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Saturday, October 6, 2018

How Mom Protected Her Kids During California Home Invasion

The mom was 100% in the right by pointing her weapon at the intruder. The kids life could have been in danger, then it would have been on the mom. The woman dialed 911 while pointing the gun at the intruder. It's was good seeing an intruder being held at gunpoint. Brittany Morse is a bonafide hero.  Morse's daughter noticed an intruder was in the house when she opened the daughter that led to the garage. As a Pro 2nd Amendment myself (a non-gun owner), I want to encourage gun owners like Morse to continue to protect you and your family "by any means necessary" from intruders. The intruder did perhaps the dumbest thing when he pleaded not guilty. The video camera got the guy's face and he was caught "red-handed." 

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