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Friday, October 13, 2017

Senior Citizen Activities that are fun to do with seniors

There are a lot of activities that Grandchildren love to do with with their Senior Grandparents. There are also activities that non-senior citizens enjoy doing with senior citizens.

There are a lot of activities that senior citizens enjoying doing. What is underrated about senior citizens is that people don't know how really active a lot of senior citizens are. There are a lot of seniors that do a really good job staying in shape because they ate right since they were teenagers. A lot of seniors have lived to be in their 90's and 100's, some of them spouse were still alive while experiencing such longevity. There are a lot of seniors that look younger than their age because they kept themselves involved and active in their community. Grandchildren who visit their grandparents or grandparents who visit their grandchildren, their grandchildren always want to help them bake whether it's a meal or dessert. The reason a lot of seniors are active is because before they were seniors they watched, listened, and learned from other seniors and that is the reason why people are living longer. I'm going to mention 7 fun activities that is really good to do with seniors.


There are seniors that really enjoy bowling. Bowling is a really good form of exercise. You're using your muscle to lift a bowling bowl and rolling the bowling bowl in the lane to try and knock down all 10 pins. Whether seniors are WI bowling or regular bowling this fun activity is good to do with family, friends, relatives, etc. Bowling is fun whether keeping score to know how you did or not keeping score because you don't care how you did.


Seniors love them some bingo. Some seniors do this activity religiously. This hobby is popular for young people to do with seniors. Seniors will have multiple bingo cards because they feel that their chances are good at winning bingo and winning the prizes that go with it. Bingo is all about having the numbers that seniors get excited when they win. Whether or not bingo is competitive, it all depends on the people who play the hobby.

Grocery Shopping

I have been in a grocery store many times and I have seen grandchildren in a grocery store with their senior grandparents. Grandparents are usually buying their grandchildren their favorite food. Seniors enjoy shopping at the grocery store especially when their grandchildren want to shop with them. Grandchildren always bond with their grandparents especially when their parents are saying "No" to them when they want something. Grandchildren for most part, know that their grandparents will say "Yes."


Seniors love knitting. Seniors knit blankets, sweaters, shirts for their grandchildren. This is a activity that their children help them do. Seniors uses the different color of yarn to knit for that particular item that they want to make. If you have grandparents who is into knitting then you know when you were a child they knitted you what was their favorite gift for you.


Seniors enjoy reading. "Reading is fundamental." Whether it's grandchildren who want their grandparents to read them a bedtime story or them reading a story to their grandparents. Parents usually sense when their children is doing stuff to stay up pass their bedtime. The grandparents always come to their grandchildren's defense and say "Let him or let her stay up a little late." The parents don't argue with their parents. "Knowledge is power," and that is why seniors read a lot. Seniors are so wise!


Seniors love baking. Especially grandma loves to bake homemade cookies, cakes, bread, etc. I've had some of a lot of people's grandma's homemade desserts. Especially at cookouts where the homemade food and desserts is all lined up. Grandchildren really enjoy helping their grandma cook. I think grandchildren see their grandma who don't mind them helping in the kitchen because their parents would yell at them and tell their children "Get out of the kitchen!"

Crossword Puzzle

Seniors like to stay active. Test your wit game like crossword puzzles and word search is the type of activity to stay busy and alert. I've since grandchildren do crossword puzzles with their grandparents. I've also seen children do crossword puzzles with their parents. When you have people who tell you things who are old enough to be your grandma or grandpa, you tend to receive what they say better than your family, relatives, and sometimes your friends. Seniors are very wise and I learn a lot whenever I'm around seniors.  

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