Wonderful article on Sean Lowe and his wife Catherine Giudici Lowe. I remember Sean from the Bachelor but the last time I've seen the show was 7 years ago. Anyway, Sean Lowe and his wife are proud parents of 1 year old Samuel and they are expecting their 2nd baby in November of 2018. Sean is open about protecting the unborn and his wife who is now a Christian feels the same way. Sean and Catherine Lowe has been married for 4 years. By the way (BTW) Sean and Catherine is the only couple to get married after they were engaged on The Bachelor. Sean saved up for marriage (abstinence, sex after marriage). Sean has proven when God has someone for you, you don't need to rush. Sean is unapologetic about his Pro-Life stance and his strong Christian faith. Sean also says that he would never go on social media and try to condemn or convict Planned Parenthood for promoting abortions by telling them "they are going to hell." Sean feels that having "war of words" with Planned Parenthood would only "add fuel to the fire." I think Sean could "shed some light" to Pro-Abortion business like Planned Parenthood since he observed their business that is 70% abortion. More and more people who were once Pro-Abortion activists who worked for Planned Parenthood "saw the light" and bolted from the abortion business and told why they are now Pro-Life. Sean may not think that the time is right but his testimony may cause a lot of people who are part of Planned Parenthood to give their lives to Jesus Christ and close down the abortion business by simply saying to Planned Parenthood "God loved us in our mother's wombs." My 2 Cents.

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