To all of my readers and fellow bloggers if Burger King is your favorite fast food restaurant like it is mine, then we may like some of the similar food at Burger King. My mom used to go through the Burger King drive thru window in Bloomfield and order food there. My mom stopped going to the drive thru window to order when she dealt with a worker who used to be stingy with the food. What I mean by stingy for example, cold fries is what the worker would give my mom when she asked for hot fries and small scoop ice cones when my mom would ask for ice cream cones. My mom had one particular manager that she had a complaint about who was Caribbean, she think that he was Jamaican because he talk with a Jamaican accent. Anyway, this guy was the manager and happened to be a worker who served my mom food that my mom ordered. My mom found the Caribbean manager to be rude at Burger King in Bloomfield. My mom stopped going through the drive thru because of the rude manager at Burger King. Me and my mom look forward to going to Burger King on Saturday's for lunch because right from there we go to the grocery store. My mom gets Burger King coupons in her flyer, which come every Thursday. Burger King always have good deals on food so the coupons that my mom cuts out of the flyer is always for lunch or dinner. My mom don't fool with the breakfast coupons because we never eat breakfast at Burger King.
Meanwhile, an incident happened when my mom and classmate from Capital Community College, went to the same Burger King in Bloomfield. My mom's classmate went to the drive thru window and had an encounter with the same Caribbean manager. My mom and her classmate had ordered their food and the manager had told them to wait a few minutes because he was going to serve them fresh food. My mom said that her and her classmate from school waited 10-15 minutes. The same manager served them cold fries and cold chicken fries. Naturally, my mom and her classmate said that the fries were cold because they trusted the manager when he told my mom and her classmate that he would serve them fresh food. The fries were indeed cold because my mom brought food home for me from Burger King. My mom had a similar experience when she sent me to go inside to order chicken fries last Saturday September 29, 2018. I happened to meet the manager because he was serving the food when I ordered inside. I mentioned to him that I want the fries hot and the chicken fries hot. The fries were hot but the chicken fries were cold. My mom got fed up with the Caribbean manager and one of the workers who work at Burger King told my mom how this same Caribbean manager almost got him in trouble. The manager sent the worker beginner trainers who didn't know the ropes of cooking at Burger King and the worker didn't understand how the manager would put beginner trainers off on him like that.
Finally, my mom decided to call and complain about the Caribbean manager. My mom called on Tuesday October 2, 2018. My mom talked to Laurel, the main manager at Burger King and filled Laurel in on all that had happened from the time my mom stop going through the drive thru because of the Caribbean manager attitude and him giving my mom cold fries when my mom asked for hot fries and a tiny scoop of ice cones up till when my mom and mom's classmate was lied to when they drove up to the drive thru window when the manager said that he would serve them fresh food and the manager served them cold fries. Laurel and my mom was chatting on the phone like they knew each other for a long time. Laurel said that she would make it up to my mom and me. Laurel told my mom the days that Laurel would be at Burger King. Laurel told my mom that we can order anything we want and that Laurel would hook us up. My mom mentioned to Laurel that my mom and me would be at Burger King Saturday October 6, 2018 and that she would stop by there on her way to the grocery store. My mom mentioned to Laurel that she didn't complain to get anything from Burger King, my mom was just tired of the devious manager that mom had to deal with at the drive thru window. Laurel insisted on treating me and my mom and my mom called Laurel to make sure that Laurel was there and that her shift wasn't over. My mom already pulled in Burger King parking lot and sent me in the restaurant. I ordered a bacon King meal, a Whopper with cheese, chicken fries, and another drink. Laurel had me bring the drinks to the car and Laurel brought the food to the car because Laurel wanted to meet my mom. Laurel met my mom and told my mom that if my mom have anymore complaints at Burger King to let Laurel know and she would hook my mom and me up with a free meal. The Lord really gave me and my mom favor with Laurel. We thanked Laurel for hooking us up like that. Laurel knew that Burger King is our favorite restaurant because at this point they are the fast food chain with all of the deals right now. Laurel also didn't want me and my mom to go to another restaurant just because of the rude manager that mom dealt with. I thought I would share a good story on favor and I am glad that I did. 😎😉

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