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Monday, October 30, 2017

Bullying Prevention

The effects of bullying (a bully will target anyone who are defenseless.)

A bully usually bully people because they were bullied themselves when they were a kid. (An act of cowardliness)

Originally Posted from My views on people bullying others http://citysuburb.wix.com/pauls-writing-style/apps/blog/my-views-on-people-bullying-others

I thought I would write about a topic that is constantly occurring such as bullying. Bullying have been going on when I was in elementary school since back in the 80's, when I was in private school back in the early 90's, and when I was in high school back in the mid till late 90's. The definition of bullying is simply those who are bigger and stronger and picking on and harassing (both verbally and physically) those who are smaller and who are weaker than him or her. Bullies tend to be cowards, who prey on those who are intimidated by him or her. For example a young teenager who is 13 years old in 8th grade might bully a kid who who is in elementary school maybe who is 9 in the 4th grade. He or she may threaten to beat that person up if they don't give them their lunch money. When I was growing up people handled bullies differently. They usually stood up to them when he or she got tired of being bullied. Or they went outside and fist fought until the other person lost (9 times out of 10 it was the bully that lost the fight and he or she left that person alone who they were bullying). If you were in the inner city that is how people dealt with bullies or they got a bunch of friends who were small like them and ganged up on the bully and beat him or her up that way so he or she would stop bullying little kids who were smaller than them.

You look back how things were back in the 80's and 90's and look how things have changed so much since then. For one thing people is bullying people online as well as in school. This form of bullying is Cyber bullying where a person meet someone online and just threaten to beat him or her up.Chatting online is not always the best way because people can cuss or swear and he or she know that there is nothing that the other person can do because they are any where between 20 miles- 10,000 miles away from them (one girl was being bullied online in Seattle, WA so much to where she got tired of it, so she left Washington State and moved to Connecticut to stay with her Aunt). People used to say things face to face and didn't hide behind a computer but people who are on social network websites like Facebook, MySpace, etc., are usually being harassed with hateful comments on their wall or in messages. It's really no use in anyone trying to make their profile private because everyone know who you are if you are an active user of those websites that were mentioned. I heard so many people who were bullied on social network websites who were young teenagers who committed suicide by hanging themselves from listening to the news. Bullying have be more common to where parents who have children carry guns, knives, and other weapons to school because their son or daughter is being constantly bullied and beaten up for their lunch money or their clothes. In a lot of cases the teachers are even bullying the students which is more common now. It's true, I've heard cases where a teacher slapped a student or punched a student in the face. The mom or dad of their son or daughter get a phone call from the principal that their child was beaten up by the teacher in class. How do you prevent bullying? How do you stop kids from committing suicide because he or she was constantly bullied to where they couldn't take it anymore? Well, it takes everyone as a whole that is going to help prevent the bullying that go on in the inner cities in public schools and online.

It takes everyone in their towns of their respective states in all 50 states that will help prevent bullying in their community.

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