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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Country Artist Kimberly Dunn Will Perform Concert for Pro-Life Pregnancy Center

Country Artist Kimberly Dunn Will Perform Concert for Pro-Life Pregnancy Center: A country music singer and a group of Texas college students are teaming up to help support babies and moms in their community. The Optimist reports country

Saving lives and taking a stand that we are for life is what Pro-Lifers are all about. It's good that there are famous celebrities that are Pro-Life and unashamed to say that they are for life. Saving babies from abortion, who did not ask to come in this world is making a statement that all lives matter. I think that is wonderful that a Country music singer like Kimberly Dunn and students from a Christian University like Abilene Christian University in Abilene, TX are teaming up & supporting moms both single and married who have given birth and decided that babies are human beings and that they have a right to be raised in this world and grow up and being a strong advocate for life. It's all about keeping the abortions down and doing that is by defending abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood. I said that anything worth blogging like that I would share on my blog. A lot of Pro-Abortionists are turning Pro-Lifers everyday!

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