a good Christian University. It was a year later when it all happened for Nick. The Lord put it on his heart to try out Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. Nick got a chance to visit the University and met a whole lot of fellow Christians just like him.
Meanwhile, Nick 23 met a beautiful bleached blond hair woman with beautiful green eyes named Holly Brooks 20 at Liberty. Holly is a Virginian native, who is from Newport News. Well, the people were very friendly at Liberty that Nick and Holly made friends easily at the University. Nick and Holly were going out but their friends would come along. It was a group date, because Nick and Holly would not only see if they were meant to be together but also their friends would be able to tell if they were meant to be together too. Nick and Holly got involved in things at school, went to all of the chapel services together, and went to the church services on Sundays. The thing that admired people the most about Nick and Holly was that they had such a great heart for Jesus.
Holly was a Sophomore at Liberty, while Nick transferred in as a Junior at Liberty. It was amazing how God used 2 servants like them to be a blessing to others during their time at Liberty. Nick and Holly had such a humble way about them that their friends wanted to be a blessing to them. Nick and Holly didn't know this but their friends could see them being married. All of Holly's friends liked Nick and all of Nick's friends liked Holly. Everyone on campus knew the church that Nick and Holly attended in Lynchburg and wanted the pastor at the church to keep Nick and Holly in his prayers for a happy and healthy marriage because they were praying that they would get married. You know it is nothing but the favor of God when you have friends that want to see you happy!
Three years later Nick 26 and Holly 23 both graduated from Liberty. What Nick and Holly didn't know was that everything was all paid for them to have their wedding. All of their family and friends told them the good news. Nick and Holly was so speechless because they were not even expecting something like that to happen. It happened because they had such a heart to want to help people and that's the reason why they were so blessed for it.
The Reverend performed the wedding at the church. All of Nick and Holly's family and friends were all in attendance. Nick moved to Newport News. Mr. & Mrs. Nick Woodson had such a beautiful wedding and they were so in awe. Mr. & Mrs. Woodson have been married for 14 years now and they have 4 beautiful children together 2 boys and 2 girls. It was nothing but the favor of the Lord that allowed that to happen the way that it did.
This was one of those fictional stories where everything worked out. You had 2 students in Nick Woodson a transfer from Rhode Island, who was not thinking about a spouse went to Liberty University. Holly Brooks who is a Sophomore at Liberty University also was not thinking about a spouse but Nick and Holly were popular at that huge University because of their servant Christlike attitude. Nick and Holly went on group dates with their friends and their friends fixed Nick and Holly up. They planned Nick and Holly's wedding and Nick and Holly had gotten engaged after they graduated from Liberty University. When there are truly Godly people whose praying and asking people to keep you in their prayers no matter what it is that they are praying for you for, then you know you are surrounded by people who want to see you happy. This is probably the rare occasions where you see anything like this anymore. It's all in the motives whether good or bad. Nick and Holly's friends had good motives and Nick and Holly's friends and family attended a wonderful wedding. This will go down in history of all fictional stories where a wedding was already paid for and planned before the 2 couples ever proposed and said their "I do's." Liberty University where Nicholas & Holly Met At is my #1 favorite Wildcard fictional story.
I really enjoyed my 4 years on (2012-2016) and I'm glad I was able to find the old fictional stories on there and cut and paste them on blogger. Readers and bloggers writing is cool. Always save your original blog posts just in case the website you are blogging on upgrades!!! 😎😉
This was one of those fictional stories where everything worked out. You had 2 students in Nick Woodson a transfer from Rhode Island, who was not thinking about a spouse went to Liberty University. Holly Brooks who is a Sophomore at Liberty University also was not thinking about a spouse but Nick and Holly were popular at that huge University because of their servant Christlike attitude. Nick and Holly went on group dates with their friends and their friends fixed Nick and Holly up. They planned Nick and Holly's wedding and Nick and Holly had gotten engaged after they graduated from Liberty University. When there are truly Godly people whose praying and asking people to keep you in their prayers no matter what it is that they are praying for you for, then you know you are surrounded by people who want to see you happy. This is probably the rare occasions where you see anything like this anymore. It's all in the motives whether good or bad. Nick and Holly's friends had good motives and Nick and Holly's friends and family attended a wonderful wedding. This will go down in history of all fictional stories where a wedding was already paid for and planned before the 2 couples ever proposed and said their "I do's." Liberty University where Nicholas & Holly Met At is my #1 favorite Wildcard fictional story.
I really enjoyed my 4 years on (2012-2016) and I'm glad I was able to find the old fictional stories on there and cut and paste them on blogger. Readers and bloggers writing is cool. Always save your original blog posts just in case the website you are blogging on upgrades!!! 😎😉
When Godly People Pray
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Blessed by the testimonies from partners of Andrew Wommack Ministries
I heard the different testimonies from Andrew Wommack Ministries partners and I am understanding more and more about grace encounters. We all have grace encounters. Not everyone will have a testimony about how they were delivered and saved from a thug life lifestyle being strung out on drugs or being drunk from drinking so much alcohol. Some testimonies will be about how some were saved when they were in Sunday school at church. What is such a blessing is hearing how the different partners of Andrew Wommack Ministries that graduated from Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, CO at one time or another worked for Andrew Wommack Ministries. A lot of the same Charis Bible College Alumni's have even started their own ministry or ministries. It's all about being disciples for Jesus Christ and spreading the Gospel all over the world! I can't help but be proud and blessed by those who have shared how their ministry or ministries have grown. I will continue to share testimonies on social media from Andrew Wommack Ministries partners.
Blessed thanks to God's grace
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Saturday, November 25, 2017
United Nations Plan to Push Sex on Young Children is Defeated as African Nations Fight Back
United Nations Plan to Push Sex on Young Children is Defeated as African Nations Fight Back: (C-Fam) Parental authority made a comeback in three UN resolutions about children this week, something thought impossible just a year ago. There were audible
The United Nations were narrowly defeated that would have pushed sex education to young boys and girls as young as 10 had the UN would have been successful in pushing sex education for children. Parents or legal guardians have a say so and it has always been like that all over the world. The parents or legal guardians would have a right about how they would guide their children when it comes to sex education and encourage them to have sex after marriage. Pushing sex on children before they are married would most likely lead a young girl getting pregnant before she wanted to. Many young girls are being encouraged by doctors to have abortions. The parents or legal guardians want to be able to tell their children not to make the mistakes that they might of made when they were in their teen's. Especially if their mom got pregnant with a boy who she didn't want to have a baby with because he was no good (This story is a trend for a lot of single moms that dealt with that). If children can decide at 10 when he or she should have sex, then they are already being thought to make bad decisions from the start. Parents have to tell their children to avoid peer pressure because he or she will be told all kinds of things from their peers that they think are cool that can get them in trouble. This is an awesome article and I'm glad I shared it on my blog!
The United Nations were narrowly defeated that would have pushed sex education to young boys and girls as young as 10 had the UN would have been successful in pushing sex education for children. Parents or legal guardians have a say so and it has always been like that all over the world. The parents or legal guardians would have a right about how they would guide their children when it comes to sex education and encourage them to have sex after marriage. Pushing sex on children before they are married would most likely lead a young girl getting pregnant before she wanted to. Many young girls are being encouraged by doctors to have abortions. The parents or legal guardians want to be able to tell their children not to make the mistakes that they might of made when they were in their teen's. Especially if their mom got pregnant with a boy who she didn't want to have a baby with because he was no good (This story is a trend for a lot of single moms that dealt with that). If children can decide at 10 when he or she should have sex, then they are already being thought to make bad decisions from the start. Parents have to tell their children to avoid peer pressure because he or she will be told all kinds of things from their peers that they think are cool that can get them in trouble. This is an awesome article and I'm glad I shared it on my blog!
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
My thoughts on Lavar Ball's Comments
Lavar Ball should keep his mouth shut.
Lavar Ball is an outspoken loud mouth father. Lavar Ball brags about his son Lonzo Ball who is shooting 29% from the field for the Los Angeles Lakers. Please see link. Lavar Ball's other son LiAngelo Ball along with 2 of his UCLA college basketball teammates were arrested for shoplifting while they were out of the country in China. Instead of Lavar Ball being grateful that his son was released from China jail (he and his 2 UCLA teammates could have been in China jail for 10 years for shoplifting) Lavar Ball runs his mouth saying that President Trump is not the reason that his son LiAngelo Ball and his 2 UCLA teammates were released from China jail and brought back to the US.
Mr. Ball your son LiAngelo Ball and his 2 UCLA teammates were suspended indefinitely by the UCLA Bruins basketball coach. Mr. Ball your son and his 2 UCLA teammates could have possibly single-handedly ruined their chances at possibly going to the NBA. No NBA team would want to deal with that kind of drama with players who have off the court antics that is questionable to that NBA team that he is playing for. Mr. Ball you are not being responsible or setting a good example to your boys by saying the things you say. Mr. Ball you might want to lay off of President Trump because President Trump didn't have to request the Chinese President to pardon your son and his 2 UCLA teammates and bring them back to the US.
I'm going to tell a little brief story of how my mom had a police officer pardon one of my brothers who got in trouble when he was in Tennessee. My brother had to do 8 long weeks of boot camp and when my brother's 8 weeks were up the police officer called my mom and told her that he wouldn't let my brother out of jail unless my mom would let him stay with her in Connecticut. My mom told the police officer when they were talking on the phone that she would let my brother stay with her by asking the police officer to pardon my brother. My brother was grateful to be pardoned and the police officer released my brother from Tennessee jail. My brother stayed with my mom and me for 2 weeks working hard detailing cars at a car detailing place in Hartford. My brother left CT and moved to Florida and has been in Florida for the past 21 years now. I'm saying this to say this Mr. Ball be grateful that someone like President Trump thought enough of your son and his 2 UCLA teammates to get them released from jail because most people would have told President Trump that he shouldn't have help your son and his 2 UCLA teammates and let them stay in a China jail. Sometimes compassion is shown to people who don't really don't deserve it but for that same person who don't deserve it to change their ways. Mr. Ball please be careful before you speak because you never know when you are going to have to "eat your words." Just My 2 Cents.
President Trump puts Lavar Ball in his place... Like they said when I was in high school back in the mid and late 90's, President Trump "said something that Lavar Ball can't come back from."
He should keep his mouth shut
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Monday, November 20, 2017
Sexual Harassment Awareness
There will be more and more women that will come out about being sexually harassed about men who were in power and who abused their power. These women have no reason to lie when they come forth. Sexual Harassment is a touchy subject but I felt led to share my thoughts and opinions that sexual harassment have no place in society.
Sexual Harassment is a really touchy subject because of a lot of women have been sexually harassed and they are just getting the courage to speak out against those who have violated these women. Most women have been sexually harassed in the workforce. The different women coming forth have experienced sexual harassment in Hollywood. Whether it's at a place of work, outside of work, or even out of state, etc., sexual harassment have no place in society. I feel very bad for the women & men who were sexually harassed (women sexually harassed by men and men sexually harassed by other men). Sexual Harassment is wrong and I thought that I would write about sexually harassment and I have been made aware of what is going on in the world of harassment of all forms. People who are in power over step their boundaries to where they abuse their power. Never be subjected to that situation when you are working for a big company because it's not worth you losing your dignity to protect someone who is forcefully threatening you and your family if you report him or her. We often hear cases of different women who were scared for their life because they think that their stalker and abuser really try to do harm to them and their family.
With all of that being said I just have this question to ask. Why do women wait so long to come forth and speak out about being sexually harassed? The women feel like they are backed in a corner to where they believe men if they went to the boss or called to police to have a restraining order these very words, "No one would believe a nobody like you because you became famous because of me." That was the case with Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and the list goes on and on. The accusers cases were dismissed when there was a settlement from the men that sexually assaulted the women. Here is the problem with that, it does nothing to rectify anything because the women were emotionally and physically hurt till where it could take a very long time for the women to begin to heal and even the men who were sexually harassed by other men.
Most people would say that the problem with sexually harassment is that the liberal mainstream media seem to pick and choose who we should side with when there are accusers. For example, Republican Judge Roy Moore have been accused by 9 different women of groping them when they were 14 and 16 back in the 1970's which the women have no proof that it happened. This is the same judge and governor of the state of Alabama which no women came forth then when he was running for public office and was judge and governor. The women decide to come forth right before the special election on December 12, 2017 when Moore is running for the Senate for Attorney General Jeff Sessions Senate seat. Then you have Senator Al Franken of Minnesota who is proven to have groped Leanne Tweeden because the picture was taken while Tweeden was asleep. The liberal media want us to think that it's okay because Senator Franken has apologized for something that is proven that has happened and Senator Franken goes through a Ethics investigation and Senator Franken agrees to an Ethics investigation and that's supposed to be okay. However, House Speaker Paul Ryan Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Former Governor Mitt Romney, Senator John McCain, Senator Susan Collins, Carly Fiorina, etc., is calling for Judge Roy Moore to step down and get out of the Senate race of Alabama because they believe that accusers are credible and from what they have heard from Moore is not credible. Naturally, the Democrats are calling for Moore to get out of the race because they don't want Republicans to win Senate seats and there is absolutely no proof that Moore groped or sexually harassed the women that the women are accusing Moore of doing.
Kellyanne Conway talked about her experience of being sexually harassed back in 2015 when Conway did interviews. More and more women have come forth talking about their experiences of the different men who sexually harassed them. Hollywood is a big part of where sexual harassment because it is not only dealing with employers sexually harassing employees but it's happening in sports, movies, TV, radio, and the list goes on and on. Women should not wait so long to speak out against sexual harassment. When women wait too long to report sexual harassment or other abuse it start to look like the women are being paid to say things that may not have happened. It's not that people are believing the accusers, it's that when you try to defame someone else that is what make you look bad. Not all women try to defame a celebrity and like in a court of law, people can sense who is telling the truth and who is lying. Just My 2 Cents.
Women speaking out against it
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Celebrating National ADOPTION Awareness Month!
For those of you who are parents or a parent who are foster parents, I thought I would share a video from YouTube which says it all about National Adoption Month. Some of you parents have raised your own biological children as well as your foster children. You showed love to both your biological children and your foster children. I just want to say thank you for all that you do whether you are married or single and a foster parent or parents. Your foster son/son's or daughter/daughters should be very proud of you for doing such a good job raising them up to be independent. Some foster parents have foster children who are babies and some foster parents have foster children who are grown. Foster parents you can't forget that stable environment that you provided for your foster children that their biological parent or parents was not able to do. Your foster children could never forget how you took them into your home and raised them like your own. Keep up the good work. In celebration of National Adoption Month! 👏👏👍👍🙌
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Roy Moore allegations spark a civil war within the GOP
I don't know Roy Moore I just heard that he was Governor of Alabama twice and Chief Justice of Alabama. Moore is accused of inappropriately molesting women who were 14 and 16 years of age (minors). These 5 women allegedly were molested and mistreated by former Governor and former Judge of Alabama for something that allegedly happen 40 years ago according to the Washington Post. This apparently all leaked out from these 5 women during the time of a special election which will happen next month. It seem like innocent until proven guilty only applies when it's a Democrat or Democrats according to the liberal mainstream media or liberal Democrats are involved in allegations. I believe that these women were paid to say the things that they said to try to stir up something in the Republican Party because there is important elections coming up in 2018. I believe that Hillary Clinton and the DNC of the Democratic party is purposely trying to sabotage Roy Moore and to try hinder him from becoming the US Senator of Alabama to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions Senate seat in the White House.
I don't think there is any possible way that you can go any lower than trying to sabotage a candidate or candidates that you don't like because y'all don't agree with him or her when it comes to the issues. It's vindictive and mudslinging at an all time high from the left. The 3 moderate Republicans Senator John McCain, Former Governor Mitt Romney, and Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell should all be ashamed of themselves for believing accusations about Moore that there is no evidence to prove that anything that these women have said that it's true. One woman who came forth to speak out about what Moore said and did, I could observe her reading something she wrote on paper. The woman also had those fake crocodile tears to try to make people see that she is a victim of what she accused Moore of doing to her. Please see link on YouTube Yet none of these women came forth 40 years ago to speak out before Moore was in public office.
I believe that the only reason that Senator Romney and Senator McCain is lashing out at Moore is because these are the same Senators that America voted for in the primaries back in 2008 & 2012 and they didn't do anything to convince America why they deserve to be President of the United States when they were running. I believe that is a big reason why Senator Romney and Senator McCain is bitter towards President Trump. President Trump proved that he could not be bought or bribed like Senator McCain and Senator Romney were bought and bribed. Also Senator Romney nor Senator McCain didn't try to expose the corruption that was going on in the Obama Administration in President Obama's 2 terms as President in office. The reason that I feel that Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell is lashing out at Moore is because Senator McConnell realize that once Moore is in office Moore would hold Senator McConnell accountable because Senator McConnell have failed twice to get the Senate to pass a bill that would have repealed and replaced the major disaster that we all know as Obamacare. Instead of Republicans lashing out at Moore they need to get behind him for the simple reason that it's Liberal Democrats and the Liberal mainstream media that is up to no good with their evil tactics to try and disrupt the special election in December of 2017. I feel like if these women are telling the truth then they should testify publicly and Moore should testify publicly in defense in a court of law in my opinion.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Fictional Story: I got you covered
Richmond, VA the ghetto where Desmond Hooks grew up in
It was a stormy day in Lake Charles, LA. This interracial married couple have been covering for one another when it came to their jobs with their bosses and their expenses. Ginger Rooke-Hooks 49 and Desmond Hooks 50 have been covering for each other since Desmond moved from Richmond, VA 26 years ago. Probably the most unique thing about how Desmond and Ginger met is when Desmond served in the Air force Reserves when Desmond was 20. Desmond Hooks a black man 6'0" had feelings for a beautiful Caucasian red head woman with beautiful brownish-bluish eyes named Ginger Rooke who was 5'1 & 1/2" tall at 19. Ginger kept things cool and noticed that Desmond was sporting his Air Force uniform. Desmond was a mail carrier at the company that Ginger worked for in Lake Charles. When Desmond served in the Reserves for 4 years he was doing civilian work as mail carrier and part-time work in the Armed Forces. Desmond grew up in the ghetto part of Richmond, VA. Desmond never was around people of different backgrounds but Desmond always knew that he would get to meet people of different backgrounds. When Desmond went into the military, Desmond met different people from different backgrounds while he was in the Air Force. Desmond knew that being around a lot of diversity would automatically help Desmond come out of his comfort zone. Desmond would learn that some of the people who he would meet would become his best friends who were from a different background then Desmond.
Meanwhile, Desmond was trying to figure out how could he tell Ginger Rooke that he liked her. Desmond always wanted to come to Lake Charles and believed that Lake Charles would be where he would be transferred at when he got out of the military. Ginger spent long hours at work typing and answering the telephone at her job. On her break, Desmond had a chance to talk to Ginger. Ginger took her 30 minute break and Desmond happened to be delivering the mail that stormy day. They just had small talked with each other and Ginger had this really cool way that she would spin her hair. Desmond had a crush on Ginger and complimented Ginger on her beautiful red head. Whenever Ginger would come off her breaks late from work Desmond would cover for her. The boss was a woman and the mail carrier Desmond had a way he interacted with people. He would always say after he would deliver the mail these very words, "Have a blessed day!" Ginger's boss mentioned to Ginger that she should take the day off and go out on a date with Desmond. What Ginger's boss did, was make reservations for a wonderful restaurant at Chart House for Desmond and Ginger. Desmond and Ginger had such a wonderful time that they went out to that restaurant 2 more times. After the third time at the Chart House, Desmond had this wonderful diamond ring and Desmond proposed to Ginger at Chart House. Ginger with her effective hair spinning saying "Yes!" was priceless. Whenever Desmond would come in late for work, Ginger would always cover for him. Desmond's boss, who is a man thought that they should throw an engagement party for Desmond and his fiancee Ginger. That was such a wonderful party!🎉
When the 2 couples wed 20 years ago, they said the ultimate wedding vows. The very emotional words come from this heart felt poem below. They made sure that they would stay together forever. Besties and as a married couple Desmond and Ginger's poem would express how they feel about one another. The title I got you covered is what sums up everything. Their 2 children (2 boys) would one day understand when they are grown what it means when you got that special someone's back and that very special someone's got your back what true love really is.
I Got You Covered
We are like 2 peas in a pod
Who always cover for each other
Our bosses' sees how much we belong together
Everyone is happy for us and it really shows
That we are there for each other that help make everything flow
When we are late from our lunch break from work
We always cover for each other
It's kind of like what we said to each other in our wedding vows
Thank you so much for all that you do bestie
For always being there and covering for me
I am happy that we are husband & wife
We all are one big happy family together what a wonderful life
Our 2 boys will one day understand and experience that moment
When they and their brides are saying their vows
"Saying these very words that we have said to each other out loud!"
"I got you covered and I'm proud!"
Interracial Love
Lake Charles, LA
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Donna Brazile's Book Hacks
Donna Brazile's Book Hacks reveals a lot that was going on in the Democratic National Convention and attacks Hillary Clinton
Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile want to tell her side of the story and decided to mention how Secretary Hillary Clinton rigged Senator Bernie Sanders out of the Democratic Primary in 2016. In Brazile's book titled Hacks, Brazile mentioned things regarding Secretary Clinton and then President Barack Obama controlling the Democratic party. Brazile mentioned that President Obama borrowed loans because the DNC was in debt ($24 million dollars I do believe). When Secretary Clinton fainted on 9/11 in 2016 Brazile felt that she was in a predicament and almost replaced Secretary Clinton and then Vice President pick Senator Tim Kaine with then Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Cory Booker. Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned after the hacked John Podesta's emails and hacked DNC's emails revealed from Wikileaks that Schultz rigged the primary in favor of Secreatary Clinton against Senator Sanders. This also proved that the Democratic primary was rigged from the get go. In part, because Secretary Clinton was awarded 400 Superdelegates before anyone in the Democratic party announced that they were running for President in 2015.
Brazile mentioned in her book that she was treated like a slave by the Clinton's. Many flabbergasted liberal mainstream media and Democrats in Brazile's party condemned Brazile's statements. Brazile's statements were referred to as propaganda full of false statements to try to take attention away from Mueller's investigation with President Trump collision with Russia in the 2016 US Presidential election (yawn).😫 Curious people may start to wonder why Brazile waited so long to drop this bombshell like that about Secretary Clinton who is in Brazile's Democratic Party. Could it be that Brazile is observing Secretary Clinton who has written a book titled What Happened which have dominated headlines because Secretary Clinton refuses to go away? Could it be that Brazile might be a quiet Bernie Sanders supporter that was able to find dirt on Secretary Clinton? Why would Brazile help Senator Sanders? This is the same Brazile who gave Secretary Clinton the debate questions before the debate with Senator Sanders. Not only did Wikileaks revealed this in the DNC's hacked emails but Brazile herself said that she fed Secretary Clinton the debate questions before Secretary Clinton's debate with Senator Sanders. All this alleged propraganda that Brazile is lying seem to be what Secretary Clinton, her Democratic Party, and the liberal mainstream media seems to believe. Senator Elizabeth Warren who is also in Secretary Clinton's party and even campaigned with Secretary Clinton when Secretary Clinton was running for President in 2016 said that the Democratic primary was rigged for Secretary Clinton to win against Senator Sanders.
I believe that Brazile is writing her book to not only tell her side of the story but to let the liberal mainstream media and her Democratic Party realize how corrupt it is. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party with the help of the DNC paid for a Russia Dossier to try to make it look like President Trump and his campaign was in collusion with Russia to try and help influence the 2016 US Presidential election. Please check out this link. Brazile want her Democratic Party to realize that Secretary Clinton herself is the reason why she loss and Russia had no influence on the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election. Donald J. Trump defeated Secretary Clinton in a landslide 306-234 to become our 45th President of the United States. Writing all of this can be stressful to people especially when you're hearing false statements from the media all because they don't like who is President. This Mueller investigation is a complete waste of time because Senator Dianne Feinstein said that there was no Russia collusion with President Trump and his campaign to try to influence the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Refuses to Say If Abortion is Sinful: “Live to Your Own Convictions”
Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Refuses to Say If Abortion is Sinful: “Live to Your Own Convictions”: Mega-church Pastor Carl Lentz is facing criticism this week for not defending unborn babies when he had the chance. Lentz, the pastor of the influential Hill
Pastor Carl Lentz is a Mega-church Pastor at Hillsong Church in New York City. Pastor Carl is Justin Bieber's Pastor. Probably the biggest pressure for a lot of Christians is defending their beliefs. A lot of Christians go through being ridiculed when they are dealing with people who are not Christians. Some Christians work secular jobs where there are mainly non-Christians on the workforce with them. When you are a Pastor of a Mega-church or a small church to me it's not hard to stand up and tell your congregation that you are for Life and that you are for Traditional Marriage (Marriage between a man and a woman). Pastor Carl was questioned hard on his views on Abortion and Same-sex marriage and instead of answering the question he steered away from answering the women on The View. Pastor Carl feels that his church is not to judge people who want to have an abortion or not. It's all about getting to know people and if they believe in Jesus Christ or if they want to be saved and who want to know how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pastor Carl saw that as a loaded question that the women were asking him. Sadly, there are Pastors like Pastor Carl that steer away from questions like abortion and same-sex marriage because they don't want to offend those people who are pro-choice or who are for same-sex marriage. The problem with Pastors that think like that is that Christians is often persecuted because of their pro-life and traditional marriage stance that they are being ridiculed, disrespected, and even silenced by liberals who believe that people should agree or believe like they believe or else the liberals are the ones who are being discriminated against. The media look for Christians to mess up so they can say, "You messed up and you shouldn't judge others who mess up." We all mess up but the one thing about it is we all can repent of our sins by getting on our knees and asking God to forgive us. We as Christians is not to judge the sinner for what he or she does, we are to love them. However, we can't condone their lifestyle and act like what they do is right when we know it is wrong and not pleasing to God. The Bible says that abortion is murder, I'm not going to tell a woman who wants to abort her baby that it's her decision if she want to have her baby or abort her baby because I'm not to judge her because only God is the only who can her on her decision to have an abortion. I would encourage her to have her baby and tell her that she should give her baby up for adoption if she didn't feel that she could provide for her baby. I'm not writing to preach, I just thought that Pastor Carl could have stood up and said that he is not for abortion like a lot of Pastors who are preachers at mega churches and small churches speak out against abortion and homosexuality because those are sins. My 2 Cents.
Pastor Carl Lentz is a Mega-church Pastor at Hillsong Church in New York City. Pastor Carl is Justin Bieber's Pastor. Probably the biggest pressure for a lot of Christians is defending their beliefs. A lot of Christians go through being ridiculed when they are dealing with people who are not Christians. Some Christians work secular jobs where there are mainly non-Christians on the workforce with them. When you are a Pastor of a Mega-church or a small church to me it's not hard to stand up and tell your congregation that you are for Life and that you are for Traditional Marriage (Marriage between a man and a woman). Pastor Carl was questioned hard on his views on Abortion and Same-sex marriage and instead of answering the question he steered away from answering the women on The View. Pastor Carl feels that his church is not to judge people who want to have an abortion or not. It's all about getting to know people and if they believe in Jesus Christ or if they want to be saved and who want to know how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pastor Carl saw that as a loaded question that the women were asking him. Sadly, there are Pastors like Pastor Carl that steer away from questions like abortion and same-sex marriage because they don't want to offend those people who are pro-choice or who are for same-sex marriage. The problem with Pastors that think like that is that Christians is often persecuted because of their pro-life and traditional marriage stance that they are being ridiculed, disrespected, and even silenced by liberals who believe that people should agree or believe like they believe or else the liberals are the ones who are being discriminated against. The media look for Christians to mess up so they can say, "You messed up and you shouldn't judge others who mess up." We all mess up but the one thing about it is we all can repent of our sins by getting on our knees and asking God to forgive us. We as Christians is not to judge the sinner for what he or she does, we are to love them. However, we can't condone their lifestyle and act like what they do is right when we know it is wrong and not pleasing to God. The Bible says that abortion is murder, I'm not going to tell a woman who wants to abort her baby that it's her decision if she want to have her baby or abort her baby because I'm not to judge her because only God is the only who can her on her decision to have an abortion. I would encourage her to have her baby and tell her that she should give her baby up for adoption if she didn't feel that she could provide for her baby. I'm not writing to preach, I just thought that Pastor Carl could have stood up and said that he is not for abortion like a lot of Pastors who are preachers at mega churches and small churches speak out against abortion and homosexuality because those are sins. My 2 Cents.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Holiday & Special Occasion Events
Events are always fun attending. Whether they are holiday, special occasions or both.
I've attended a lot of events in my life that I can't keep track of all of them. There are too many events to count. I attend 90% of events and for the most part they are free. The majority of events usually there are refreshments served. The key is not to go the events just because of the refreshments because there are a lot to learn from these events. If you check out my blog you will see a list of 10 of my favorite events that I enjoy attending. I am going to name 7 really cool holiday and special occasion events that are really fun attending. If you are a student in college whether you attend a Junior college, Community college, University, or Private school you are encouraged to take advantage of the free events offered at your school because there a bunch of free events and yes a lot of these events refreshments are served!!!
Valentine's Day Party
Not everyone is feeling Valentine's Day because it have not been a Happy Valentine's Day for everyone. However, people have met the love of their life on Valentine's Day. This party cheers up a lot of people who would never give this holiday a thought. Flowers, teddy bear, and candy from husband to wife, boyfriend to girlfriend, and a beautiful diamond ring from boyfriend to girlfriend to propose to her. Yes this a holiday people fall in love with each other.💑
St. Patrick's Day Parade
I have yet to attend a St. Patrick's Day parade. I think about attending this traditional Irish parade all the time. I like different events so I'm used to how people celebrate their culture. I've had Irish butter cut out cookies before. I remember eating Cake with green frosting and drinking green lemonade. Another holiday that people meet the love of their life. If you check out my blog that I wrote, I wrote a fictional story about 2 people who got married on St. Patrick's Day and celebrated their 30th year wedding anniversary.💒
Memorial Day Celebration
This holiday is special for a completely different reason. Many of those whose loved ones have died fighting for our country in uniform. Some of those wounded soldiers are proud military vets who signed that contract when they enlisted. They went out on the front line representing that flag that we stand and pledge allegiance to when the National Anthem is sung. Not everyone is finding love or have found love because most of their love ones is being honored. Some of them their spouses', friends, relatives, etc. I have yet to attend a Memorial Day parade.😢
4th of July Cookout
Please check out The Declaration of Independence link which I will have up. This day is one of the happy holidays because not only are we honoring those soldiers who fought for our freedom. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776. We are free to enjoy this wonderful country the United States and be blessed we don't have it bad as those 3rd world countries who can't say they that they experienced freedom. Christians are persecuted, women are forced to marry before they are of age, and where men treat women like slaves in those 3rd world countries. We in the United States are constantly reminded how blessed we truly are even when we don't always show it or act like it. I've been to a 4th of July cookout. It's hamburgers, hot dogs, salad, fruit salad, chips and dip, cheesecake, brownies, cake and ice cream, etc., that be at these events.😤
Veteran's Day Party
I've been to 3 Veteran's Day luncheons' at the Community college that I graduated from 5 years ago. I plan on going to another luncheon this year. With the month of November being Military month, I am a proud military veteran that is grateful and respect those who are serving in the armed forces and who have served in the armed forces. I'm not going to name all of the food that be at these events because I think I've done that in the first 4 special occasion and holiday events enough, lol. I want to say "Thank you for all that you do" to all the men and women in uniform.👏
Thanksgiving Party
Thanksgiving is a time of reflecting everyday how blessed we truly are. However, it's a reminder how we need to be thankful everyday. I've been to thanksgiving parties and whenever I get invites to have thanksgiving dinner over people's house I'm going say "Yes" every time. I'm thankful every time I can write and be able to share my thoughts and opinions on my blog. I'm thankful for all of my social media friends, my friends outside of social media, my family, and relatives. I'm inspired by everyone who are doing things that inspire others to be a better person. I learn from those who are an inspiration.😉
Christmas Party
I've been to too many Christmas parties to count. Same parties like Thanksgiving parties, I'm thankful that Jesus Christ was born. Please see link on the Top 5 Bible verses on the birth of Jesus Christ. Two of my favorite Christmas songs are A Way In A Manger and O Little Town of Bethlehem. People fall in love on Christmas and for some people Christmas is their wedding anniversary. People are always thinking of others when they are having parties like Christmas parties.🎉
Tradition with family & friends
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Tonya Harding’s Mom on Estranged Relationship With Her Daughter: ‘She Ha...
Most of us remember what happened in 1994 when Tonya Harding & Nancy Kerrigan were figure skating against each other. Some of us like myself would like to forget what had happened. Harding had planned to injure Kerrigan to where Kerrigan wouldn't be able to compete against Harding in the 1994 championship. Harding's ex-husband Jeff Gillooly hired someone to intentionally injure Kerrigan. Kerrigan was hit with a baton really hard that hurt Kerrigan's knee. Harding was banned for life from figure skating because she has lied about her involvement in Kerrigan's injury. Harding till this day stands by her story that she had no involvement in Kerrigan's injury.
Meanwhile, Harding's mom Sandy Golden had a chance to talk about Golden's once sweet daughter Harding on Inside Edition. Harding's mom Golden said that her daughter Harding started acting unruly when Harding was a teenager. What hurt Golden the most is that Golden help make Harding become famous and no matter what Golden did for Harding it was never good enough for Harding. Golden said that Harding hates her. That hurts when a parent feel that their child hate them. Harding have not talk to Golden in 15 years. This is one strained relationship between a mother and a daughter. In the movie I, Tonya Margot Robbie plays Tonya Harding, Caitlin Carver plays Nancy Kerrigan (Tonya Harding's figure skating rival), and Allison Janney plays Tonya Harding's mean and abusive mom. Golden feels that she was never abusive to Harding. Golden said that Harding was not easy to get along with and that Golden was tough on Harding but never abusive. Golden said that she swatted Harding once and never again. Swatting someone is no where near considered abusive. It would have to be consecutively where a parent or parents are swatting their children in order to be even considered border line abusive. The parent would have to be abusive in how they are handling their child. Harding took her mom swatting her as abusive and told Oprah on Oprah's show that her mom started being abusive towards Harding when she was 6. Golden said that she did 3 jobs just so that Harding would have everything that Golden never had. Harding had given birth for the first time at 40 to a baby boy Gordon Price 7 with her 3rd husband Joseph Jens Price (married since 2010) back in 2011. Harding now 46 will be 47 in 9 days. Harding's mom Golden wish her daughter Harding and Harding's family the best even if Harding never speaks to her again or if Harding don't want Harding's son to have anything to do with his grandmother Golden.
Tonya Harding is ghetto, even if Harding felt like she was abused as a child you don't find too many women take out being abused by beating up their boyfriend/husband bodyguards like Harding has. Harding have been quiet to where you hardly hear anything about Harding. Joseph Jens Price (Harding's 3rd husband is the lucky one) is the only husband that we didn't hear get beat up by Harding that we know of. I watched the interview on Inside Edition with Harding's mom Golden and sadly there are too many children not speaking to their mom or dad because of what had happened to them as a child. They have never forgiven their mom or dad for what they said or did. I hope Harding can find it in her heart to forgive her mom and open up to her mom and talk to her.
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