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Saturday, November 25, 2017

United Nations Plan to Push Sex on Young Children is Defeated as African Nations Fight Back

United Nations Plan to Push Sex on Young Children is Defeated as African Nations Fight Back: (C-Fam) Parental authority made a comeback in three UN resolutions about children this week, something thought impossible just a year ago. There were audible

The United Nations were narrowly defeated that would have pushed sex education to young boys and girls as young as 10 had the UN would have been successful in pushing sex education for children. Parents or legal guardians have a say so and it has always been like that all over the world. The parents or legal guardians would have a right about how they would guide their children when it comes to sex education and encourage them to have sex after marriage. Pushing sex on children before they are married would most likely lead a young girl getting pregnant before she wanted to. Many young girls are being encouraged by doctors to have abortions. The parents or legal guardians want to be able to tell their children not to make the mistakes that they might of made when they were in their teen's. Especially if their mom got pregnant with a boy who she didn't want to have a baby with because he was no good (This story is a trend for a lot of single moms that dealt with that). If children can decide at 10 when he or she should have sex, then they are already being thought to make bad decisions from the start. Parents have to tell their children to avoid peer pressure because he or she will be told all kinds of things from their peers that they think are cool that can get them in trouble. This is an awesome article and I'm glad I shared it on my blog!

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