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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Fictional Story: Burt Dickerson's Soulmate Test

Burt Dickerson 51, has been trying to figure out if he could ever find love again since his 2 nasty divorces from his ex-wives. Dr. Jane Wagoner, Burt's Psychologist did a test to see if Burt would meet someone again that he could fall in love with and marry. Burt's children have told him that he should stop seeing a "shrink" because Dr. Wagoner is only adding to Burt's depression. Burt has been contemplating overdosing on prescription drugs and hanging himself. Burt is at a low point in his life. Dr. Wagoner perhaps see "light at the end of the tunnel," for Burt. Burt is not really in any position to ditch seeing Dr. Wagoner. In fact, Dr. Wagoner have helped Burt get to the root of his depression problems and Burt feeling at times lonely because he is a divorced father of 5 children. Dr. Wagoner had Burt picture who he was looking for in a woman. Dr. Wagoner wanted Burt to write out a description of the woman he would like to meet and fall in love with. Burt did exactly that and Dr. Wagoner recommended that Burt go to a place that is out of his comfort zone where Burt wouldn't dream of going to and Burt is now on track to feeling optimistic again. Burt have been going to art galleries, opera shows, dog shows, etc in New York City.

Phantom of the Opera

Dog show

Art Gallery

Burt has always had a reputation as being a nerd. Burt, however is more into outdoor activities like biking, rock climbing, traveling, etc. Burt feels that getting out of his comfort zone and trying news things is a way to help him concentrate and perhaps meet the woman that he hope to meet and fall in love with. Dr. Wagoner might have done a big favor for Burt when Dr. Wagoner told Burt to be more spontaneous, take more risks, and try out new things that is out of the ordinary. Dr. Wagoner's goal is not to change Burt and get Burt to ditch his old activities that Burt enjoy doing for fun but to get Burt to see that there is more to Burt than just Burt's normal routine activities that Burt normally does. http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/04/fictional-story-burt-dickersons-problems.html

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