Many times the Lord sends different people across our paths
Some are true friends who will always be there
In both the good times and the bad times
Some are associates who will only be there occasionally
Regardless no matter who come into our life
We know that the Lord sent them there for a reason
Whether it's to be there through "thick and thin" or for a season
We can count how many who are true friends
I think it's an honor to be considered to be a friend
Considered to always be there in both the good times and the bad times
Happy to be a servant of the Lord and used to be a blessing to others
Who people consider as "one of kind."
One who will listen to others no matter what they are going through
Them knowing there will always be someone with opened ears!
Ready to listen and sympathize with their happiness and their pain
Realizing that we are all "fighting the same battle."
Knowing that we can count on each other to lift each other up when were are down
And to inspire each other when we are up
Loving the fact that the friends that we have are so unique
The different emotions that they show
Being sad when their friends are sad
Being glad when their friends are glad
Having that bond with one another
That no one will ever come between each other
Often seeking advice and giving advice to friends
Best friends "through thick and thin."
Having the memories of the times they were hanging out together
Sharing the good times that they spent being around each other
True friends who always stick together
Are friends who are forever

This Fictional Story is about a woman named Eileen, a Entrepreneur from Winston-Salem, NC who have a workshop in Flint, MI where Eileen meets a successful Inventory Clerk man named Roy and they both go out for coffee and lunch and start dating each other and they travel to meet each other's future in-laws who said that they should marry each other. The 2 married couple celebrate their 30th year wedding Anniversary on St. Patrick's Day the same day that they got married.
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