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Monday, July 16, 2018

Grandmother Recounts Desperate Escape During WWII Allied Invasion in Italy

Grandmother who was 10 years old when World War II broke out in Italy is a survivor. 75 years later Cecilia Maltempi 85, recalls how she was able to escape and come to the US from Sicily, Italy. Italy is another one of our Allies. Amazing story how the grandmother came to the US to start a better life. Mrs. Maltempi remembers how her family struggled and how the war took the life of her brother. I learned a little about Benito Mussolini when I took History my Freshmen year of high school. Please see link about Mussolini, it's Mussolini's biography. https://www.biography.com/people/benito-mussolini-9419443  This is a country I always wanted to visit and I felt that I learned some history and was schooled big time. I'm glad that I shared this story from Inside Edition on my blog. Inside Edition have really great stories on their YouTube channel. I highly recommend that my readers and fellow bloggers check out the link to Inside Edition. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9k-yiEpRHMNVOnOi_aQK8w 👍👍

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