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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Adorable Little Boy Helps Elderly Woman Up A Flight Of Stairs

Story of the day is by far is an 8 year old little boy who helped an elderly woman up the stairs. Maurice Adams of Milledgeville, GA immediately came to the aide of the elderly woman who had her walker and Maurice decided to help someone who needed help. People who are wondering if there are any "good Samaritans" out there just watch this video and you will be in awe! The boy didn't realize that he was being filmed and Maurice was with his mom when it all happened. The boy hugged the elderly woman and the elderly woman thanked Maurice and the elderly woman gave Maurice $100 for helping her up the stairs. I thought that this was a story that was worth sharing on my blog. I am glad I did!! No matter how things are or how wicked people are let this "act of kindness" remind us that there are people who are still warm-hearted, thoughtful, and caring. Maurice keep reminding people that there are still good people out there. 😂😎🙌🙆

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