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Friday, April 7, 2017

Social Media

Social Media is where things go viral

Social Media has changed since the first time I've been on it back in 2007. Social Media has been a source where people get their information, news, watch their favorite programs, blogging where they can voice their opinions on, etc. When things go viral you can always read, watch, or check it out on social media. With that being said, there are some good and some bad things about social media. What is really good about social media is that people can connect with other people online and become really good friends through interaction. However, not everyone who goes on social media is about interacting. Since there is both good and bad in social media the key is trying to make an impact. Whether we are spreading the gospel, music, and telling people about our website or being involved in your favorite cause we decide if we are going to impact people in a good way or bad way.

Every time that I'm on social media I'm hoping that I'm an encouragement to those who really need encouragement. Too many things going viral on social media both good and bad the millions and billions of users on those particular websites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, tend to share and that's how over hundreds and thousands of things are being shared over and over. That is one of the main reasons why we have to be very careful what we say when posting on social media. Some people have lost their job because of things going viral in a bad way. Most of what I share is news that has been happening or just happened and what I do say I try to keep to a minimum when I'm on social media. We have to realize that there are people who read what we post. Whether what we say is good or bad we are being monitored even when we think no one is paying attention to us. Some of them same people who are reading our posts are people who want to sign up for the different social networking websites. 

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