This Fictional Story is about a woman named Eileen, a Entrepreneur from Winston-Salem, NC who have a workshop in Flint, MI where Eileen meets a successful Inventory Clerk man named Roy and they both go out for coffee and lunch and start dating each other and they travel to meet each other's future in-laws who said that they should marry each other. The 2 married couple celebrate their 30th year wedding Anniversary on St. Patrick's Day the same day that they got married.
In a blog that I wrote Some common things that people enjoy collecting, 2 of the things that I've mentioned were Family Scrapbook and Family Recipes. There are people who have collectible items as part of their family heirlooms which is not uncommon. Family heirlooms are passed down from generation to generation. Family heirlooms is and will always be priceless! I'm going to list some common family heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation. My readers and fellow bloggers will find some of these heirlooms to be similar family heirlooms that were passed down from generation in their family and so forth.
Family Tea Set Not only is a tea set a common family heirloom, it has sentimental value, too. For example, tea parties are common when family get together. Mom's and daughters especially spend time together when there is a mother-daughter event. English tea parties "rubs off" on Americans where they can enjoy them, too. This family heirloom is passed down from generation to generation. Tea sets are priceless and can't be replaced if they are damaged.
Family Toolbox From generations to generations, fixing and repairing things have always been going on and still going on today. People have always used tools for that very reason. When fathers and sons get together they normally try to show off their skills at fixing and building things and they have a special room that they call a "man cave." This particular area can be the den or the basement it all depends on the area. Anyway, family toolbox is a common family heirloom for the simple reason there will always be things that need to be fixed.
Family Vase
Vases that are handmade are priceless! The ones that are made of glass that can break into pieces are cheap and not worth keeping as a family heirloom. There are people who enjoy making vases and tend to take up ceramics class to try to duplicate an original authentic handmade vase. Flowers are good for both the cheap and handmade vases. Keep these collectible handmade vases in the family and this will be passed down from generation to generation and so forth.
Family Jewels Brooches, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pearls, diamonds, chains, watches, rings, etc, once this have been bought and stored in a chest, it's priceless! These items could never be replaced when they are lost. This family heirloom is passed down from generation to generation forever. It's important to keep it in the family and that way no one will ever have to buy any of these items. Special occasions for example, like weddings is no problem, the generation before you bought all of those jewelries in advance so generations to come would be set for life!
Family Business Nothing says keeping it in the family like the family business. Whether a family run a business such as a restaurant, a car wash, or even a gift shop, the family want to maintain a good honest reputation. Like they say, "it only takes one dishonest person to mess up everything." That is why its really important that the family business is passed down to family who they can trust to hire honest people who will keep the business running smoothly like the generations before them have.
This kid decided that you can't solve your problems by fighting. If this kid would have fought back in all honesty, he wouldn't be bullied any more in elementary school. However, he would probably face more bullies in Junior high school and even in high school, there is a time to stand up and defend yourself and walk away when you are outnumbered. Aiden Vasquez 10, have been bullied for the 3rd year his mom mentioned. But why be inspired by a Star Wars character Jedi knight Luke Skywalker? I'm going to have a video below of a high school girl who stood up to being bullied by another high school girl. Some people who watch this video will think that she is a hero like Aiden but the difference is that she fought back and Aiden didn't fight back.
This is a girl named Jaide, who kept on provoking another girl to fight her. The girl knew that Jaide was trying to act hard in front of her home girl. The girl was trying to give Jaide a chance to fight or walk away but Jaide kept telling the girl she wanted to fight every time that the girl was beating up Jaide. The girl delivered the knock out blow to Jaide and told Jaide "forget you." Jaide friend's is not really a friend. When you see your friend getting beat up like that you either jump in it to try and help your friend or you call for help for your friend. Jaide got exactly what she deserved.
How many of my readers and fellow bloggers like to collect things as part of their hobby? There are a lot of different things that some people enjoy collecting. People have their favorite item or items that they love to collect. If you don't collect things, then you know family members, friends, and relatives who collect things. People who like item or items will usually have their item or items labeled and some will have their items in alphabetical order. Listed below will be some of the collectible items that my readers and fellow bloggers may have in their house or their friends, family members, or relatives may have their favorite collectible items in their house.
DVD collection We all know at least 1 or more people who collect DVD's as their hobby. Whether we have seen their DVD collection in their house or not, we know that they will talk about their favorite movies that they love to watch on DVD. There are classics movie lovers, like myself that enjoy good old school movies. I'm a fan of James Bond and Dick Tracy movies. Every one have their preference of movies that they like.
Mug collection Coffee drinkers love collecting coffee mugs! Drinking coffee at coffee hour or at a cafe brings back fond memories for some. Some people met their spouse at events like coffee hour or going out for coffee. The mugs have wonderful sayings on some, Bible verses on some, plain mugs, and even mugs that got pics on them. Usually people find the humor in what was said on these mugs and to some people these mugs became a collectible item for them.
Coin collection This is a common collectible item for those who are into coins. This is also a common hobby for those who consider coin collecting their favorite hobby. Some people collect pennies, dimes, nickels, quarters, etc. I like seeing Canadian coins and think that coin collection is quite an interesting hobby. I'm not much of a coin collector but think that coin collecting is cool.
Family Tree scrapbooks Scrapbooks are made from scratch. When you have a family, you make sure you have pics from birth up until now. This works for both large & small families. Mom and dad's family tree will have all of the family members, friends who were like family, relatives, etc. Scrapbooks are passed down from generation to generation and the new addition to the family add pics of their family and so on and so on. Scrapbooks have "sentimental value" to it because it have the time line of events that happened and fond memories of family spending time together with each other laughing and crying. Family reunions is a wonderful way for scrap-booking pics at family events. Scrapbooks are priceless!
Family recipes collection For those who love mama's apple pie or grandma's peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, keeping a family recipes collection is a wonderful idea! Family recipes have sentimental value and is normally passed down from generation to generation. There are recipes that I personally want to try when I'm tuning in and listening to a cooking segment on TV. When I watched Food Network back in 2005 I used to watch Rachael Ray, Paula Deen, and Barefoot Contessa (Ina Garten) on TV. I really enjoyed Paula Deen's and Ina Garten's cooking. They kind of reminded me of the late Julia Child, who was a phenomenal cook the way that these women would cook and give you step by step their recipe of the different foods that they would cook. I also enjoyed watching Martha Stewart's cooking when she had her cooking show on Fox. Anyway, recipes whether copied from the newspaper, online, or even written down on paper is good to have.
Canada I've been wanting to visit this country since my Junior year of high school. When I took up French II, my French teacher told her class that there was going to be a 12 day trip to Canada with Chaperones. The class would learn about the culture, food, and the language. French is the language that is spoken in Canada. My French class wasn't able to go because not enough students signed up to go. Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Ontario are the desired areas that I want to visit.
Italy Growing up I ate Italian food, it's not my 2nd favorite food for nothing. That's one of the reasons why I love Italian food! I've always wanted to visit Italy. I want to learn how to speak fluent Italian. Italy is a country that I know that I will love when I come and visit! Sicily, Rome, and Florence are my desired areas that I want to visit.
Spain Spain like Canada is a country I've always wanted to visit. I want to learn to be able to speak Spanish fluently like I want to learn how to speak Italian fluently. I want to visit Madrid and learn the Spanish culture. A lot of jobs are hiring people who are bilingual. I grew up eating some Spanish food. Spain is on my countries that I would like to visit someday.
London I can count how many people that I've met that are from England where I'm from. They speak with the English accent. There are a few that grew up in the U.K. and live in the US. I feel that I can adapt to the culture once I visit this country. I've had some English food and I know how delicious their food it!
Jerusalem Where I'm from we have a wonderful supermarket in West Hartford, CT called Crowns Supermarket in Bishop's Corner. Crowns have wonderful Jewish food. Me & my family have been going to Crowns for so many years. Crowns have wonderful Noodle Kugel (A Jewish pudding with fruit). I've heard it's recommended eaten warm for best taste; it's served at the deli in Crowns. Jewish tea biscuits is another wonderful Jewish treat. There is a lot of sightseeing that I know I would want to do in Jerusalem. Adapting to Jewish language and culture is something I know I would love while visiting Jerusalem. I can count how many Jewish Americans that are in the US where I'm from. There are a lot of Americans who have relocated to Jerusalem and have become American Israeli citizens to start a wonderful life for their family!
Susan Wenszell and her daughter Katie were nearly killed by a train while vacationing in Atlanta, GA. A man pushed Susan in front of the train and Katie jumped in the way to protect her my mom from getting hit. Both women were hurt and had to be hospitalized. Katie had to have one of her foot amputated and is in critical condition. Katie's mom, Susan suffered only minor injuries. Jerry Wenszell, Susan's wife and Katie's daughter learned from Katie's sister about the whole ordeal that Susan and Katie went through. Jerry believed if it was not for Katie risking her life to save Susan that Jerry's wife Susan would have been brought home in a funeral. Katie is a true hero.😤👏👏
I felt led to share this story because hero's come in many ways. We hear stories all of the time how mom or dad risk their life to save their children's life and we see there are children that would do the same for their parents. I was glad to hear about the crazy lunatic man was arrested for pushing Susan into a moving train. The lunatic man should be in a Psychiatric (Mental) hospital because he has a mental problem. Once again, Katie showed her bravery looking out for her mom!📣
I remember when I used to go to the movies when I was little and get tickets and $5, $7.50, or $10 for spending money would be enough for popcorn, soda, and some snacks. That was a different time and a different era back when snacks wasn't too pricey. The movies wasn't too pricey back then either. So what do you do? It's recommended that you purchase your favorite classics on CD or DVD for cheap and play your favorite movie or movies on your CD player or your DVD player at home. The snacks are too pricey because the spending money you need is like $20 or more now. If you're into buying your favorite movie snacks for really reasonable, then go to your favorite grocery store. I will have listed below some really good popular movie snacks for my readers and fellow bloggers to enjoy!
Popcorn Now you can't watch your favorite movie without popcorn. Watching a movie without a bowl or tub of popcorn we all know would not be the same. Kettle corn or white cheddar (just saying) are really good flavors of popcorn. Whatever you like on your popcorn or with your popcorn, go for it! Kettle corn and M & M's are a delicious combination!
Milk Duds This old school candy is a classic movie favorite. This snack is delicious and I enjoy the way it stick to my teeth whenever I eat them, lol. Watching classics would not be the same without this snack. Milk duds and raisinets are a must have!
Mike & Ikes Mike & Ikes and Sour patches are really good movie snacks. Be prepared to wash these snacks down with some ice cold drink because you will be thirsty. I enjoy Mike & Ikes whenever I eat them. These old school candy snacks never stop being a favorite or fond memories of watching movies at the movie theater or at home.
Homemade Soft Pretzels This is really good when you're watching your favorite movie or movies. Cheese sauce is a must have when eating these delicious homemade soft pretzels. You can choose to get your favorite soft pretzels at concession stands or at a restaurant. I prefer to get mine at Cumberland Farms because they taste just as good and not too pricey.
Fruit Punch People don't usually get fruit punch when they go to the movies. They will drink Mountain Dew, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, etc. If there is fruit punch at the movie theter, it's a rarity but popular old school drink. In all honesty, I used to drink the flavors of sodas that I've mentioned but if I had to pick out of soda and fruit drinks now I will drink fruit drinks over the sodas. Back then I would have chosen soda over fruit punch hands down!
Growing up in the 80's and 90's I remember the 3 R's. Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic. We were taught the 5 W's, too (Who, what, when, where, and why). We learned cursive writing is what we had to do when I was in 3rd grade in elementary school. I remember watching some of the following educational shows: Square One, 321 Contact, Double Dare, After school special, Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego, etc. We were taught Common Sense in school. Common Core was not even thought of when I was in elementary school. We did use computers when I was growing up in elementary school. There was no internet, social media wasn't even thought of, and the only spell check we did is when we manually wrote the correct word, phrase, and punctuation, typing it on the computer with sentences that had fragments, run-ons, comma splices, etc. For me that was a big help for me writing complete sentences. There were other kids who used "hooked on phonics" who had problem reading on grade level. There were other kids who had a speech teacher, who helped them with pronunciation, the resources were there and the teachers made sure the students got the help that needed in order to succeed when I was in elementary school. Basically, computer was strictly used for learning and learning only when I was in elementary school. For fun, our teacher let us play Wheel of Fortune on computer and The Oregon Trail only if everyone had their homework and classwork done. Nowadays, a good education comes from either homeschooling, which I think is a wonderful thing and I can't knock it and K-12 online which is advertised online. None of this was thought of when I was going to elementary school. From K-6 grade, we stayed in one classroom when I was in elementary school. We were taught 7 subjects which varied from grades the following: Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, Language Arts, Music, and Art. We got both a letter grade and a number grade. E- Excellent, G- Good, S- Satisfactory, and U- Unsatisfactory, 1- Excellent, 2- Good, 3- Satisfactory, and 4- Unsatisfactory or Poor. In elementary school from K-2 grade I got the letter grades above (E- Excellent, G- Good, S- Satisfactory, and U- Unsatisfactory). From 3 grade-6th grade, I got grades of A, B, C, D, and U along with the number grades (1- Excellent, 2- Good, 3- Satisfactory, and 4- Unsatisfactory or Poor). We always got progress reports for each marking period, (there were 4 marking periods) from 7th-12th grade we just got letter grades and moved to different rooms. Teachers and parents had parent teacher conferences when need be, especially if the parent or parents child or children were on a verge of failing. The progress reports were to make sure that the parent or parents knew if their child or children were doing well or not so well in their classes. Teachers encouraged the parent or parents to continue to encourage their child or children to continue to do summer reading programs, quiz them on homework to help their kids prepare for tests or quizzes, tell their kids to continue their study habits. This would help their child or children be prepared for harder subjects when they get passed to the next grade and when he or she graduate from high school they will understand why taking good notes and studying really "paid off."
To all of my readers and fellow bloggers I felt led to write a blog about some of my favorite childhood commercials. In all honesty, the commercials that they show on TV now I have no comment about. Advertising through commercials is all about promoting some of the following: Food, clothes, products, toys, movies, TV shows, cartoons, etc. Most of the advertisement through these commercials were good "attention grabbers" that persuaded us to get those which are promoted in the commercials. Listed below I will have some of my favorite childhood commercials. I will have the 80's era commercials because I grew up in the 80's and 90's. Readers and fellow bloggers you're encouraged to think about your favorite commercials in your era. We may not all come from the same era but we all know good commercials. The commercials are a lot different in today's era.
I was a little boy when they used to advertise "where is the beef" commercial for Wendy's. The senior ladies is who made this commercial funny, lol. The timing and the way the senior lady would ask where is the beef about 3 or 4 times. Commercial is combined with 2 Wendy's commercials.
Too bad this store is closed. I used to enjoy the advertisements when I was a kid. Parents were busy shopping big time for Thanksgiving and Christmas, lol for their kids at Toys R US.
"Mikey likes it he really likes it!" Life commercial was popular in the 70's and I used watch this commercial a lot on TV when I was little in the 80's. I've had the cereal Life and I really like it! My favorite Life cereal is Cinnamon.
My baby-sitter used to watch this a lot when she used to watch me when I was little. She was into jewelry. When they used to advertise jewelry on the Home Shopping Club, I thought that addiction that people who bought things using their credit cards back in the 1980's was a normal addiction. The advertisers would grab the attention of those who wanted to buy things and offer them something for free.
I was a big Sally Struthers fan and I'm still am because I remember this commercial used to play a lot when I was little. It seemed like people wasn't trying to rip people off as much back in the 80's. This commercial made me realize "how good I really have it" when I would think that there is not enough food in the house. My favorite thing to say was, "I'm hungry" but when this commercial would play with kids who are in Ethiopia, who didn't have food or clothes I changed my attitude when I was kid. They just don't make commercials like these mentioned in my blog anymore.
Carmelo Anthony does improves the Houston Rockets chances at giving themselves a "fighter's chance" at beating the Golden State Warriors. As a Rockets fan 14 years now, I'm on board with whoever can help the Rockets win. I may not always agree with the player or players who come to the Rockets, only because their work ethic and leadership can be questionable at times. It sounds like I'm referring to Carmelo Anthony. Melo have a track record of pushing a trade from NBA teams who didn't want to give him the b-ball at critical moments of games and he has criticized players on his team who didn't help him carry the scoring load when Melo put 30 plus or 40 plus points. Is Melo worth the gamble? I questioned Dwight Howard's work ethic and leadership ability when we brought him to the Rockets in 2014. I didn't question Tracy McGrady's work ethic and leadership ability when we brought him to the Rockets back in 2004 until 2009 when the Rockets got past the first round when T-Mac was injured. I'm saying this to say this, I'm all for who come to the Rockets, as long as their attitude that they want to contribute in any way that they can to help the Rockets win, then I will be happy for the player or players who come to my team.
Mollie Tibbetts 20, have been missing since July 18, 2018. Praying that Mollie is returned home safely to her family in Brooklyn, IA. Praying that people who have seen or who know where Mollie have went will tell authorities looking for Mollie so they can inform Mollie's parents that they found Mollie safe. 2 Thessalonians 5:17 King James Version (KJV) "Pray without ceasing." Mollie mentioned in a video that her aunt sent to Mollie 2 years ago that Mollie has never gotten on her knees to pray to you Lord but she need to know that you will be an answer to those who are praying for Mollie. I believe through this, Mollie will be able to understand that she can get on her knees and ask you for help Lord. John 15:7 (KJV) "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." 6:6 (KJV) "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." In Jesus name, AMEN. 🙏🙏🙏
Flau'jae is a 14-year-old rapper, who earned the Golden Buzzer from Guest Judge Chris Hardwick on America's Got Talent (AGT) last night. This young teenage girl has been rapping since she was 5. I felt from watching Flau'jae's performance that she was going to get the Golden Buzzer to be in the live shows on judges cut. The young teenager deserved and proved that an up and coming rapping like her have a chance to win on AGT. Flau'jae "raised the bar," in this AGT competition that is stacked with a lot of talented acts. Can Flau'jae win, she has a chance and is definitely Top 10 material. Rap is not thought of positively but Flau'jae's message is positive and proves that growing up in the hood can change people in a positive way as long as the message is positive. Hearing her story about her late father who was an up and coming rapper at 20 and how his life was cut short due to gun violence can inspire those growing up in the inner city who lost a parent or parents that they, too like Flau'jae can "weather the storm" and that they can still follow their dreams and think about those who were a positive influence in their life like Flau'jae's mom is a positive influence in her life encouraging Flau'jae to follow her dreams and never give up. This act definitely Golden Buzzer worthy!😤👏
Do this muggy weather have you stuck indoors? Do you miss going to the movies, traveling, and eating out at your favorite days to eat out restaurant because of the hot and humid weather? Don't fret a lot of people feel the same way. I'm going to mention some of my favorite iced cold beverages that I enjoy drinking when temperatures are in low till upper 90's (heatwave for Connecticut). Some of my readers and fellow bloggers may agree or disagree with my beverages selection. It's cool we all have different ways that we deal with the heat and weather sometimes the storms that come about in this muggy weather.
Sweet Tea When I went to Chattanooga, TN I was schooled by the locals on what the difference was between sweet tea and iced tea. The Tennesseans reminded me that sweet tea has a lot of sugar and iced tea has no sugar. I grew up drinking Lipton tea and all that time I was drinking sweet. I also grew up drinking half and half (half sweet tea and half lemonade). Sweet tea and unsweetened tea is served at all the restaurants. Growing up north we were told that sweet or unsweetened tea is considered ice tea. Us New Englanders know better now. Whether you like sweet tea, half and half or both, this is an excellent beverage to drink during the muggy summer.
Lemonade or Pink Lemonade Whether you like drinking regular lemonade or pink lemonade or both this beverage is awesome for this muggy kind of weather. I really enjoy using ink to match the color of picture image props! 😉 If you ever did work that made you sweat like general labor or janitorial work, then you would understand why drinking lemonade orpink lemonade like they say "hits the spot."People who work in 90 plus degree temperatures find a iced cold beverage like lemonade orpink lemonade to be a thirst quencher.
Root Beer Float Do Root Beer Floats really make great iced cold beverages when the weather is muggy? Of course. The mixture of root beer soda and vanilla ice cream is a wonderful combination to beat the heat when you are stuck indoors. I used to enjoy drinking these a lot growing up during the summer times. It's highly recommended that you go to City Fish Market, Inc and enjoy you some really good fish and chips. After 5PM is when it's not as humid so that's perfect weather temperature wise and then wash the fish and chips down with a big glass of root beer float. Whether you like homemade root beer floats from restaurants or making your own homemade root beer, root beer floats is a good beat the heat beverage to drink.
Iced Coffee Iced coffee is perhaps one of the most popular beverages to drink to beat the muggy weather. Cumberland Farms have really good iced coffee for .99 any size. I have not had iced coffee in a while. Readers and fellow bloggers whether you like your iced coffee homemade or drinking your iced coffee at a restaurant, it's a thirst quencher!
Strawberry Blueberry Smoothie Smoothies are good for a lot of things. Good to have for breakfast and good for dessert, too. Smoothies make really good beverages to beat the humidity, too. Whether you like your smoothies from restaurants or making your own smoothies, it's a thirst quencher. Strawberry blueberry smoothie is my favorite smoothie that's why I got a pic of that particular smoothie on my blog. You're encouraged to drink your favorite smoothie or smoothies.
Wow, this waitress really want to make things right. The waitress at El Charro Cafe in Tucson, AZ apologizes for stealing $1,000 20 years ago. The woman could have just kept quiet and never said a word because no one would know right? Well, this woman grew up in the church and remember the commandment, "Thou shalt not steal," and that reminded her that God knew that what the waitress was doing was wrong and the waitress couldn't be at peace with herself. The woman wrote a hand-written apology letter by the way (BTW) very neat penmanship, and have the money, cash that is, said that a waiter who she worked with told her to not ring up a few drinks and the waitress listened to him. This woman in my humble opinion should be forgiven for what she has done. This woman wanted to make things right and even though people may wonder why it took 20 years for this waitress to make things right, you have to ask yourself what would you have done if you have been in her situation. It took a lot of courage for this woman to apologize and make up for it paying the restaurant back the money that she stole. I'm sure at the time, this woman never thought that a co-worker would have told her to do something wrong like steal. The woman said that she had grew up in church and have never stolen before she stole money at the restaurant and have not stolen again after she stole money from the restaurant. Apology heartfelt=Apology Accepted and Waitress Forgiven. My 2 Cents.🙇😞😟