In a blog that I wrote Some common things that people enjoy collecting, 2 of the things that I've mentioned were Family Scrapbook and Family Recipes. There are people who have collectible items as part of their family heirlooms which is not uncommon. Family heirlooms are passed down from generation to generation. Family heirlooms is and will always be priceless! I'm going to list some common family heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation. My readers and fellow bloggers will find some of these heirlooms to be similar family heirlooms that were passed down from generation in their family and so forth.
Family Tea Set
Not only is a tea set a common family heirloom, it has sentimental value, too. For example, tea parties are common when family get together. Mom's and daughters especially spend time together when there is a mother-daughter event. English tea parties "rubs off" on Americans where they can enjoy them, too. This family heirloom is passed down from generation to generation. Tea sets are priceless and can't be replaced if they are damaged.

Family Toolbox
From generations to generations, fixing and repairing things have always been going on and still going on today. People have always used tools for that very reason. When fathers and sons get together they normally try to show off their skills at fixing and building things and they have a special room that they call a "man cave." This particular area can be the den or the basement it all depends on the area. Anyway, family toolbox is a common family heirloom for the simple reason there will always be things that need to be fixed.
Family Vase
Vases that are handmade are priceless! The ones that are made of glass that can break into pieces are cheap and not worth keeping as a family heirloom. There are people who enjoy making vases and tend to take up ceramics class to try to duplicate an original authentic handmade vase. Flowers are good for both the cheap and handmade vases. Keep these collectible handmade vases in the family and this will be passed down from generation to generation and so forth.

Family Jewels
Brooches, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pearls, diamonds, chains, watches, rings, etc, once this have been bought and stored in a chest, it's priceless! These items could never be replaced when they are lost. This family heirloom is passed down from generation to generation forever. It's important to keep it in the family and that way no one will ever have to buy any of these items. Special occasions for example, like weddings is no problem, the generation before you bought all of those jewelries in advance so generations to come would be set for life!

Family Business
Nothing says keeping it in the family like the family business. Whether a family run a business such as a restaurant, a car wash, or even a gift shop, the family want to maintain a good honest reputation. Like they say, "it only takes one dishonest person to mess up everything." That is why its really important that the family business is passed down to family who they can trust to hire honest people who will keep the business running smoothly like the generations before them have.
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