President Trump, much like how we all had to wait when he appointed Neil Gorsuch to be Supreme Court Justice replacing the deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, we will all have to wait who President Trump pick's on July 9, 2018 to replace Anthony Kennedy who is retiring at the end of July. Even the mainstream media will be "in limbo" wondering what our President's pick will b. I think that it is wonderful that the mainstream media don't have a clue who it will be. President Trump promised that he won't question any of his picks in the running to replace retired Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy (A Moderate Republican who is Pro-Abortion) by asking if they will overturn Roe Vs. Wade. President Trump will pick a True Conservative who will vote morally, ethically, and constitutionally and that is what should be expected no matter who President Trump picks. Anthony Kennedy appointed by Former President Ronald Reagan as Supreme Court Justice have been a Supreme Court Justice for 30 years. What we should expect who President Trump will pick to be Kennedy's successor as Supreme Court Justice will serve at least 30-45 years in the Supreme Court.

This Fictional Story is about a woman named Eileen, a Entrepreneur from Winston-Salem, NC who have a workshop in Flint, MI where Eileen meets a successful Inventory Clerk man named Roy and they both go out for coffee and lunch and start dating each other and they travel to meet each other's future in-laws who said that they should marry each other. The 2 married couple celebrate their 30th year wedding Anniversary on St. Patrick's Day the same day that they got married.
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Saturday, June 30, 2018
President Donald Trump Will Announce Supreme Court Pick July 9. Narrows List to 5, Including Two Women
President Donald Trump Will Announce Supreme Court Pick July 9. Narrows List to 5, Including Two Women: President Donald Trump said on Friday that he will make his announcement for a Supreme Court nominee on July 9. The president indicated he has narrowed down his
President Trump, much like how we all had to wait when he appointed Neil Gorsuch to be Supreme Court Justice replacing the deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, we will all have to wait who President Trump pick's on July 9, 2018 to replace Anthony Kennedy who is retiring at the end of July. Even the mainstream media will be "in limbo" wondering what our President's pick will b. I think that it is wonderful that the mainstream media don't have a clue who it will be. President Trump promised that he won't question any of his picks in the running to replace retired Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy (A Moderate Republican who is Pro-Abortion) by asking if they will overturn Roe Vs. Wade. President Trump will pick a True Conservative who will vote morally, ethically, and constitutionally and that is what should be expected no matter who President Trump picks. Anthony Kennedy appointed by Former President Ronald Reagan as Supreme Court Justice have been a Supreme Court Justice for 30 years. What we should expect who President Trump will pick to be Kennedy's successor as Supreme Court Justice will serve at least 30-45 years in the Supreme Court.
President Trump, much like how we all had to wait when he appointed Neil Gorsuch to be Supreme Court Justice replacing the deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, we will all have to wait who President Trump pick's on July 9, 2018 to replace Anthony Kennedy who is retiring at the end of July. Even the mainstream media will be "in limbo" wondering what our President's pick will b. I think that it is wonderful that the mainstream media don't have a clue who it will be. President Trump promised that he won't question any of his picks in the running to replace retired Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy (A Moderate Republican who is Pro-Abortion) by asking if they will overturn Roe Vs. Wade. President Trump will pick a True Conservative who will vote morally, ethically, and constitutionally and that is what should be expected no matter who President Trump picks. Anthony Kennedy appointed by Former President Ronald Reagan as Supreme Court Justice have been a Supreme Court Justice for 30 years. What we should expect who President Trump will pick to be Kennedy's successor as Supreme Court Justice will serve at least 30-45 years in the Supreme Court.
Friday, June 29, 2018
Childhood Cartoons
Growing up in the 80's and 90's era, I have to say that my all time favorite cartoon is Inspector Gadget. I also really liked watching G.I. Joe, ThunderCats, The Jetsons (reruns), The Flintstones (reruns) Heman and Dennis The Menace. These cartoons that I've mentioned, some were movies, some were TV shows, and some are remakes now. I also grew up watching the following reruns: Bugs Bunny & Friends, Popeye, Woody Wood Pecker & Friends, Tennessee Tuxedo, Underdog, Mighty Mouse, Rocky & Bullwinkle, etc. There are a list of a lot of cartoons that were retro that were made out of TV shows, movies, and remakes. There were a lot of cartoons who had a hero or heroes and villain or villain's in them. As a child, we always rooted for the hero because the villain ultimate goal was to take over and take control of the city. Cartoons have a fictional narrative that appear to be real but it's not because it's only fiction. Today's fiction is the opposite of that. For example, when we read fictional stories, the stories that we read are real and possibly already have happened but it is written as fiction for the readers to wonder what happens next. It tells that narrative that we want to meet and get to know the characters in the story or stories.
Cartoons and movies can be thought of as real but we call those as based on a true story. A lot of times when we are watching movies we watch a lot of documentaries. These documentaries for example of people who are suicidal, drug addicts, food binging, etc., are based on a true story relating to the character or character's playing those particular role or roles in the movie or movies. Not to confuse you readers and fellow bloggers, cartoons can appear based on a true story if the narrator is dealing with issues that the character or characters in the cartoon in is displaying like depression, hunger, anorexia, etc. You are encouraged parents or grandparents if you have children or grandchildren that is ages 6-12 to watch the cartoons with your children or grandchildren and monitor the cartoons that they are watching.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Quintuplets Graduate From Same Texas University
Enna, Maria, Emilio, George, and John Diaz, born 3 minutes a part from one another in 1996, all graduated from Texas University at 21. They all had different majors from each other; Spanish, Finance, Art, Biology, and Social Communication. This story of these Quintuplets all graduating together is inspirational. They all had different majors but sometimes ended up in the same class with each other. It's a rarity to see family, siblings, or relatives going to the same school or University. It's even more of a rarity to see family, siblings, or relatives graduate from the same school and at the same time. You can tell how this family inspired each other to be able to achieve their goals. Not everyone can say that family, siblings, or relatives inspired them to achieve their goals. This story was worth sharing and I'm glad I shared this families' journey. 😤😤😤😤😤
Monday, June 25, 2018
Friends Poem
Many times the Lord sends different people across our paths
Some are true friends who will always be there
In both the good times and the bad times
Some are associates who will only be there occasionally
Regardless no matter who come into our life
We know that the Lord sent them there for a reason
Whether it's to be there through "thick and thin" or for a season
We can count how many who are true friends
I think it's an honor to be considered to be a friend
Considered to always be there in both the good times and the bad times
Happy to be a servant of the Lord and used to be a blessing to others
Who people consider as "one of kind."
One who will listen to others no matter what they are going through
Them knowing there will always be someone with opened ears!
Ready to listen and sympathize with their happiness and their pain
Realizing that we are all "fighting the same battle."
Knowing that we can count on each other to lift each other up when were are down
And to inspire each other when we are up
Loving the fact that the friends that we have are so unique
The different emotions that they show
Being sad when their friends are sad
Being glad when their friends are glad
Having that bond with one another
That no one will ever come between each other
Often seeking advice and giving advice to friends
Best friends "through thick and thin."
Having the memories of the times they were hanging out together
Sharing the good times that they spent being around each other
True friends who always stick together
Are friends who are forever
Some are true friends who will always be there
In both the good times and the bad times
Some are associates who will only be there occasionally
Regardless no matter who come into our life
We know that the Lord sent them there for a reason
Whether it's to be there through "thick and thin" or for a season
We can count how many who are true friends
I think it's an honor to be considered to be a friend
Considered to always be there in both the good times and the bad times
Happy to be a servant of the Lord and used to be a blessing to others
Who people consider as "one of kind."
One who will listen to others no matter what they are going through
Them knowing there will always be someone with opened ears!
Ready to listen and sympathize with their happiness and their pain
Realizing that we are all "fighting the same battle."
Knowing that we can count on each other to lift each other up when were are down
And to inspire each other when we are up
Loving the fact that the friends that we have are so unique
The different emotions that they show
Being sad when their friends are sad
Being glad when their friends are glad
Having that bond with one another
That no one will ever come between each other
Often seeking advice and giving advice to friends
Best friends "through thick and thin."
Having the memories of the times they were hanging out together
Sharing the good times that they spent being around each other
True friends who always stick together
Are friends who are forever
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Melania Trump Wears ‘I Really Don’t Care’ Jacket Before Texas Visit
When is the mainstream media going to realize that no one care what they think about the Trump family. First Lady Melania Trump was called a lot of names from her wardrobe to how she decorated the oval office. Mainstream media if you have nothing better to do and it's obviously evident that you don't, then try just saying nothing about anyone and report the real news. President Trump, the mainstream media's public enemy number one, who is always the subject of the mainstream media's attacks defended his wife when she wore a jacket that says "I Really Don't Care Do U" is for the mainstream media with their fake news. FLOTUS went to Texas to show how much she really care about the kids. Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat it would break anyone's heart to see anyone's children taken away from their parents. It's enough when the Department of Children and Families (DCF) take children away from their parents when their parents lived in the US legally but provided an unfit environment to raise their children in, so for those who don't think that no one is torn up about children being taken away from their parents all because their parents didn't take the right steps to come legally to the US, then once again like the mainstream media they are out of touch with reality. I'm probably one of a few people who blog about how we feel and try to voice our opinions civilly whether you agree or disagree. Most people share their opinions publicly but not too many seem to agree to disagree civilly and that's too bad because it wasn't always like this. I'm often reminded that we are in a different era and shouldn't be surprised what goes on in the mainstream media. My 2 Cents.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
30 Conservative Groups Call on Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to Stop Censorship
30 Conservative Groups Call on Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to Stop Censorship: On Tuesday, the Media Research Center (MRC) and the recently formed coalition, Conservatives Against Online Censorship, called on tech giants Google, Facebook,
Facebook have compromised 850 million users accounts and censored Conservative ads exposing Planned Parenthood, Twitter, a Pro-Life social media site have censored ads by Conservatives exposing Planned Parenthood, and Google (merged with YouTube) have censored Conservative ads exposing Planned Parenthood. The Conservatives right to freedom of speech is violated. Can someone please tell me why do we hear about these same 4 social media sites all the time and not even in a good way? No wonder people are deleting their accounts from these 4 social media sites. I remember when Twitter didn't used to be this way but Facebook, Google, and YouTube always discriminated against Conservatives. We are in an era where fake news is often making the news more than the real news in the mainstream media. Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Vimeo, Tumblr, etc., you hardly hear about them in a bad way like that. It is important to go with reliable sources that you trust and can count on to give you accurate news. CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), CEO Jack Dorsey (Twitter), CEO Susan Wojcicki (YouTube), and CEO Sundar Pichai (Google) if you want to continue to have users delete their accounts from your social media sites, then your websites will decline in users. The 1st amendment is for both Conservatives and Liberals regardless whether we agree or disagree with what either party stand for. You don't see ads being censored from Liberals on Conservative sites so stop censoring ads from Conservatives on Liberal sites. My 2 Cents.

Facebook have compromised 850 million users accounts and censored Conservative ads exposing Planned Parenthood, Twitter, a Pro-Life social media site have censored ads by Conservatives exposing Planned Parenthood, and Google (merged with YouTube) have censored Conservative ads exposing Planned Parenthood. The Conservatives right to freedom of speech is violated. Can someone please tell me why do we hear about these same 4 social media sites all the time and not even in a good way? No wonder people are deleting their accounts from these 4 social media sites. I remember when Twitter didn't used to be this way but Facebook, Google, and YouTube always discriminated against Conservatives. We are in an era where fake news is often making the news more than the real news in the mainstream media. Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Vimeo, Tumblr, etc., you hardly hear about them in a bad way like that. It is important to go with reliable sources that you trust and can count on to give you accurate news. CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), CEO Jack Dorsey (Twitter), CEO Susan Wojcicki (YouTube), and CEO Sundar Pichai (Google) if you want to continue to have users delete their accounts from your social media sites, then your websites will decline in users. The 1st amendment is for both Conservatives and Liberals regardless whether we agree or disagree with what either party stand for. You don't see ads being censored from Liberals on Conservative sites so stop censoring ads from Conservatives on Liberal sites. My 2 Cents.

Monday, June 18, 2018
A California hospital suspends an ER doctor for cursing and mocking a pa...
Absolutely despicable to see a doctor treat a patient like that. 😠 He had an anxiety attack and Dr. Beth Keegstra makes fun of him. Very unprofessional and Dr. Keegstra should not be allowed to be a doctor anymore. Dr. Keegstra is old enough to be the patient's mom, but even someone's mom don't mock or cuss at their child like that. Excuse me and let me put it this way, no one's mom who isn't ghetto mock or cuss at their child like that. Some people could be recorded on camera doing dumb things and they still wouldn't act like they have integrity. I thought it was a guy at first but realized that it was a woman when I heard her yelling. Some people when they are rude then you can give them a pass because they had a bad day. This woman acted plain racist and ignorant. The woman even tried to act like she was a judge in court telling the patient that he changed his story. Suspending Dr. Keegstra for good is what should happen at this hospital. My 2 Cents.
Doctor mistreats patient
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Saturday, June 16, 2018
California Girl Makes Desperate Plea to Save Brother With Childhood Alzh...
California girl Sophia makes plea to save her little brother Carter Sarkar. Carter 6, is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Carter's family started a GoFundMe hoping that they will get enough money to help find a cure for Carter.#SaveCarter Prayers go up to Carter and his family while Carter is battling with this disorder.🙏🙏🙏 Carter's big sister says that she would be sad if they can't save her little brother's life. I pray that the family get more than $1,000,000 that they need to find a cure for Carter's diagnosis. You can't help but to shed tears when you hear this story. People tend to do everything that they can to help children and senior citizens when they hear about a story or stories that can help save their live when they're facing death . I felt that this is worth sharing and felt led to share it on my blog. I enjoy writing so when I hear a story that touches my heart and that I feel is worthy of sharing, I'm going to share it for all of my readers and fellow bloggers.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Courtney Hadwin: 13-Year-Old Golden Buzzer Winning Performance - America...
I had to share this blog with this cute 13-year old girl who wowed the judges. Courtney Hadwin appeared nervous like a lot of contestants who audition for America's Got Talent (AGT). Once this girl opened up her mouth and sang she got the audience and the millions of pople who watched AGT into her performance. Howie Mandel referenced a little girl in Janis Joplin who Hadwin reminded Mandel of. Mandel went on to say how Clive Davis signed Janis Joplin to a record deal. Mandel said, "I can't sign you to a record deal but I can do this..." Mandel hit the Golden Buzzer that sent Courtney Hadwin to the live shows. Hadwin's dad was even wowed by Hadwin's performance last night on AGT. Hadwin didn't even think that she would get the golden buzzer. Hadwin thought that she was getting the red buzzer. "There goes to show you that even nerves can bring out the best in people sometimes." AGT already have 2 12-year old's who have won on the show, children have proven that they can win on AGT and showcase on the biggest stage in Las Vegas winning $1,000,000.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Trump Brings Up Human Rights Abuses With Kim Jong Un After Reports of Horrific Forced Abortions in North Korea
Trump Brings Up Human Rights Abuses With Kim Jong Un After Reports of Horrific Forced Abortions in North Korea: Although the issue of denuclearization was the biggest topic during the meeting of President Donald Trump and North Korea dictator Kim Jong Un, President Donald
Finally, US President Donald J. Trump and North Korea leader Kim Jong Un have the summit meeting in Singapore. President Trump discussed with Jong Un's on Jong Un denuclearization of North Korea's nuclear weapon's program. The whole summit is focused on Jong Un's denuclearization of his nuclear weapon's program. The peace talks are looking optimistic between the US and one of the US's big time enemies in North Korea. Also, what is talked about is how women is being forced to have abortions in the Communist nation. Women endured being in prison labor camps and were forced to abort their unborn babies. Women who escaped North Korea were recaptured and were fed to the dogs. Women survived death eating grass and bark from trees, President Trump wanted to talk about the importance of human rights to North Korea leader Jong Un but didn't focus on that like Jong Un's promise to give up his nuclear weapons program. In return if Jong Un comply then the US will help Jong Un's demoralizing 3rd World country which is in turmoil. Can US/North Korea become allies, I think anything is possible. President Trump and Jong Un sparred with one another and both were bickering about who had the biggest weapons. Jong Un heart changed thanks to prayer because the US was prepared to take whatever means possible to defend themselves. President Trump once thought of Jong Un as "little rocket man" now refers to Jong Un as "honorable."
Finally, US President Donald J. Trump and North Korea leader Kim Jong Un have the summit meeting in Singapore. President Trump discussed with Jong Un's on Jong Un denuclearization of North Korea's nuclear weapon's program. The whole summit is focused on Jong Un's denuclearization of his nuclear weapon's program. The peace talks are looking optimistic between the US and one of the US's big time enemies in North Korea. Also, what is talked about is how women is being forced to have abortions in the Communist nation. Women endured being in prison labor camps and were forced to abort their unborn babies. Women who escaped North Korea were recaptured and were fed to the dogs. Women survived death eating grass and bark from trees, President Trump wanted to talk about the importance of human rights to North Korea leader Jong Un but didn't focus on that like Jong Un's promise to give up his nuclear weapons program. In return if Jong Un comply then the US will help Jong Un's demoralizing 3rd World country which is in turmoil. Can US/North Korea become allies, I think anything is possible. President Trump and Jong Un sparred with one another and both were bickering about who had the biggest weapons. Jong Un heart changed thanks to prayer because the US was prepared to take whatever means possible to defend themselves. President Trump once thought of Jong Un as "little rocket man" now refers to Jong Un as "honorable."
US/North Korea peace talks
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Saturday, June 9, 2018
How Thieves Target Woman’s Purses When They’re Shopping
Women when you are in a grocery store shopping especially elderly (seniors) women never leave your belongings unattended. I've been in a lot of stores where I see women leave their carriage with their purse inside their carriage while they are 1-3 blocks away from their carriage. I'm often tempted to ask the women if I could watch their carriage while they are away looking at food that they plan on purchasing at the store. People used to ask me to watch their stuff whenever they went to use the restroom, get a drink of water, or buy food. From time to time people still ask me to watch their belongings whenever they have to run out for a little bit. It's common courtesy to watch someone else's belongings whenever they are not going to be in that particular area for little bit. A lot of times, they underestimate a town that they are grocery shopping in because the town where they go to do their grocery shopping at is considered quiet and nothing really happens in that particular town. You can't think that way nowadays because thieves rob the suburbs as well as the inner cities. It's too risky and dangerous to leave your carriage while you look at something that you might think about planning on purchasing. Thieves are even bold enough to steal a woman's purse even if the woman is pushing her carriage and for that split second the woman decides to take her eye off of her purse.
I feel that we all can be helpful to fellow grocery store shoppers. If you see a woman's carriage with her purse in it ask her "Is this your carriage?" If she says "Yes" let her know that she should be close by her carriage because someone could snatch her purse and identification. Even offer to watch her carriage for her when she is a block or in view of who is by her carriage when the woman is planning on purchasing a grocery item. Whenever I see a carriage and it has someone's money, cellphone, or driver's license in it, I'm ready to turn those belongings in to lost and found at the grocery store. Especially elderly (seniors) women, they are more prone to being robbed while they are away from their carriage when they are shopping and leave their belongings. We should look out for each other and let people see that not everyone at a grocery store come there to rob people.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Connecticut Open House Day: June 9, 2018 | Visit CT
Connecticut Open House Day: June 9, 2018 | Visit CT
Check out Connecticut's Open House Day Saturday June 9, 2018. Connecticut has 169 towns and over 200 destinations. If you want to visit the Constitution State/Nutmeg State of Connecticut, check out deals and discounts on There will be over 240 participants in this year's events. I am so excited about this event, I'm contemplating going to an event in my surrounding town of Bloomfield. I am all for events and going to an Open House is something that I always look forward to going to whenever I get a chance to come to an Open House. I hope that all those who are planning on visiting Connecticut wherever you're from will find CT to be a wonderful experience for traveling. There are both free and discounts events at Open House in these 169 towns and all day.😎👌🎊
Check out Connecticut's Open House Day Saturday June 9, 2018. Connecticut has 169 towns and over 200 destinations. If you want to visit the Constitution State/Nutmeg State of Connecticut, check out deals and discounts on There will be over 240 participants in this year's events. I am so excited about this event, I'm contemplating going to an event in my surrounding town of Bloomfield. I am all for events and going to an Open House is something that I always look forward to going to whenever I get a chance to come to an Open House. I hope that all those who are planning on visiting Connecticut wherever you're from will find CT to be a wonderful experience for traveling. There are both free and discounts events at Open House in these 169 towns and all day.😎👌🎊
Annual Open House
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
President Trump hosts ceremony in place of Eagles visit | Tuesday, 5 Jun...
In place of the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles visit, President Trump decided to have "The Celebration of America" ceremony along side President Trump the United States Marine Band & the United States Army Chorus entertained a very large crowd. The Celebration of America took place because President Trump uninvited the Eagles to the White House because only a few Eagles players came to what would be an honor to be at the White House with President Trump. The Eagles never knelt during the singing of the National Anthem. However, there were some Eagles players that voiced how they didn't like how President Trump said that NFL owners should fire NFL players who didn't want to stand during singing of the National Anthem. There were some Eagles players that felt that peaceful protesters were justifiable and some of the Eagles players felt that the players who knelt is because they were standing up against police brutality against unarmed black men.
This is how I feel about protesting. Do it on your own time. Fans do not go to games to see players who are upset and angry because they felt that there is discrimination going on with some cops shooting some unarmed blacks and killing some of them. The NFL players whose kneeling is only kneeling because former Quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers Colin Kaepernick started kneeling until he got fired. Give us fans a break, the NFL players are now trying to be political? Get real! None of these players are making statements or taking a stand when some cops are innocently shot and some are killed by thugs of all of races' not just by blacks either or when there are some blacks who are shooting and killing each other in the inner cities. The NFL players are being paid millions of dollars to do some of the follow things: Throw the football, catch the football, run with the football, and make plays both offensively or defensively with the football. "Shut up and lets just play the game!" I never thought that the NFL would have a bunch of whiners who cry about something that they could easily have a charity or charities to help prevent what they feel strongly about with that being racism, brutality, unjust laws, etc, and donating 1/4 of their millions to their charity or charities of their choice. People who are in elementary school and in junior high act more mature than some of the NFL players. I think we are starting to understand who are the real overrated and overpaid players are. Some of these players are the ones who are a "cancer" to their team or teams and the reason why their team or teams can't compete at a Super Bowl level. When I saw how the Tennessee Titans (my 2nd favorite team) and the Baltimore Ravens (my 3rd favorite team) took knees during the singing of the National Anthem when they played their regular season games, I was very disgusted. I was thinking to myself these are the teams that I'm supposed to support. I would have felt the same way if it was my favorite team the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, which I rarely saw on TV. I would occasionally listen to my team on the radio when ESPN aired the Bucs on the radio. I'm becoming more and more "old skool." Anyways, NFL players act like your parent or parents, grandparent or grandparents, and guardian or guardians taught you some manners NFL players! The NFL owners should in my opinion not allow the NFL players to even play in the NFL games if they are going to kneel even if the NFL players are sent to the locker room. The coach should waive their players if kneeling continues past a week. My 2 Cents.
Monday, June 4, 2018
Supreme Court rules in favor of baker in same-sex cake case
Jack Phillips wins same-sex cake case, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of Mr. Phillips. The 1st amendment for Mr. Phillips and his strong faith in God prevailed in the Supreme Court's decision. I remember we were all praying that Mr. Phillips, those of us, who stood for what was moral, ethical, and constitutional that Mr. Phillips would win his case. No one should be forced to do something against their will to please someone else. Especially if it is for the LGBTQ group. America is going back to what the forefathers did when they wrote the constitution and america decided that enough is enough. Mr. Phillips didn't ban the LGBTQ for coming to his bakery. Mr. Phillips had baked cakes but he felt that the Word of God and what it stand for is the reason why Mr. Phillips wouldn't bake a wedding cake(s) for a same-sex couple(s). Mr. Phillips state of Colorado, which is normally a battle ground state during the election year, is split up and is a toss up state that could vote either way with their 9 electoral votes. Denver is Liberal while Colorado Springs is Conservative. Colorado could start going red more and not either way now based on the Supreme Court ruling. Judge Neil Gorsuch of Denver, we all knew would vote in favor of Jack Phillips!!! 😤🙌👏🙆😎
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