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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Donna Brazile's Book Hacks

Donna Brazile's Book Hacks reveals a lot that was going on in the Democratic National Convention and attacks Hillary Clinton

Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile want to tell her side of the story and decided to mention how Secretary Hillary Clinton rigged Senator Bernie Sanders out of the Democratic Primary in 2016. In Brazile's book titled Hacks, Brazile mentioned things regarding Secretary Clinton and then President Barack Obama controlling the Democratic party. Brazile mentioned that President Obama borrowed loans because the DNC was in debt ($24 million dollars I do believe). When Secretary Clinton fainted on 9/11 in 2016 Brazile felt that she was in a predicament and almost replaced Secretary Clinton and then Vice President pick Senator Tim Kaine with then Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Cory Booker. Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned after the hacked John Podesta's emails and hacked DNC's emails revealed from Wikileaks that Schultz rigged the primary in favor of Secreatary Clinton against Senator Sanders. This also proved that the Democratic primary was rigged from the get go. In part, because Secretary Clinton was awarded 400 Superdelegates before anyone in the Democratic party announced that they were running for President in 2015. 

Brazile mentioned in her book that she was treated like a slave by the Clinton's. Many flabbergasted liberal mainstream media and Democrats in Brazile's party condemned Brazile's statements. Brazile's statements were referred to as propaganda full of false statements to try to take attention away from Mueller's investigation with President Trump collision with Russia in the 2016 US Presidential election (yawn).😫 Curious people may start to wonder why Brazile waited so long to drop this bombshell like that about Secretary Clinton who is in Brazile's Democratic Party. Could it be that Brazile is observing Secretary Clinton who has written a book titled What Happened which have dominated headlines because Secretary Clinton refuses to go away? Could it be that Brazile might be a quiet Bernie Sanders supporter that was able to find dirt on Secretary Clinton? Why would Brazile help Senator Sanders? This is the same Brazile who gave Secretary Clinton the debate questions before the debate with Senator Sanders. Not only did Wikileaks revealed this in the DNC's hacked emails but Brazile herself said that she fed Secretary Clinton the debate questions before Secretary Clinton's debate with Senator Sanders. All this alleged propraganda that Brazile is lying seem to be what Secretary Clinton, her Democratic Party, and the liberal mainstream media seems to believe. Senator Elizabeth Warren who is also in Secretary Clinton's party and even campaigned with Secretary Clinton when Secretary Clinton was running for President in 2016 said that the Democratic primary was rigged for Secretary Clinton to win against Senator Sanders.

I believe that Brazile is writing her book to not only tell her side of the story but to let the liberal mainstream media and her Democratic Party realize how corrupt it is. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party with the help of the DNC paid for a Russia Dossier to try to make it look like President Trump and his campaign was in collusion with Russia to try and help influence the 2016 US Presidential election. Please check out this link. https://www.westernjournalism.com/hillary-clinton-defends-campaign-yes-paid-trump-dossier/?utm_source=push&utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_content=2017-11-02&utm_campaign=manualpost Brazile want her Democratic Party to realize that Secretary Clinton herself is the reason why she loss and Russia had no influence on the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election. Donald J. Trump defeated Secretary Clinton in a landslide 306-234 to become our 45th President of the United States. Writing all of this can be stressful to people especially when you're hearing false statements from the media all because they don't like who is President. This Mueller investigation is a complete waste of time because Senator Dianne Feinstein said that there was no Russia collusion with President Trump and his campaign to try to influence the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election.

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