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Monday, August 14, 2017

My reaction to Charlottesville Protest

A Protest in Charlottesville, VA where 12 were injured and a woman was killed.

Protests happens when people who are full of anger & rage spute hate. What went on in Charlottesville is no different than any other group or groups that are full of anger and rage displaying that same hate. I thought that President Trump did a really good job condemning all of the groups full of hatred. For those who felt that President Trump didn't address a specific group, y'all have to realize that there are more than on group full of hatred. The White Supremacist is not the only group who display anger, hate, and violence. I'm not going to mention the other groups because they are all evil.

As a Christian, one of the things I feel that Christians (I'm referring to me as well) need to pray for our nation. Yes, we are divided and I feel that it is important to pray for the people involved and carrying out these angry, hateful, and violent protests. God is the only one who can change the hearts of those who are cold-hearted and Jesus is the only one who can save those who desire to be saved. Hate, violence, and anger is happening everywhere. Christians the only way that we can be a help is to be a "light to the world." When protests are going on like the one in Charlottesville, we have to understand that this happening what it is saying in Matthew 24. https://www.bible.com/bible/1/MAT.24.kjv#!

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