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Monday, August 28, 2017

My reaction to Joel Osteen keeping his church closed

"When a Pastor is too big and God is too small"

Mega Pastor Joel Osteen demonstrated how much he really cared about those that were affected by Hurricane Harvey in the Greater Houston area. Joel Osteen decided "not in his church" will those who lost their homes and their belongings will they come to his church for shelter. When you want to talk about someone who is cold-hearted, sadly there are some Christians who display a cold-hearted attitude. Joel Osteen told his members to "pray for those affected by Hurricane Harvey," not help them by providing shelter in his Mega Church (one of the largest churches in Texas if not the largest church). For those members, it's a no brainer for some of you if you were thinking about going to another church. Joel Osteen by the way, is among the Top 10 millionaire preachers in the world that is considered overrated. Texans are hospitable and they never acted like this but I know what church not to visit when I visit Houston. I thought that hearing this was not only shocking but this preacher and his family owns a $10 million dollar mansion in Texas. My mom mentioned to me that Joel Osteen's ministry called her home phone number sometime ago begging for money to help out Joel Osteen's Mega Church. My mom told Joel Osteen's ministry to put her on the "do not call list."  I think social media is already telling it like it is to Joel Osteen so I don't have anything else to say other than shame on you Joel Osteen for being so cold to Hurricane Harvey victims.

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