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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Fictional Story: Living A Double Life

Renown Hospital in Reno, NV

Barbara Conley 43 works as a nurse by day from 7AM-3PM and a bartender by night from 7PM-Midnight. Barbara resides in Reno, NV with her husband Tony Conley 43. Probably the most shocking things about Barbara is that she is an excellent singer, an excellent pianist, and can "beat the pants off" of every guy who challenges Barbara to a game of poker. Could it be that Barbara could be a woman who is unhappy in her marriage or is it that Barbara is outgoing and popular in Reno that she has a lot of friends? Barbara's husband Tony is always on the road traveling on business trips and they only see each other on the weekends. Both Barbara and Tony's life could fit the narrative that they are both living a double life.


When you think about it it's almost like Mr. & Mrs. Tony Conley are in a long distant marriage at times because nowadays they are rarely together. Things were the complete opposite when Tony and Barbara got married 20 years ago. This double life episode has been going on for the past 7 years now. There were times when Tony and Barbara went everywhere together if it were business trips, family reunions, parties, etc. Could Tony and Barbara be keeping in touch with one another on the phone, writing each other letters, or even texting each other? The surprising thing about the double life narrative is that Tony and Barbara being a part from one another having little to no affect on their marriage. Actually, Tony and Barbara agreed that their marriage is very happy that spending some time away from each make their marriage more happier and healthier. Tony nor Barbara have indicated to each other that they were unhappy in their marriage.  Tony and Barbara rarely have fights because they both can agree that the jobs that they do can be both fun and stressful. There is nothing to be alarmed about. The only thing that the 2 married couple are doing is living a double life with their work that they do.

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