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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Why I feel Tonya Harding loss on Dancing With The Stars

Till this very day there are people who still believe that former figure skater Tonya Harding had something to do with injuring former skater Nancy Kerrigan's knee back in 1994. Till this very day there are people who still believe that Nancy Kerrigan is a spoiled and stuck up snobby woman. Well, Ms. Kerrigan come across that way anyway. Ms. Kerrigan has forgiven Ms. Harding even though Ms. Harding only apologized for hanging around people who were bad influence around Ms. Harding to Ms. Kerrigan on Oprah in 1998. Ms. Kerrigan has moved on from what happened in 1994. Ms. Harding, who put out a movie I Tonya who depicted her childhood being abused by her mother and grew up to be a wonderful figure skater; America felt that Ms. Harding deserved a second chance to prove what Ms. Harding has learned despite the rough life that Ms. Harding wanted America to know about concerning Ms. Harding's rocky childhood.

Meanwhile, lets get on why Ms. Harding loss on Dancing With The Stars. Ms. Harding have not spoken to her mom in 16 years to even communicate with Ms. Harding. I'm sure Ms. Harding's mom would at least would like know why Ms. Harding won't talk to her instead of just completely shutting Ms. Harding's mom out of her life and out of her mom's grandson's life. Ms. Harding discredited her mom and gave all the credit to Ms. Harding's late dad for helping Ms. Harding be such a great figure skater that Ms. Harding is. Ms. Harding ignores the fact that Ms. Harding's mom took 3 minimum wage low paying jobs as a single mom just so that Ms. Harding and her mom would have a roof over their heads', food to eat, and clothes to wear. Ms. Harding's mom was the one who paid for Ms. Harding's skates and outfits and were at Ms. Harding's competitions when Ms. Harding was growing up. America voted for Ms. Harding in the final 3 to see if being on Dancing With The Stars would be a humbling experience for Ms. Harding. Ms. Harding said, "I just wanted to prove that I belong here," referring to making the Top 3 on Dancing With The Stars.  

Ms. Harding no one that was pulling for your never really doubted your skills as a figure skater. Your mom said that was the reason why she pushed you so hard. Ms. Harding your mom saw so much potential in you but you took being pushed like you were pushed around. Ms. Harding we all can honestly say that we didn't always agree with our parents methods when they were raising us. I know a lot of parents out there can say that they have children that feel that their parents were too soft on them, too hard on them, and both too soft and too hard on them growing up. The one thing we got to understand is that our parents did the best that they could raising us. Whether you grew up in a single parent household with just mom or just dad being there or both parents raising you with both mom and dad being there, when we grow up to be adults we can never forget what our parents taught us and how our parents did the things that they did out of love. Ms. Harding I'm not going to judge you for not speaking to your mom and why you are angry at your mom. However, hearing your mom give an interview on Entertainment Tonight & ABC News does not sound like a mom who abused you growing up. Just My 2 Cents.

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