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Monday, May 14, 2018

Jim Rome Funnies 2012

Jolene from Farmington on the Hackoff

I heard this funny segment on the hackoff when Jim Rome show was on the radio in Hartford. The rules is simple "have a take" and say something funny and make sense in what you say or you get "run." Jolene won the hackoff in 2012 to earn her spot in the smackoff. Jolene's segment of the hackoff never stop being funny lol!😀

Wildcard: Mark from Hollywood on the Smackoff

Not bad at all for a Wildcard that got the "Golden Ticket." If his cellphone was not breaking up he could have finished better than 6th place. Mark recovered though and was able to deliver "Oompa Loompa Doompa Dee Do" song from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory and it was funny! 😌

Brad in Corona on the Smackoff

This guy focused on cracking on people who cracked on him. Funny but could have used sports references in his call. I understand why he finished in 7th place in the smackoff. He was funny though. 😃

Iafrate on the Smackoff

This guy used sports reference in his call and cracked on people who cracked on him. His comebacks were by far knock out blows to Brad in Corona and Mike in Indy. I enjoyed how he used Mark in Hollywood's "Oompa Loompa Doompa Dee Do's" song that he used in his call to clown how crappy Mark's cellphone was when it was breaking up, nice touch lol! This guy was robbed and should have won the smackoff!😀😄 Readers and fellow bloggers thank you for reading and comments. My 200th blog post shout out goes to y'all!! 😎 

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