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Monday, June 4, 2018

Supreme Court rules in favor of baker in same-sex cake case

Jack Phillips wins same-sex cake case, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of Mr. Phillips. The 1st amendment for Mr. Phillips and his strong faith in God prevailed in the Supreme Court's decision. I remember we were all praying that Mr. Phillips, those of us, who stood for what was moral, ethical, and constitutional that Mr. Phillips would win his case. No one should be forced to do something against their will to please someone else. Especially if it is for the LGBTQ group. America is going back to what the forefathers did when they wrote the constitution and america decided that enough is enough. Mr. Phillips didn't ban the LGBTQ for coming to his bakery. Mr. Phillips had baked cakes but he felt that the Word of God and what it stand for is the reason why Mr. Phillips wouldn't bake a wedding cake(s) for a same-sex couple(s). Mr. Phillips state of Colorado, which is normally a battle ground state during the election year, is split up and is a toss up state that could vote either way with their 9 electoral votes. Denver is Liberal while Colorado Springs is Conservative. Colorado could start going red more and not either way now based on the Supreme Court ruling. Judge Neil Gorsuch of Denver, we all knew would vote in favor of Jack Phillips!!! 😤🙌👏🙆😎

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