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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Working moms and stay at home dads

What people once viewed work as the women staying home and taking care of the kids and men working outside of the home have completely changed.

The view of men being considered the "bread-winner" in the household while the women stayed home and took care of the kids have changed so much. Nowadays, there are a lot more stay at home dads and moms working outside of the home. Is this something that was bound to happen? A lot of this has to do what was once referred to as the terms, "men's work" and "women's work."  The specific jobs like plumbing, engineering, mechanic, etc., was once considered men's work while baby-sitting, taking care of the kids, cooking, and cleaning was considered women's work. There was never a big emphasis that the roles could change back in the early 1900's. Now in the 21 Century, we have such an obvious change to let us wake up and realize that there are men who are stay at home dads who cook, clean, and watch the kids while there are working women who are moms that work outside of the home to help support the family.

Supporting the family is what makes a husband-wife team a wonderful combination regardless who stays home and help out in the house and who go out to work. The husband and wife are both making sure the bills are being paid. If a man is working at home, it does not mean that he is a sissy or if the women who is working outside of the home, it does not mean that she is more manly because no work that the women or men do define if they are weak or strong. The complaining that he or she does only define how strong or how weak that they are. Just because we are seeing a change in what is being viewed as the type or work that men and women do does not mean this is the common thing now. It's just for those who think that "women should stay at home and take care of the kids and the men should work outside of the home and be the bread-winner for the family."

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