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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Disabled BBC Actress Liz Carr: Opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide is “About People Like Me”

Disabled BBC Actress Liz Carr: Opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide is “About People Like Me”: When the subject of legalizing assisted suicide hits the headlines, it’s all too common for the arguments to be polarized as between secular liberals’ argui

Loud and clear in a very long article of opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide is Actress Liz Carr. I wrote a blog where I stand on Assisted Suicide months ago and unfortunately the crooked doctors decide whether a patient or patients live or die. In the case of Charlie Gard, the British hospital decided that they would take the baby off life support, who would have been a year had he would have lived. Most doctors only care about one thing and one thing only, "the money!" Doctors are perhaps one of the most overrated occupations if not the most overrated occupation. If a doctor see something wrong he or she will have you coming back and all they need to do is see you at your worst state and they are ready to "pull the plug" on you. That is the problem when the government decides everything. The government decides if you live or die and that's why depending on the government is like a "cancer" that just don't want to go away.

Not enough disabled people speak up and say that they have a right to live. The people who have the elderly in their care do not say to them who are disabled that they will fight with the elderly for life or fight for the elderly for life. Another example, is Terri Schiavo whose husband told the doctors to let her die because she was in a vegetative state half of her life. Too many people are being influenced to end their life because of the state they are in instead trying to save their life and help keep them alive as long as they got fight in them. Most doctors care about making some kind of quota because they make a whole lot of money and therefore they are overpaid. 

Terri Schiavo in a vegetative state half of her life her husband told the doctors to let her die in 2005.

Charlie Gard's parents fought for him to live but the British hospital wouldn't let Charlie Gard get the help he needed that could have saved his life. Charlie Gard never got turn a year old.

Disabled right for life activist and famous British Actress/Comedienne

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