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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Joy Behar Responds to Vice Pres. Pence and Apologizes | The View

I heard and watched Joy Behar's response from Vice President Mike Pence on Sean Hannity Show when VP Pence told Mr. Hannity that VP Pence have forgiven Ms. Behar on YouTube. The View was not on my TV due to the coverage of snowstorm Ferris. VP Pence felt that it took a lot of courage for Ms. Behar to call VP Pence on the phone and apologize. VP Pence feels that Ms. Behar should publicly apologize to the 10's of millions of President Trump's supporters who are Christians who watch The View. There were 40,000 signatures from Christian Conservatives who wrote a letter to ABC calling for Ms. Behar to apologize for her inappropriate and vulgar comments that Ms. Behar said about VP Mike Pence's Christian faith and fellow Christians who were offended by Ms. Behar's comments. Ms. Behar said, "You're right Mike Pence, I was taught to respect others religious beliefs, I apologize." Ms. Behar is forgiven and it was sincere in Ms. Behar's way. The damage is already done. Ms. Behar was fired once before on The View, I don't think Ms. Behar did enough to avoid being fired again. I signed the petition along with others who think that Ms. Behar should be fired from The View. I personally think that the show could use a overhaul. For example, Capitol Report have an ABC program that have 2 Republicans, 2 Democrats, and a Republican host who stays neutral when topics come up about gun control, government spending, abortion, the definition of marriage, etc. My point is both parties agree to disagree with one another in a civilized way. If The View would dump their format of 4 Liberals and 1 Conservative and have 2 Liberals and 2 Conservatives and have a host whose neutral then the show wouldn't be viewed by millions as "trash." My 2 Cents.  

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