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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Oasis Christian Church not about Pastor's Appreciation month

Me and my mom visited Oasis Christian Church (OCC) from July 3, 2016-March 19, 2017 on Bloomfield Avenue in Windsor. A lot went on during those 8 months that we were at this non-denominational church. Church service is Sundays from 11 AM- 12:30 PM. Sometimes service went longer for people who had praise reports or prayer requests. There is also coffee, cookies, cake, cupcakes, soda, orange juice, etc., after service in the kitchen to those who wanted to stay and fellowship after service. For the first month, the Pastor was out of town and we had members preach during the pastor's absence. The pastor had speaking engagements and is into helping churches expand. The pastor mentioned how he didn't always do what the Lord wanted him to do. Basically, the pastor tried to do his own thing and it didn't work out the way he wanted and decided to listen to a really good friend and a church elder when he told him about preaching at Oasis Christian Church back in 2009 or 2010. River of Life Church used to be the name but it was changed to Oasis Christian Church back in 2009 or 2010 in Windsor. River of Life Church broke off and is in Tolland. The pastor could have easily decided to pack up leave town with his wife, and 4 daughters but New England would be without a dynamite pastor who is on fire for God! The pastor felt that it was time to stay put and help OCC expand in their ministry.  

Anyway, this non denominational church there were like cliques; people who hang with a popular group of people and who they want to be like. I noticed that the people were very friendly the first 2 months that me and my mom was there. After the pastor returned after being out of town, the people went from being friendly to sometimes friendly to sometimes not as friendly. That is unusual for a church that is so very diverse like that. OCC is predominately Conservative, there were a few who were Liberal but you could count them on your fingers. The church didn't really have any events and their church website was not updated. I thought about helping them update their website because I'm used to going online and creating my own websites. Probably what was most uneasy about OCC is how everyone who was involved in their ministry was not for new people coming in helping out and showing them a new way of doing things. Me and my mom looked OCC up in the telephone book because we checked out all of the churches in Bloomfield (which we can write books about) and OCC was the only one we didn't check out in Windsor. I noticed the sign in front of the church and the time of service when me and my mom drove by OCC 2 years ago.

Probably what shocked us the most about OCC is that they don't honor Pastor's Appreciation Month. My mom mentioned to the church secretary about Pastor Appreciation Month and the church secretary rebuked my mom saying, "We don't do worldly things!" My mom mentioned, "That's not a worldly thing to honor the pastor on Pastor's Appreciation month. If we thought like that, then we wouldn't celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas or acknowledging how Jesus died and rose again on the 3rd day in Easter." My mom decided to leave that alone and never brought up any holiday or special occasions at OCC anymore. The whole point of Pastor's Appreciation month is to let your pastor or pastors know how much you appreciate how they are used by the Lord to preach the good sermon. This sermon is not only for Christians but for those who are not saved and don't know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and who want to be saved, delivered, and be free from living a life of sin. John 3:16-17 King James Version (KJV) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be save." When anyone visit a church whether saved or not saved they will tell their friends or family if that church were welcoming to visitors or demonstrating Christlike love to each other.


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