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Friday, July 27, 2018

What's best with different cakes (a glass of milk or a scoop of ice cream)

Have anyone ever had a piece of cake and thought about if having that particular cake is best with a glass of milk or a scoop of ice cream? I know that I've probably got my readers and fellow bloggers thinking about this for a little bit, especially after the appetizers blog that I wrote before, lol.😋 Anyway, in order to tell if the piece of cake that you are eating is best with milk or ice cream, it all depends on how rich or how sweet the cake is. For example, the richer the cake is the more sweeter the cake will be and milk is good with that particular cake. The less rich the cake is the less sweet (meaning it's just right when it comes to being sweet) that particular cake will be and ice cream is good for that particular cake. Listed below I will list some cakes that is best eaten with milk or ice cream.

German Chocolate Cake

I've had this cake a few times and I must say that German chocolate cake is rich. German chocolate cake is really good with a glass of milk.

Chocolate Mousse Cake

The very first time I had this cake was when I went to the WIHS 104.9FM radio station (Middletown) banquet at The First Cathedral in Bloomfield back in 2002. I must have had like 3rd's and 4th's because the people kept bringing these chocolate mousse cakes at tables. This cake is not that rich and the sweetness is just right. Chocolate Mousse cake is really good with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Red Velvet Cake

Red Velvet cake is very rich. This cake is best with a glass of milk.

Strawberry Shortcake

As much as I've had this cake, I know that delicious cake is just right in sweetness. Strawberry shortcake is really good with a scoop of ice cream.

Mocha Chocolate Cake

This is my absolute favorite cake. This cake have both the right sweetness to it and it's rich. Mocha chocolate cake is both good with a glass of milk or a scoop of ice cream.

The cake challenge is fun to try especially when you think about it in that way. I've actually tried this without even thinking about it like that. I've just experimented what is best with the different cakes whether if it's with a glass of milk or a scoop of ice cream. If my readers and fellow bloggers feel that what I've written is worth experimenting for themselves, then I will say go for it! I hope that all of my readers enjoy!💭🎂🍨🥛

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