This Fictional Story is about a woman named Eileen, a Entrepreneur from Winston-Salem, NC who have a workshop in Flint, MI where Eileen meets a successful Inventory Clerk man named Roy and they both go out for coffee and lunch and start dating each other and they travel to meet each other's future in-laws who said that they should marry each other. The 2 married couple celebrate their 30th year wedding Anniversary on St. Patrick's Day the same day that they got married.
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Welcome Readers and Bloggers!!! :-)
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Breast Cancer Survivors
For all of the cancer survivors out there y'all will never forget how defeated cancer
This will probably be the only time that I use pink ink. I thought I would show my appreciation to those who are cancer survivors. Not everyone know what it was like to experience being diagnosed with all types of different cancers from the different doctors. Cancer have been a battle for some longer than others. Cancer have put some people on the brink of death but the warriors who over came cancer is able to tell everyone their testimony of how God has healed them of the symptoms. Not all doctors are optimistic about their patients. The patients usually for the most part, get the worst news, for some that can be discouraging while others it's motivation to keep the faith and remain storng. That is why it is always important to get a second opinion. Not all doctors are fearful of patients who are diagnosed with cancer. There are some doctors who are optimistic especially patients who are proven to be fighters in everyday life. To all of the cancer survivors keep up the good work! Your friends, family, relatives, etc., are very proud to hear such a good report of how you beat cancer when you were in the statistic of those patients that the doctors said who were on the brink of death. 👏👏👏
War on cancer cake cutting ceremony in honor of all the cancer survivors
Breast Cancer Awareness month
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Monday, October 30, 2017
Student Body President Impeached After Canceling Abortion Ads in Student Newspaper
Student Body President Impeached After Canceling Abortion Ads in Student Newspaper: University College of Dublin student body president Katie Ascough was impeached last week after she removed potentially illegal abortion information from a stud
College student Katie Ascough was removed as student body president because she canceled abortion ads in the student newspaper. Ascough felt that it is wrong to commit a crime. Abortion is illegal in Ireland and abortion activists at the University of Dublin accused Ascough of censoring because she wouldn't write about how to get abortion pills for the school newspaper. Ascough is a Pro-Lifer, who felt that it is wrong to do something that is dangerous and that is against her beliefs. Ascough didn't want to have regrets for not standing up when she had the chance. They voted 69% for Ascough to be impeached because Ascough would not compromise her Pro-Life views. Once again I commend people who take a stand and do what is right. Ascough may not be student body president at her college anymore but that does not matter. Anyone who is willing to sacrifice their job in order to defend what is morally, ethically, and constitutionally right gets a big ovation. Ascough will join others as heroes who did something so bold and didn't care what others thought of them when they stood up for what they believed in. Too many people are silent and regret not saying anything or not doing anything when they had a chance to do something or say something. I checked this news article up on Lifenews.com and I share a handful on things that they email on social media. I'm glad I shared!👏👏😎😎
Katie Ascough, impeached as student body president at the University of Dublin because she wouldn't provide information for women to be able to use abortion pills that is illegal in Ireland.
College student Katie Ascough was removed as student body president because she canceled abortion ads in the student newspaper. Ascough felt that it is wrong to commit a crime. Abortion is illegal in Ireland and abortion activists at the University of Dublin accused Ascough of censoring because she wouldn't write about how to get abortion pills for the school newspaper. Ascough is a Pro-Lifer, who felt that it is wrong to do something that is dangerous and that is against her beliefs. Ascough didn't want to have regrets for not standing up when she had the chance. They voted 69% for Ascough to be impeached because Ascough would not compromise her Pro-Life views. Once again I commend people who take a stand and do what is right. Ascough may not be student body president at her college anymore but that does not matter. Anyone who is willing to sacrifice their job in order to defend what is morally, ethically, and constitutionally right gets a big ovation. Ascough will join others as heroes who did something so bold and didn't care what others thought of them when they stood up for what they believed in. Too many people are silent and regret not saying anything or not doing anything when they had a chance to do something or say something. I checked this news article up on Lifenews.com and I share a handful on things that they email on social media. I'm glad I shared!👏👏😎😎
Katie Ascough, impeached as student body president at the University of Dublin because she wouldn't provide information for women to be able to use abortion pills that is illegal in Ireland.
Bullying Prevention
The effects of bullying (a bully will target anyone who are defenseless.)
A bully usually bully people because they were bullied themselves when they were a kid. (An act of cowardliness)
Originally Posted from My views on people bullying others http://citysuburb.wix.com/pauls-writing-style/apps/blog/my-views-on-people-bullying-others
I thought I would write about a topic that is constantly occurring such as bullying. Bullying have been going on when I was in elementary school since back in the 80's, when I was in private school back in the early 90's, and when I was in high school back in the mid till late 90's. The definition of bullying is simply those who are bigger and stronger and picking on and harassing (both verbally and physically) those who are smaller and who are weaker than him or her. Bullies tend to be cowards, who prey on those who are intimidated by him or her. For example a young teenager who is 13 years old in 8th grade might bully a kid who who is in elementary school maybe who is 9 in the 4th grade. He or she may threaten to beat that person up if they don't give them their lunch money. When I was growing up people handled bullies differently. They usually stood up to them when he or she got tired of being bullied. Or they went outside and fist fought until the other person lost (9 times out of 10 it was the bully that lost the fight and he or she left that person alone who they were bullying). If you were in the inner city that is how people dealt with bullies or they got a bunch of friends who were small like them and ganged up on the bully and beat him or her up that way so he or she would stop bullying little kids who were smaller than them.
You look back how things were back in the 80's and 90's and look how things have changed so much since then. For one thing people is bullying people online as well as in school. This form of bullying is Cyber bullying where a person meet someone online and just threaten to beat him or her up.Chatting online is not always the best way because people can cuss or swear and he or she know that there is nothing that the other person can do because they are any where between 20 miles- 10,000 miles away from them (one girl was being bullied online in Seattle, WA so much to where she got tired of it, so she left Washington State and moved to Connecticut to stay with her Aunt). People used to say things face to face and didn't hide behind a computer but people who are on social network websites like Facebook, MySpace, etc., are usually being harassed with hateful comments on their wall or in messages. It's really no use in anyone trying to make their profile private because everyone know who you are if you are an active user of those websites that were mentioned. I heard so many people who were bullied on social network websites who were young teenagers who committed suicide by hanging themselves from listening to the news. Bullying have be more common to where parents who have children carry guns, knives, and other weapons to school because their son or daughter is being constantly bullied and beaten up for their lunch money or their clothes. In a lot of cases the teachers are even bullying the students which is more common now. It's true, I've heard cases where a teacher slapped a student or punched a student in the face. The mom or dad of their son or daughter get a phone call from the principal that their child was beaten up by the teacher in class. How do you prevent bullying? How do you stop kids from committing suicide because he or she was constantly bullied to where they couldn't take it anymore? Well, it takes everyone as a whole that is going to help prevent the bullying that go on in the inner cities in public schools and online.
It takes everyone in their towns of their respective states in all 50 states that will help prevent bullying in their community.
stop the bullying
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Domestic Violence Prevention
Man beating up a woman
Woman beating up a man
Originally Posted from My views on domestic violence 9 Sep 2014 Http://Citysuburb.Wix.Com/Pauls-Writing-Style/Apps/Blog/My-Views-On-Domestic-Violence
The first thing that come to my mind whenever I think of domestic violence is physical abuse. Physical abuse is in the form of pushing, slapping, punching, kicking, etc. Unfortunately domestic violence is happening too much in both relationships & marriages. The scenarios are the following that happens in domestic violence: Boyfriend beating up girlfriend, girlfriend beating up boyfriend, husband beating up wife, and wife beating up husband. Tempers begin to flare and the next thing you know you see 2 couples in a very heated argument. The question that pops in my head is what causes people to be so violent to the one that they say that they truly love? The answer is simple as a guy myself I was taught to never under any circumstances put my hands on a woman. Yet some men think they can put their hands on women for whatever idiotic reason such as saying, "Honey you know I love you but it upsets me when you don't have dinner ready for me when I come home from work." This sounds stupid but yet there are some women who are being abused by their spouse or their significant other that believe that baloney that the abuser say to her. This kind of behavior is not acceptable and no woman deserve to be treated that way. Now when it comes to a woman beating up her spouse or significant other, it comes as a shock to people because people don't normally think of women as abusive because men rarely report abuse when he's being abused. When a woman is physically abusive to the man then the man should know to walk away from that relationship or get out of that marriage. When a man is physically abusive to the woman then the woman should know to file a restraining order against the man or get out of that marriage. The question that comes to mind when I think of domestic violence is why in the world would anyone stay in a abusive relationship or marriage? The words desperate, he or she can't think that they can do better, low self-esteem, etc., comes to mind.
I had a chance to watch the video of former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice and what he did to his then fiancee' (now wife) Janay when they were coming from the Casino in Atlantic City and I found the whole incident to be very disturbing. Ray Rice is big and strong and Janay was little and weaker obviously. Janay tried to walk away because she didn't want to get into a heated argument with Ray. Ray was aggressive and pushed Janay and sucker punched Janay and she was knocked unconscious. Ray Rice should have not did anything because Janay was not aggressive towards him and even if Janay would have been aggressive and tried to attack Ray, Ray could have held her back without putting his hands on her. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodel took a lot of heat for only giving Ray Rice a 2 game suspension and Ray Rice and his wife Janay Rice, right by Ray's side tried to plea with the NFL Commissioner and it worked for a moment because Goodel didn't see the footage of the video. TMZ had the whole footage of the Ray Rice incident on an elevator where Ray was physically abusing Janay. The NFL Commissioner Goodel suspended Ray Rice indefinitely and the Baltimore Ravens cut Ray Rice and it was good riddance for Ray Rice playing for the Ravens. Ray Rice essentially has blown his chances at playing for any NFL team ever again. I must say, I witnessed 2 times when a man was abusive to a woman in Downtown Hartford. The first time I saw an incident was when a big muscular man was beating up this petite woman. I was only 14 so that was 22 years ago back in 1992, I was with a friend and I noticed across the street from CVS on Pearl St. off of Main St. I wanted to help the woman and I told my friend "let's jump him!" My friend was like "no you fight him!" I was small, I must have been like 5' 3" I know I would have gotten my butt whupped but I didn't feel that it was right to see a man beat on a woman like that. The other time was a little over a month ago, me & my mom witnessed a man bullying a woman who was bigger and taller than him. The man was verbally abusive to her and he was yelling at her and he threw his big book bag on the ground and made her get down on the ground and pick it up (this happened a couple of times). It was off of Main St. & Asylum St. I was ready to call the police on my cellphone because the man looked like he was going to hit the woman. I told my mom about it because she saw the incident after me after it already happened. People are ready to kill nowadays, which was completely different from when people would have fist fought each other back then in the 80's and 90's. How do you help prevent domestic violence? It's simple after the first hit he or she should know that they don't deserve it and should not be in that relationship or marriage. If the man truly love the woman he won't put his hands on her ever and if a woman truly loves the man she won't be aggressive physically to him. "Domestic violence has no place in sports or anywhere for that matter!"
Encouraging those with special needs
There are a lot of people who are parents of children with special needs. There are parents who also adopt children with special needs after already given birth to their own children. Those who have special needs both adult & children want to have an opportunity like everyone else to get a good education and have job opportunities. I'm going to tell y'all a little story about what it was like for me. I hope this will encourage both children and adults with special needs.
I am going to tell my readers off the bat, that from the time I started Kindergarten 'till the 2nd grade I was taken out of the different teacher's classes. The problem was that the teachers doubted that I could do the work and keep pace with the fellow classmates in my classes in Kindergarten-2nd grade. The different teachers tried to say I was a slow learner because I wasn't the quickest learner or the smartest grades wise. However, I always let their comments help me to stay motivated. Believe it or not those very discouraging and hurtful comments that people said about me was what motivated me and I never gave up. After I stayed back in 2nd grade at 8, I was taken out of Special Education and put in Ms. Bloom's 2nd grade class. Ms. Bloom had her doubts about me because Ms. Bloom never dealt with a kid who came from Special Ed and Ms. Bloom didn't know if I could keep pace with the rest of her 2nd grade class. As a kid I was all too familiar with hearing the word "can't" and my mom ( a single mom of seven all boys) was all too familiar with coming down to my school and telling the different teacher's off when I'm proving them wrong. I will never forget the meeting that Ms. Bloom, my mom, the principal, and I had. The principal said these very words to my teacher Ms. Bloom, "It's your job to make sure that every student in your class get up to the level where they all need to be and Paul need to be given that chance. If you don't shape up and fly right and help Paul be up to the level that he needs to be then you are out of here!" Ms. Bloom never heard anything like that before but it was what she needed to hear. The words "You're fired!" stuck in her head to where she changed her attitude about me. I remember the fun we had in Ms. Bloom's class going on the different field trips, having parties, watching really good movies, as well as watching good educational shows. Most importantly, I remember how far I've come in Ms. Bloom's class and progressed tremendously. I will never forget June of 1987 when Ms. Bloom was handing out awards to her students. I was 9 and perhaps the absolute biggest surprise was receiving a Super Award for Most Improved student. I do believe that my fellow classmates were more excited for me receiving my award than they were for receiving their award or awards. I was in awe as well as surprised to receive such an award & I was grateful to pass to the 3rd grade along with most of my fellow classmates!
That little story about me above is the reason why I never let what people said to me discourage me. Those with special needs want to be encouraged that he or she "can do anything if they put their mind to do it!" Those words of encouragement and being patient is what children and adults with special needs need. If you're a single parent (just mom or just dad) or parents (both mom & dad) to children (both your own children and adopted children) instill that he or she "can do anything if they put their mind to do it." Whether you were ridiculed & made fun of not when you were in school, you need to do your part by subjecting children with special needs in an environment that is devoted to helping him or her achieve their personal goals. I hope all of my readers enjoy!
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Getting over your fears
Have you ever been so afraid of something that you thought that what you feared was something that you didn't think that you can conquer it? We all at some point felt suppose we fail at this and too embarrassed to realize it's something that we can conquer because it poses the biggest challenge in our life. Some people have some of the following fears: fear of heights, fear of public speaking, fear of failure (which a lot of people can say that have), fear of animals, fear insects, fear of bullies, etc. I am going to list 7 common conquer your fear activities that you only need to try once to prove that you can conquer it without having to do the activity or activities anymore if you don't want to. Some of these activities people tend to be what they once feared is the ones that they do almost all of the time after trying them for the first time.
Riding Hot Air Balloon
There are a lot of people who are afraid of heights and don't like to be in the air. There are people who do not like to climb ladders because they fear falling off and breaking their arms or legs. Don't be alarmed because there is some heights that people fear and that's common. That is not an activity that you need to prove that you can conquer because it's not something that you constantly said that are afraid to do or try out. However, to get over your fear of heights, riding in a hot air balloon is soothing and helps ease the anxiety that he or she may have.
Riding Mechanical Bull
For those who are afraid of riding a real bull I'm with you because I am afraid to ride a real bull too. There are too many people who have gotten injured and in some cases people have died riding a bull. Things went terribly wrong where the bull knocked the bull rider off of the bull and stomped the person to death. For those who want to try riding the mechanical bull, no need to worry about things going terribly wrong like that. You just fall off the mechanical bull over and over again and take selfies like me when I get the guts to ride a mechanical bull, lol. I personally would give riding a mechanical bull a try (following my own advice). I would never have the guts to ride a real bull because I know better than that, lol.
Flying in an airplane
A lot of people are afraid to fly. These same people will drive maybe 13-20 hours out of state to visit family, friends, and relatives. I love to fly! A lot of people who had that fear of flying, when they tried it for the very first time, they flew a lot to where he or she racked up frequent flyer miles, lol. There are sometimes where there is turbulence but that's because the area you'll flying over may have had a terrible storm. I've flown where there were turbulence before but in all honesty if I had a choice which airlines to fly, it would be Delta Airlines or Southwest Airlines to book all of my flights.
Bungee Jumping
I have never been bungee jumping. Activities like bungee jumping tend to be on people's to do list. People set goals like 50 things to do before they die. People are able to accomplish what they wanted to do on this earth. For some they always wanted to go bungee jumping because they been meaning to do it for a long time. Others decide to bungee jump every year because it's a hobby that they enjoy doing.
Skiing can be dangerous and it's understandable why people wouldn't be too quick to want to try it. If you have your equipment secured then there should be no problem. When you're skiing downhill for the first time, you never know how deep you are going to fall. This is especially true if you are skiing at a rapid pace. The fear that people tend to have when they ski for the first time is if he or she is numb.
Roller Coaster Riding
There are people who have a fear of riding roller coasters. Some people have been injured and even died from a roller coaster ride that have went terribly wrong. Roller coasters are going at a very rapid pace. It all depends on the roller coaster. This overcoming your fears activity can cause people to be afraid riding roller coasters because of having that fear of ride going wrong. If you are hooked up really tight to your roller coaster then all you do if you are afraid is close your eyes. Once the ride is done and you are on the ground where the ride started at you are relieved, lol.
Mountain Hiking
If you have a fear of mountain climbing which I myself would never try, then the alternative to it is mountain hiking. If you like long hikes when you go camping, then you might try a challenge such as mountain hiking. You just need your gear you use for camping. It can wear you out but it is not as intense like mountain climbing because the gear you need in mountain climbing should be a whole lot more secure. For those who hike up to the top of the mountain can overcome their fear of a mountain.
Some people have fears that are really more mental than there are physical. The best way to deal with mental fears is to tell yourself that "you're an over comer." When you say that you're an over comer, then you will put into action by being brave & bold and having enough courage to conquer what have you so nervous. Don't get me wrong, it does not mean you won't feel nervous doing that activity or activities but you will at least feel bold enough to try that activity or activities that made you feel scared to try them. Mentioned above are some activities that help those who are full of fear get out of their comfort zone. I hope that all of my readers enjoy!
Friday, October 27, 2017
Website fixed
Removing domains help fixed my website
I never thought I would ever have my original blogger back. It turned out that the reason why I was getting 403, 404, and searching magnified errors was because the domain name that I had. Whenever you sign up for a website, it's important to keep the original link to your email. Whenever you choose to use a domain name to change your original website name, the website that you try to view won't recognize you. I learned that the only reason that my website appeared like it was messed up was because my domain name became unrecognizable. In other words www.paulsbucs.blogspot.com is the only website that is recognizable because that's what I signed up for back in 2011. This is confusing to many because I'm confused explaining a lot of this. I felt that if I'm going to get approved from any social media websites for Ads I am going to use the original website that I signed up for. I've been trying to get approved by Adsense and I have not being able to get approved by Adsense. I will continue to focus on encouraging those who want to use Adsense alternatives if they are rejected by Adsense. I'm glad to be posting on my original blogger and look forward to posting more thoughts and opinions blogs for all of my readers and fellow bloggers. I hope that all of my readers enjoy!
Monday, October 16, 2017
Searching Magnified appears when my website is viewed
It was Saturday on October 14, 2017 around 12:15PM when I first noticed www.searchingmagnified.com occurred on my website. When I try to go to my website it takes me to a fake website appearing real. I've read a thread on google with different users who have problems like this when they try to go into their Fox Fire, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc. I use Google Chrome and this is the very first time that I have experienced this. www.searchingmagnified.com is a harmful malicious browser hijacker that crooks use for profit making illegally. I've used all sorts of tips from google threads and YouTube to help get searchingmagnified.com removed. If you are a blogger of a company like I am, you to want make sure that searchmagnified.com is not downloaded on your PC. Sometimes, anyone can inadvertently download a malicious website to their file on their PC without even knowing it. I hope all of the readers and bloggers take note of this just in case they are experiencing the same thing.
This fake website has got to be removed
I will have a couple of links below.
I used these links above for help.
This fake website has got to be removed
I will have a couple of links below.
I used these links above for help.
fake website appearing real
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Friday, October 13, 2017
Senior Citizen Activities that are fun to do with seniors
There are a lot of activities that Grandchildren love to do with with their Senior Grandparents. There are also activities that non-senior citizens enjoy doing with senior citizens.
There are a lot of activities that senior citizens enjoying doing. What is underrated about senior citizens is that people don't know how really active a lot of senior citizens are. There are a lot of seniors that do a really good job staying in shape because they ate right since they were teenagers. A lot of seniors have lived to be in their 90's and 100's, some of them spouse were still alive while experiencing such longevity. There are a lot of seniors that look younger than their age because they kept themselves involved and active in their community. Grandchildren who visit their grandparents or grandparents who visit their grandchildren, their grandchildren always want to help them bake whether it's a meal or dessert. The reason a lot of seniors are active is because before they were seniors they watched, listened, and learned from other seniors and that is the reason why people are living longer. I'm going to mention 7 fun activities that is really good to do with seniors.
There are seniors that really enjoy bowling. Bowling is a really good form of exercise. You're using your muscle to lift a bowling bowl and rolling the bowling bowl in the lane to try and knock down all 10 pins. Whether seniors are WI bowling or regular bowling this fun activity is good to do with family, friends, relatives, etc. Bowling is fun whether keeping score to know how you did or not keeping score because you don't care how you did.
Seniors love them some bingo. Some seniors do this activity religiously. This hobby is popular for young people to do with seniors. Seniors will have multiple bingo cards because they feel that their chances are good at winning bingo and winning the prizes that go with it. Bingo is all about having the numbers that seniors get excited when they win. Whether or not bingo is competitive, it all depends on the people who play the hobby.
Grocery Shopping
I have been in a grocery store many times and I have seen grandchildren in a grocery store with their senior grandparents. Grandparents are usually buying their grandchildren their favorite food. Seniors enjoy shopping at the grocery store especially when their grandchildren want to shop with them. Grandchildren always bond with their grandparents especially when their parents are saying "No" to them when they want something. Grandchildren for most part, know that their grandparents will say "Yes."
Seniors love knitting. Seniors knit blankets, sweaters, shirts for their grandchildren. This is a activity that their children help them do. Seniors uses the different color of yarn to knit for that particular item that they want to make. If you have grandparents who is into knitting then you know when you were a child they knitted you what was their favorite gift for you.
Seniors enjoy reading. "Reading is fundamental." Whether it's grandchildren who want their grandparents to read them a bedtime story or them reading a story to their grandparents. Parents usually sense when their children is doing stuff to stay up pass their bedtime. The grandparents always come to their grandchildren's defense and say "Let him or let her stay up a little late." The parents don't argue with their parents. "Knowledge is power," and that is why seniors read a lot. Seniors are so wise!
Seniors love baking. Especially grandma loves to bake homemade cookies, cakes, bread, etc. I've had some of a lot of people's grandma's homemade desserts. Especially at cookouts where the homemade food and desserts is all lined up. Grandchildren really enjoy helping their grandma cook. I think grandchildren see their grandma who don't mind them helping in the kitchen because their parents would yell at them and tell their children "Get out of the kitchen!"
Crossword Puzzle
Seniors like to stay active. Test your wit game like crossword puzzles and word search is the type of activity to stay busy and alert. I've since grandchildren do crossword puzzles with their grandparents. I've also seen children do crossword puzzles with their parents. When you have people who tell you things who are old enough to be your grandma or grandpa, you tend to receive what they say better than your family, relatives, and sometimes your friends. Seniors are very wise and I learn a lot whenever I'm around seniors.
Being active like seniors
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Girls allowed in Boy scouts is sending a mixed message
Girls be allowed in boy scouts could have girls feel like they want to become a boy. This is sending a abnormal mixed message.
I think that girls being accepted in boy scouts is sending the wrong message. There are boy scouts and girl scouts. They are both different clubs that parents have wanted their children to interact with with kids who is of the same gender as them and learn about team work and developing leadership skills. Having girls in boy scouts could have a girl or girls feel like they may want to become a boy. This would be the same thing if girl scouts allowed boys in their club, the boy would feel like he may want to be a girl. It's enough boys and girls being taught in public that it's okay to want to be a different gender from the gender he or she was at birth. This is encouraging the transgender agenda to the extreme in my opinion. It's not normal and it was unheard of when I was in boy scouts when I was a little boy. Boy scouts of America was under so much scrutiny for having gay scout leaders, I believe it was 2 years ago that parents started taking their boys out of boy scouts because the club went away from their Conservative values to appeal to the LGBT groups. I will have the link up. http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/27/us/boy-scouts-gay-leaders-feat/index.html
I feel that they should leave the clubs the way they are. No one was born one gender and had thoughts about wanting to be that of another gender. That's just disgusting for anyone to encourage people no matter whatever the reason is that he wants to become a she or she wants to become a he like it's a normal thing. The Obama Administration encouraged all of this the 8 years that Obama was in office. Whenever any NBA or WNBA basketball player said that they were a homosexual or a lesbian, Obama would call them on his phone and congradulate them for "coming out" and saying that they were "openly gay." When the courts made gay marriage the law of the land back in 2015 in all 50 states it was the Supreme Court that voted 5-4 by that slim margin that allowed this. Guess what, times have changed and we have a new President who not only selected Pro-Life Traditional Marriage (Marriage between a man and a woman) judges to be in the Supreme Court and it's time to bring America back to the way that the founding fore fathers intended it to be when they wrote the Constitution! Limited Government, Pro-Life, and Traditional Marriage. My 2 Cents.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Twitter Censors Pro-Life Congresswoman’s Ad Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts
Twitter Censors Pro-Life Congresswoman’s Ad Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts: The social media network Twitter refused to run another pro-life advertisement this fall, this time from pro-life Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn. Blackburn a
Twitter is one of the most Pro-Life social media websites that I can think of. We rarely hear about twitter censoring Pro-Life ads of any kind. Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee Pro-Life ads were refused to be run again this fall by Twitter when Twitter censored them. Congresswoman Blackburn is running for US Senate in the Volunteer state. Congresswoman Blackburn in an ad exposes Planned Parenthood for aborting babies and selling their body parts. Twitter, I find to be a respectable social media website where people who voice their opinions by tweeting whether they agree or disagree with each other. Next to Facebook, Twitter is the 2nd largest popular social media website. People can voice their opinions in 140 characters on Twitter (it should go up to 1,000 characters in my opinion). Congresswoman Blackburn has done nothing wrong. Planned Parenthood really exposes themselves because they are a clinic that encourages young women and young teenage girls as young as 13 who are pregnant to have abortions and some of these young teenage girls are able to have abortions without their parents permission. It's enough to murder a unborn child who did nothing to deserve being aborted but celebrating by selling their body parts is thought of as the norm by pro-abortion activists. Congresswoman Blackburn is speaking the truth about Planned Parenthood. Twitter there is nothing wrong with what Congresswoman Blackburn is doing. I agree with Congresswoman Blackburn 100% and she is representing God and all Conservatives alike by speaking out. My 2 Cents.
Twitter is one of the most Pro-Life social media websites that I can think of. We rarely hear about twitter censoring Pro-Life ads of any kind. Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee Pro-Life ads were refused to be run again this fall by Twitter when Twitter censored them. Congresswoman Blackburn is running for US Senate in the Volunteer state. Congresswoman Blackburn in an ad exposes Planned Parenthood for aborting babies and selling their body parts. Twitter, I find to be a respectable social media website where people who voice their opinions by tweeting whether they agree or disagree with each other. Next to Facebook, Twitter is the 2nd largest popular social media website. People can voice their opinions in 140 characters on Twitter (it should go up to 1,000 characters in my opinion). Congresswoman Blackburn has done nothing wrong. Planned Parenthood really exposes themselves because they are a clinic that encourages young women and young teenage girls as young as 13 who are pregnant to have abortions and some of these young teenage girls are able to have abortions without their parents permission. It's enough to murder a unborn child who did nothing to deserve being aborted but celebrating by selling their body parts is thought of as the norm by pro-abortion activists. Congresswoman Blackburn is speaking the truth about Planned Parenthood. Twitter there is nothing wrong with what Congresswoman Blackburn is doing. I agree with Congresswoman Blackburn 100% and she is representing God and all Conservatives alike by speaking out. My 2 Cents.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Pence leaves Colts game after players kneel
I applaud Vice President Pence for walking out of the San Francisco 49ers and Indianapolis Colts game which the Colts won 26-23 (OT) at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. Former 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick started this whole protest by kneeling during the singing of The National Anthem. Any team that takes part in protesting during the singing of the national anthem I have no respect for them. I was disgusted when I saw NFL players that kneeled during the national anthem and NFL teams that wouldn't come out on the field when the national anthem was being sung. I was even more disgusted when I saw some national anthem singers kneeling towards the end of the song. The NFL is sending a mix message when it comes to rules and guidelines. If NFL players want to protest, then the NFL players can protest outside and say to the coach and the owners that he do not want to stand during the singing of the national anthem because he feels that there is injustice towards unarmed black people being shot and killed by cops. The coach and owners will gladly tell the players that if you want to protest, you can protest all you want just know you will be severely disciplined. If more owners, coaches, and even the commissioner would have proper rules and guidelines these NFL players wouldn't be so quick to protest. In my opinion, the NFL players are only demonstrating that they want to be seen and heard. Guess what??? Elementary school and high school kids are copying off the NFL players by not standing during the singing of the national anthem because they look up to these NFL players who are supposed to be role models to them. President Trump told Vice President Pence that if Vice President Pence see anything that is disrespectful by the NFL players at the game that Vice President Pence should leave. Vice President Pence, who is a former Governor of his home state of Indiana saw enough disrespect with NFL players from the 49ers that Vice President Pence left with his wife Karen Pence.
Right on Vice President Pence!!!
Bloomfield, CT, USA
Friday, October 6, 2017
NE/TB Nick Folk's rough night missing 3 Field Goals 10/5/17
I had a chance to watch the Tampa Bay Buccaneers play the New England Patriots on CBS channel 3 last night. I watched Nick Folk of the Bucs miss 3 field goals from 52 yards, 48 yards, and 31 yards. The Bucs despite that still only lost 19-14 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, FL because of the Patriots penalties and not being able to dominate like they have in the past against teams offensively. Hey Bucs fans, coming from a Bucs fan for 18 years now our kicker sucks. When we are in close games against good teams like the Patriots I'm not sure that Nick Folk feel confident enough to make field goals from 40 yards or longer if the game come down to a game winning field goal. The Bucs need a field goal kicker who is not only confident when the game is on the line but who is a winner. I still remember when we had Matt Bryant (now a member of the Atlanta Falcons) and the game winner he kicked to help the Bucs beat the Philadelphia Eagles 23-21 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, FL in 2006. Matt Bryant hit a 62-yarder that I will never forget.
The Bucs as a team should say to Nick Folk, "Nick Folk thank you for your service and we wish you the best but unfortunately you have been cut from the Bucs." Bucs fans will start booing if we don't cut Nick Folk because we could have won 23-19 against the Patriots last night had he would have made those 3 field goals. Jameis Winston played a very controlled game and receivers just couldn't make the catches. Quarterbacks always take the blame when his team loses but you can't blame Winston for this lost because he helped put the Bucs in position to win. Overall it was a good game and fun to watch. It was a while since I watched a football game on TV. I thought Winston was going to pull off the "Hell Mary" at the end... My 2 Cents.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
“Pro-Life” Congressman Who Cheated on His Wife Asked His Mistress to Get an Abortion
“Pro-Life” Congressman Who Cheated on His Wife Asked His Mistress to Get an Abortion: A Republican congressman from Pennsylvania appears to have urged a woman with whom he was having an affair to have an abortion, despite claiming publicly to be
Disgraced Republican Congressman Tim Murphy resigned after admitted to having an extra-martial affair with a woman named Shannon Edwards, who is pregnant with Murphy's baby (It's been confirmed that Murphy's mistress is not pregnant). Murphy asked Edwards to get an abortion. Murphy and his wife have filed for divorce. Murphy is in no position to tell his mistress that she should get an abortion because of his Pro-Life stance for unborn babies. Scandals are disappointing to see. I don't know Congressman Murphy but he need to be kept in prayer. It's easy to attack people for doing wrong while holding high positions in public office but it does not make us any right to criticize anyone else for their mistakes. I think the right thing for anyone to do whether he or she is a Republican or Democrat that committed a sin like this is to pray that the Lord will save them and deliver them. "We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." We all are human and make mistakes and it's a learning process for all of us, some of us more than others. "We all reap what we sow both good and bad." It's really not good to dwell on the mistakes of others because then that will eventually lead to judging them because of their mistakes.
Extra-Marital Affair leaves Republican Congressman Tim Murphy no choice but to resign
Disgraced Republican Congressman Tim Murphy resigned after admitted to having an extra-martial affair with a woman named Shannon Edwards, who is pregnant with Murphy's baby (It's been confirmed that Murphy's mistress is not pregnant). Murphy asked Edwards to get an abortion. Murphy and his wife have filed for divorce. Murphy is in no position to tell his mistress that she should get an abortion because of his Pro-Life stance for unborn babies. Scandals are disappointing to see. I don't know Congressman Murphy but he need to be kept in prayer. It's easy to attack people for doing wrong while holding high positions in public office but it does not make us any right to criticize anyone else for their mistakes. I think the right thing for anyone to do whether he or she is a Republican or Democrat that committed a sin like this is to pray that the Lord will save them and deliver them. "We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." We all are human and make mistakes and it's a learning process for all of us, some of us more than others. "We all reap what we sow both good and bad." It's really not good to dwell on the mistakes of others because then that will eventually lead to judging them because of their mistakes.
Extra-Marital Affair leaves Republican Congressman Tim Murphy no choice but to resign
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