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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Hero Daughter Is Seriously Injured Saving Mom From Oncoming Train

Susan Wenszell and her daughter Katie were nearly killed by a train while vacationing in Atlanta, GA. A man pushed Susan in front of the train and Katie jumped in the way to protect her my mom from getting hit. Both women were hurt and had to be hospitalized. Katie had to have one of her foot amputated and is in critical condition. Katie's mom, Susan suffered only minor injuries. Jerry Wenszell, Susan's wife and Katie's daughter learned from Katie's sister about the whole ordeal that Susan and Katie went through. Jerry believed if it was not for Katie risking her life to save Susan that Jerry's wife Susan would have been brought home in a funeral. Katie is a true hero.😤👏👏

I felt led to share this story because hero's come in many ways. We hear stories all of the time how mom or dad risk their life to save their children's life and we see there are children that would do the same for their parents. I was glad to hear about the crazy lunatic man was arrested for pushing Susan into a moving train. The lunatic man should be in a Psychiatric (Mental) hospital because he has a mental problem. Once again, Katie showed her bravery looking out for her mom!📣

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