It's been approximately 3 years the last time that me and my mom had visited then Faith Community Church now Christ Proclamation Church (a community church, too). I remember when me and my mom attended the Pastor's Appreciation for the 2 pastors at that church. The Pastor was Joel Peck and the co-pastor was Jonathan Price. They looked to be my age, they were pastoring for about 3 years at the time. The church was located in Pigeon Hill RD in Windsor. The church at may 20-25 members and visitors combined the most and it was a small church. It was an Autumn kind of weather October of 2015. I remember some of the following food was served in the church kitchen: Shepherd's pie, cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, tortilla chips and dip, cheese cakes, ice cream sandwiches, soda, water, juice, etc. Perhaps the most memorable thing about the pastor's appreciation event that me and my mom attended is when pastor Joel,co-pastor Jonathan, and Vic, the guy who read church announcements tried to explain to me and my mom what Advent Christian is. To avoid running away visitors like me and my mom and church members, the pastor, co-pastor, and the guy who read the church announcements tried to "steer away" from talking about the church beliefs. Faith Community Church come from out of the Seventh Day Adventist Church (a denominational church), who don't eat meat and who celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday.
This is how I feel about a church no matter if it's a denominational church or a non-denominational church. The pastor, his or her church members or visitors in their church, should never be ashamed at what their beliefs are. Their common goal is to be obedient to God, have altar calls for those who would like to be saved, delivered, and set free of all sins, and those who want to rededicate their life to Jesus Christ who have been in a backslidden stage. Romans 3:23 King James Version (KJV) "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" The 2-3 months that me and my mom visited Faith Community Church we were tithing at that church because the church didn't seem to focus on teaching about tithing. The main focus was on praying for others who were in need of finances, healing, and for God to intervene. Whenever we visit any church we are never there to judge. We are there in a lot of ways to be an answer to others prayer as well as praying for a church that the Lord may want us to attend and join and be a member of which in "this day and age" seems hard to find. Once the Lord tells his children that their season is up at visiting a church or churches, we have to be obedient to his will for our life.
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