I remember when I used to go to the movies when I was little and get tickets and $5, $7.50, or $10 for spending money would be enough for popcorn, soda, and some snacks. That was a different time and a different era back when snacks wasn't too pricey. The movies wasn't too pricey back then either. So what do you do? It's recommended that you purchase your favorite classics on CD or DVD for cheap and play your favorite movie or movies on your CD player or your DVD player at home. The snacks are too pricey because the spending money you need is like $20 or more now. If you're into buying your favorite movie snacks for really reasonable, then go to your favorite grocery store. I will have listed below some really good popular movie snacks for my readers and fellow bloggers to enjoy!

Now you can't watch your favorite movie without popcorn. Watching a movie without a bowl or tub of popcorn we all know would not be the same. Kettle corn or white cheddar (just saying) are really good flavors of popcorn. Whatever you like on your popcorn or with your popcorn, go for it! Kettle corn and M & M's are a delicious combination!

Milk Duds
This old school candy is a classic movie favorite. This snack is delicious and I enjoy the way it stick to my teeth whenever I eat them, lol. Watching classics would not be the same without this snack. Milk duds and raisinets are a must have!

Mike & Ikes
Mike & Ikes and Sour patches are really good movie snacks. Be prepared to wash these snacks down with some ice cold drink because you will be thirsty. I enjoy Mike & Ikes whenever I eat them. These old school candy snacks never stop being a favorite or fond memories of watching movies at the movie theater or at home.

Homemade Soft Pretzels
This is really good when you're watching your favorite movie or movies. Cheese sauce is a must have when eating these delicious homemade soft pretzels. You can choose to get your favorite soft pretzels at concession stands or at a restaurant. I prefer to get mine at Cumberland Farms because they taste just as good and not too pricey.
Fruit Punch
People don't usually get fruit punch when they go to the movies. They will drink Mountain Dew, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, etc. If there is fruit punch at the movie theter, it's a rarity but popular old school drink. In all honesty, I used to drink the flavors of sodas that I've mentioned but if I had to pick out of soda and fruit drinks now I will drink fruit drinks over the sodas. Back then I would have chosen soda over fruit punch hands down!
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