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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Betsy Devos rolling back the Obama Administration 2 Memorandums

Education Secretary Betsy Devos undoing  Obama's student loan protection

"Education Secretary Betsy Devos undoes Obama's memorandums that allowed students who borrowed over 1.1 trillion dollars by Federal Aid government to help students manage their loans or discharge their loans." Devos is a billionaire who offers free vouchers for students to go to charter schools that offers good education. Devos went to private school and Devos and her husband sent their children to private school. Devos want people to be able to afford to go to fully accredited schools where they don't go into default in student loans that the Obama administration have been guilty of doing. The 6 year rule affected a lot of people who went to school longer than 6 years that had a lot of students borrowing loans to help pay for their college education under the Obama administration. Too much borrowing made schools less affordable and people who couldn't finish school in 6 years (for personal reasons like disabilities) had to suffer. I went to public school pretty much all of my life and I went to private school 2 years and what I have learned in both is that there is nothing like being able to choose a school or college where people are learning and graduating and taking what they have learned in the working field.

 Navient Corporation has been sued by students that were in default of loans and were affected by it (link will be up). The Obama administration thought that it was a good idea that students who earned an Associate's Degree from a Community College (I'm a student with an Associate's Degree) that he or she shouldn't try to pursue bigger dreams. Under the Obama administration anyone who were unemployed he or she would survive with the help of the government. The problem with all of that was that there were people who had Associate's Degrees, Bachelor's Degrees, or even Master's Degrees that found themselves looking for employment or doing Part-Time jobs (some were people who had good paying Full-Time jobs that were laid off). Betsy Devos was successful and believes that anyone with a good education can be successful in life. In order for people to pursue their dreams, it was time for Devos to undo what the Obama administration did with the schools especially the poor urban schools that are on the verge or losing their accreditation or have lost their accreditation. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-11/devos-undoes-obama-student-loan-protections

Common Core has what messed up a lot of the school systems, it's time to bring back Common Sense Education.

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